As of a few days ago I started geting that 502 Gateway error and it is either that or jibberish I get, but no downloads although I have been trying daily. Never used to have a problem. Now I can't download a thing on any day from here. OH by the way, I am using XP and IE7.
My seen jibberish usually looks something like this.. either that or that 502 error:
PKPž;žt•T3 readme.txtU’A‹Ü0 …ïü]&mo{èa¶ôÐRèì¡·ª‰œˆ:R°å Ù_¿rB» ¹ÙOOß{ÎWɆ1¢±JÛ´Í‹¼ò6,ØÿÅ‘`ÓòûF0è*Qq PàcnWf ¶b¢s5¸*$9¥:š ×e';l“Ž ç3Œ ¦ð¤@×}†Ç²íÆK¢œáIÅX ëŒÀ3 çéW7LqÈàûª¶ £3lDîI²³¢á¥ÂÔï—˜Ðø¶Ôlð‡‚ºEEúÂ7Â7ÐœÚÏïbgÐ¥ÝñJiÎ;h¯2p-×ó‘Ð7‹ZõD»wð"þxW_Û %±Œ÷ %Öºa¦|$«×AcÔµŠy^4Šyâ™m¼üÐ6Nð]!$rê'á#ä²TuÛ||¿-‹¿ÁàæÞI(VÑæ#̧ü´Ä½ÅÍóHç3¥žÝ«dÿ#ÞPKÈŽž;:8sš¥PÇ®5Ê Setup.exeì:mtSU¶÷6·iØF'Õ(2ÖT©,$õMß´,ƒ-m„Rnú‘(”ž¥sLM±-¥PÒ é!€ëéZ¼YÎz8OfpTDÇõV‘·$m¡¥0”/ÁAuñÆS Z¡Áûö>ç&MÓ2ü߽]7÷ž}ÎÞgï}ö×9· mt‚ Hp«ª ´ ürÿø2ˆ‚<õýdá½ Ç~Ü&ûq©òôsÖÕ5«~^³ìYëSËV®\å³þÛrkMíJëÓ+y K¬Ï®ªZ>ãöÛo³i48òLû
502 Bad Gateway Error Discussion
(103 posts) (31 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
502 Bad Gateway - nginx/0.5.33 - Hope this ends soon...
This post is a bit late considering that I found the different workarounds described above myself in the days following it’s first occurence.
I’ve been so bussy I just didn’t think of coming to this forum any sooner– shame on me and sorry to you all!Also, I’m posting this out of sheer frustration – on the verge of getting a bit angry even
I’m using IE8 and Google Chrome most of the time and am contemplating installing Firefox. The 502 is no end user problem, however, but a server problem. Adding Firefox won’t change a thing –as is clear from other users’ comments.
The ominous 502-message keeps popping up time after time, whichever way I try to download the GOTD software the “normal” way (i.e. using mirrors, going via the calendar on the right hand side,..) Only after some four or five repeated trials on avarage, with ample pauses between them, do I succeed in downloading that way.
Furthermore it also does it’s thing when I try to post a comment on the comments section.
Now I write my comments –if any- in Word or some other wordprocessor, paste it into comments and try to send it… again only succeeding after several trials. But one can hardly call this a workaround… It just saves me some (or a lot of) time not having to type everything n times over.I hope 502 doesn’t catch me sending this here post ;-)
Here the problem started around Dec 6 (way before Xmass) and has gotten increasingly worse. In fact it has become a dayly nuisance ever since Xmass and I have no idea wether it has reached it’s peak or wether it will make the site totally inaccessible at some time in the near future.
502 has been mentionned in the comments section over and over again. Some users actually have giving up on a specific GOTD repeatedly (or on GOTD’s site all together?)
What I find rather a “disgrace” is that to this date no explanation, comment or other response has been provided by GOTD’s webmaster or -team, and (seemingly) nobody is doing anything about it.
The clock keeps on ticking, however.
24 Hours remain 24 hours whether the server is down or overloaded or not, whether connections break up or not. The way things are now 24 hours are less than 24 hours. Appart from other time related issues this one REALLY needs looking into! Not doing so shows a downright lack of decency and respect towards GOTD’s “customers”.GOTD should NOT consider sending out an e-mail message to all it’s users. That would only increase server load and therefore is no option!
At least GOTD could display a bannermessage on top of it’s pages(s) providing some excuse or feedback on this until the problem is solved[b]. IMHO such an insertion does not require lots and lots of work, does not result in server overload and would be the least decent thing to do.
Neglecting users the way GOTD is doing is insulting. It shows a deplorable attitude I for one had not expected. Let’s hope GOTD opts for an attitude change and solves the problem soon.
Pat.PS: For the rest GOTD has been doing a good job. Appreciate even though I miss the reviews that were included until recently (Where’s Ashraf gone?).
Posted 15 years ago # -
Adding my two cent complaint - if it posts even... 502's: if they persist, I'm dumping this site - what's the sense in wasting my time reading, deciding and getting 502'd?
I tried FF and IE and still get 502s every time since JAN1, so ----
I know the GOTD guys don't care about one single user, but this user is G-O-N-E, and the link comes off my website if I get ONE MORE 502.
There's other places to get plenty of great software.
promytiusPosted 15 years ago # -
For people having trouble downloading today's giveaway: Gray,feel free to remove if we're not allowed posting the direct link.
Posted 15 years ago # -
As this is "our own link" - I would say it's okay :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Let me try and clear up some misconceptions. I don't do this because I want to cram my opinion down anyone's throat. I just don't want to see people getting frustrated going over the same old ground when the evidence points in other directions.
First, though my critics might be shocked, I firmly believe that GOTD cares and is very likely working on this problem. Most certainly they're aware of it. The problem is that GOTD, like MANY, MANY businesses feel that to admit they're having difficulties of any kind will hurt business, including spooking developers that they are negotiating with. However, since they, fortunately, haven't wanted to spend the time to resort to the regrettable tactic of censoring the comments page, some developers have probably already seen people over there complain about the 502s. It's been going on for a LONG time. Also, keeping quiet about it doesn't help their image with the users, since there's no way to hide the 502s from us. LOL.
They do have a mechanism for notifying the users, Algernon - the blog you can see on the right hand side, but they're reluctant to use it for bad news.
Second, I hate to see people waste a lot of time on their browsers when the evidence points to server problems. For one thing, if you research the 502 message, you'll see what I'm saying. (this one is a more specialist explanation - scroll down to "what you can do about it" to see that there's nothing on your end.), the 502 errors are not directly related to the sites redesign - though there's a possibility (hard to say) that it might have aggravated it - and we've been having them for quite awhile:
That's the first mention I found of it. That's in January of LAST year. By May it had become frequent enough to be noticed regularly:
although it was first reported on the French site a couple of times in the summer of '08. It comes and goes, but may be becoming chronic.
Fourth, if you search the forums you'll see that people have had the problem with all browsers, and been able to get through with all browsers. Including Chrome and Opera. Myself, I'm completely up to standard. I have IE7 and Firefox 3.5.7. My Java is 6.17. And I sometimes still get a 502. I admit, key activation problems and problems opening the reviews section of the new website often are on the user end. But there's no consistent evidence that 502 errors are.
Again, for download problems, I highly recommend you try the foreign language sites. You get the download in English and the traffic on those sites are MUCH less. Probably, especially on the less widespread languages, like the new Romanian site. If there are not a lot of comments, there's probably not a lot of traffic, either.
Finally, let me clear up one more misconception, John. Part of the web infrastructure GOTD uses appears to be in California, so they use Pacific Standard Time. Getting the new giveaway as soon as it comes out - and posting comments on it then - is quite popular. We've got many users out on the West Coast - like Ashraf - who wait until midnight, their time, and "get in on the ground floor", as the old saying goes. And GOTD is hardly confined to North America. I can use three of our excellent forum moderators as examples. Graylox is located in Germany, Whiterabbit in England, and Bubby is an Aussie. (OY! OY! OY! Corny, but I couldn't resist. :) ) So, when you post at 4am from your location in Texas, it's only 1 hour into the giveaway. Actually, you're posting at the busiest time.
Sorry if I come off arrogantly, but I do try and do my homework, and I hate to see people waste time or feel frustration because of unintentional misconceptions. I know this is info. you good folks may have not had, so I posted.
Posted 15 years ago # -
One correction from my previous post. 4am in Texas is 2 hours into the giveaway, not 1 as I said, but it's still just at the tail end of the busiest part of the day for GOTD.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Thanks for the info. In general we're on the same wavelength, but the question remains what GOTD is actually going to do about it. Following up on my suggestion that "At least GOTD could display a bannermessage on top of it’s pages(s) providing some excuse or feedback on this until the problem is solved. IMHO such an insertion does not require lots and lots of work, does not result in server overload and would be the least decent thing to do." might be a step in the right direction. It doesn't solve the problem but it may keep people from screwing up their own systems when trying to adjust their browser setting (for example).You have also given me some insight on the second issue that has been boggling me: time zones. I'm Belgium resident and for time reference I use GMT+1. Calculating back -or should that be "forward" :) - to Pacific Standard Time should not be all too difficult. To some people however, it may be a bit confusing. The message "You have HH hours MM minutes to download and install" does not always fit the 24 hour window. I have to reckon an offset of some 2 hours and shifting -very strange, that shift; probably due to my mailserver (?). Thus 24 hours gives 22 effective hours. I will have to figure this one out in more detail. To insert a digital clock showing start of GOTD release time next to user local time may be a usefull "gadget" -or something along these lines. Worth considering?
Still "GOTD has been doing a good job. Appreciate!"
PS: By the way: Who's who on GOTD's staff? Would be nice to know. You see, I'm a rather inquisitive person ;-)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Well, Pat, to your last question, assuming you're serious, even asking that can sometimes get a less than positive reaction. One of my posts was dismissed as being trivial in this thread earlier this week when someone thought I was asking that. Actually, I just wanted to clarify the point that the moderators over here - with one exception - have no control over what goes on over on the comments page. And even that one person doesn't have any direct influence over the overall direction of GOTD. Those posts have been removed, and I'm glad for it. I got mad over being dismissed AND not being properly read, and said some ugly things to an outstanding member of this forum. But, it does help to be sure what someone is saying before you criticize. I've been guilty of it, myself, and have had to apologize for it.
It goes back to what I said, GOTD likes to be secretive. We have one moderator over here - not the aforementioned - who, I believe, is GOTD staff and may be the founder, but that's just a guess. That person - who's screen name is "Admin", and who has chosen the designation "Keymaster", vice "moderator or admin" - rarely posts, and may rarely come here at all. Another deep, dark secret. Actually, I'm not interested in who the actual people are. I'm - though my critics won't believe this - neutral on the whole subject, except to inform new members that they shouldn't expect GOTD to be forthcoming when the project has a problem, to be very communicative, or to give much of a sign they're aware of what we say in the forums. Whether that's good or bad, is up to the individual member to decide. I know what I think, and so do my critics. Unfortunately, I actually have great respect for my critics, and am a big booster of GOTD - though I'm sure many wouldn't believe that - I just disagree on 2 points on how to run the railroad. One is that GOTD should be more communicative - for THEIR benefit, not mine - and the other is that, when new people come here complaining in frustration, the relevant information should be explained to them first. Unfortunately, if the newbie is particularly upset or suspicious, (I'm NOT using your post as an example) some of my fellow forum members have a tendency to jump down their throats, on occasion. This not only shews away a new member, but also fails to answer their accusations properly. Unfortunately, along with their legitimate criticisms, the mistaken impressions that are fueled by a simple lack of information remain unanswered for all to see and sometimes "poison the well", as the old saying goes.
You and I will have to disagree on the proper notification method. I think if they would just use the blog that they actually created for this type of thing, that would be sufficient. After all, it's in a pretty visible place in the upper right hand corner. Sometimes, I think it's our fault for not reading it, though it often lays dormant so long that we get out of the habit of looking for new posts.
As to the time zone thing, I've misstated slightly. I should say PST, PDT. In the fall and spring, differences in daylight saving time are bound to cause some confusion, although, if your not getting a full 24 hours sometimes, that's different. Perhaps it would be better if I said that GOTDs new day begins at 0800 UTC/GMT in the winter, and 0700 in the summer. That might clear up some confusion.
Fascinating to hear from someone from Belgium. How are you enjoying the record cold snap? We're having the same problem over here, though I'm far enough South, in Kentucky, that's it hasn't really been a burden, just an inconvenience. If you want to chat about that, or anything, feel free to PM me. It would be nice to hear from you.
Edit: also - this is another deep, dark secret - but I've always suspected that GOTD has basically remained the cottage industry project it started out as, and doesn't have much staff. It probably doesn't even have any true employees, but is a part-time entrepreneurial venture. This is probably the real truth behind much of the problem, they just don't have the personal to handle lots of issues quickly. I certainly wouldn't expect them to admit that - and wouldn't ask them - it might hurt the project. But, pretending you don't have problems when you do, and not simply addressing people's concerns by saying that your working on a problem, doesn't help either.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Regardless of the politics of online business and anything else exhaustively rehearsed on this thread, the fact is that GOTD is a tecchie-oriented site and its continuing failure to successfully address, never mind acknowledge, the Bad Gateway situation is as ironic as it is absurd.
Sorting out a problem of Internet address protocols isn't the most advanced task in the world -- especially, one would've thought, for a site that can completely clutter itself with daft "stockies", the number and frequency of which exceeds any other known site anywhere on the Internet.
GOTD users such as myself who have spent time and effort responding to GOTD's overtures are repeatedly being frustrated by GOTD's own enduring incompetence -- not only is the 'bad gateway' a now regular phenomenon, difficulties in even getting a downloaded app to activate ('It is not possible to connect at this time, please try again later') are fast becoming the norm rather than the exception.
Best thing GOTD can do now is take the entire site off-line for a few days and sort out the mess.
(And while it's doing so, kill those idiotic 'stickies' it has so ill-advisedly covered itself in.)
Posted 15 years ago # -
You make some good points, Richard, though I'd have to quibble on 2 things. This is a "techie" oriented site? I'm a low level techie, and I haven't noticed that. To make a joke, if anything GOTD has become mainly a site for people who want to capture flash's off the internet (or perform some other media file related task). LOL. Edit: if anything, I wish that some of the people that visit GOTD were more techie. End of edit. I still see this as a business site. I don't think it's much different from what the game sites, like Gametop, do. Some business sites have all their technical ducks in a row, some small ones don't always.
If GOTD, as I suspect, is really a small scale side project, wouldn't the problem that they can't keep up with certain bugs be more understandable, though I'm not saying justifiable? Maybe they just got too ambitious with their recent changes. A new design is only useful if it alleviates more problems than it creates. I think that's hard to say for sure, in this case. Though, I'm definitely NOT saying that the 502 problem is the result of the redesign of the site. It's just that they may have bitten off a little more than they can chew right now.
Also, has anyone taken into account that GOTD may not have the money to up their bandwidth right now? Still, they might have to take your suggestion. They do, every once in a blue moon, take the site down for maintenance. In fact, they just did it on Dec. 7.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well and in good health.
Whether we are new to the forums or not, everyone has the right to ask questions even if GOTD executives and paid staff choose not to answer them (for whatever reason).
Moreover, if members are asking valid, legitimate questions, then nobody involved with the GOTD operation should be insulted, angry, or upset by these questions.
The below constructive suggestions are for GOTD's benefit - believe it or not.
___________________________________________________________________________________I believe GOTD should be 100% transparent and, like any other reputable company, should make available (to its customers) its full contact information, to include mailing address, phone number, fax number, and customer support email address.
In fact, GOTD should divulge (to its customers) the names of its CEOs & paid staff, so as to be accessible to (and generate much goodwill towards) their customers.
In today's global business economy, this is the only way a company will survive.
That said, hope everyone has a wonderful day!
InasPosted 15 years ago # -
Hi everybody! I just wanted to chime in again and say that I agree with Watcher's two points. I think that GOTD should post something acknowledging this issue. It lets their customers know that they are not a faceless machine, but a caring group of people. They do not need to say much, just that they realize there is a problem and that they are working on it. We can handle seeing something like that. Many of us have been using the internet since it began. We are used to bugs. Communication is something that was stressed in every single business class that I have taken (I graduated in 2007 with a business degree.) Let the customer know when there is a problem and work with them to solve it. They will stay a customer and even recommend others use your service simply because you care! After all, it is easier to keep a customer than it is to find a new one.
As for Watcher's second point, yes we should be patient with the new members of our community. I originally came here looking for help and found a very helpful community. Others have not been so lucky though. We need to remind ourselves that not everyone has as much computer knowledge as we might, or that English may not be their first language. Let's give them as much help as we can before we consider them a troll. Thankfully I think that this problem does not happen as often here as it does on other boards.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi everyone,
In all organization (big or small), there comes a time when popularity exceeds available resources, this is normally lumped up under the expression "Growing Pains".
If this is a programming error ( like when the upstream server and the gateway/proxy do not agree on the protocol for exchanging data ) and given that Internet protocols are quite clear, it often means that one or both machines have been incorrectly or incompletely programmed and that should be addressed.
If there is no programming error and this only affects Technical Resources, an infusion of money will help add space, bandwith, ETC ...
But if this also affects Financial Resources, the situation is not as easy to fix.
I agree with the opinions expressed here and find that GOTD owners/creators should be more open/transparent/responsive about the problem.
After all, directly informing us would kind of show that they consider us as an intelligent well-meaning community and not only mere clients.
A kind of balm to temporarily sooth while they work on the cure!
We have demonstrated time and time again that we are a good/kind community (with some exceptions) and that we are willing to try and help.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Wow! I didn't want to post for fear of being seen as wanting to have the last word, but I just had to say those are 3 quite elegantly written and intelligent posts, whether I agree with the particulars or not (I mainly do.). Darn! Wish I'd have said that. I'm jealous. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
The good news is all download links seem to be working just fine on the US page.
I can even take a look at the reviews when using Firefox.
(hope I didn't speak too soon)So..I guess someone noticed this thread(thanks Watcher)... and they're is working on it !
The bad news...what are we to complain about Next.LOL.Posted 15 years ago # -
Hey there Watcher (Paul, correct?) thank you for your wonderful compliment - your support is much appreciated.
I believe we all have GOTD's best intentions at heart, so I genuinely hope that all of our esteemed and highly-regarded friends at GOTD (including our wonderful MODs) appreciate and value our input, as I'm sure they do.
By the way, I am one who very much values your feedback and comments, as you always make excellent points that (I believe) would benefit GOTD.
InasPosted 15 years ago # -
Thanks Robert and Inas, but I definitely don't deserve any credit if the situation is improving. Actually, it may have had nothing to do with these forums. Usually, it's discussed over in the comments section before someone brings it up here - and I KNOW 502 has been discussed over there a LOT - so GOTD doesn't have to check with us to find out if there are technical problems out there.
On the other hand, I can now consistently open the reviews with Firefox, too. I'm absolutely convinced that was a scripting error. I've seen that before. So, they probably have been watching this thread and it's you who deserve credit, Robert. As far as I know, you seem to be the first who brought that up (unless someone used the contact email on that subject). I'm guessing, though, a "well done" is in order for you (and especially GOTD!).
Posted 15 years ago # -
Thanks watcher13 for your 3 quite elegantly written and intelligent posts comment!
This community exchange is what should be the norm.
Thanks to Inas, Frique, Robert and all others for your collective input.
And watcher, may I say I have the greatest respect for your opinions here and elsewhere on the GOTD forum.
This forum will continue to thrive as long as there are wonderful people like you all!
Posted 15 years ago # -
I'm all for giving credit where credit's due and, to those who freely give their time to GAOTD in whatever capacity, thanks.
I read with interest those posts suggesting that the 502 problem has been around for years. Had it been a problem for me, personally, since I started coming to GAOTD 18 mos. ago, I prob'ly would not have become so addicted to the site.
I got my first ever 502 error a coupla weeks ago, so I'm a newbie to the problem and, as such, want to demand a solution. Of course I know that demanding stuff isn't productive, or even polite, so I won't. I understand, however, why some people will.
At 1709 PST I returned to the Download Page, hit both D/L links and posted a comment. All 3 worked. At around 1000 PST only the mirror worked - the main D/L link and the comments produced a 502. No wonder there's no comments 2 or 3 hrs. after the giveaway starts - everyone's getting 502s. I, for one, have to go to work, and have no time to stroke some messed-up webpage. No D/L - too bad. No activation - too bad. No comment - too bad. If it's the weekend I got time to try some stuff, but I know there's a lot of folks who don't know what to try (or are scared to do it 'cos they haven't recovered from their last bill at the computer shop yet).
See, I use Chrome, and never saw a stickr 'til after the 502 thing started for me 'n I tried it with IE8, so I can't say if they're related. I put in the Restricted Sites and in the Hosts file and everything's working, both in Chrome and in IE8, so mebbe. Other times, the same link would succeed in Chrome but fail in IE8, or vice versa. Just have to wait 'n see, I guess.
Sure would be nice to have some input on the cause of this, before I screw something up trying to fix something I can't fix ('cos it ain't my problem). It's just frustrating to not know whether or not there is something I could do to make this 502 crap go away.
At some point I will stop coming here every day. So will lots of others. Answers, please.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Doesn't sound like you've messed anything up "giv". Still, the issue might be that you're wasting your time. See the links in my above post at the top of this page on what actually causes 502s. It's server and server routines related, not user settings. I know people here have made some changes that appear to make the problem better or worse, but all technical evidence I can find demonstrates that that's just a coincidence. You've got be careful with cause and effect in the technical sense. People often get tripped up on it because they don't have enough information. In other words, they don't realize the sample they're looking at is too small.
On another note, to be accurate, we've been having the errors off and on for about the last 8 months.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Here is a question that only affects the download links. If the 502 error appears mainly on the English download page, but the other language page download links normally work, can GOTD create a third or fourth link (mirror 2 or 3) in the English page pointing to the other language download addresses? Maybe use some of the download links that see the least amount of traffic. This should not cost anything extra and may help alleviate congestion on the English page. If this posting is not clear, please let me know and I will try to explain it after I have gotten some sleep. I am having difficulty thinking clearly currently, but I wanted to ask before I forgot the question. And thank you for your kind words Watcher and Paul.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Perfectly clear. Interesting idea. I hope they see that. Maybe you should send that idea along on the contact link at the bottom of the main page. Of course, it's not necessary for downloads - but would help - but it may be the only way to temporarily relieve the bottleneck on comments, and may help with key activation (that last is only a guess, though).
It should be pointed out that the problem may not be at GOTD, but along the route. It may be a bottleneck at their service provider. It may be something where the service provider needs to change their routines (or tell GOTD what routines to change), or it may be GOTD needs to purchase more bandwidth from them, or GOTD may need to find a new service provider. That last may be very inconvenient. For one thing, a service provider can promise you better service, but you can't be absolutely sure that you won't be even worse off until you actually make the switch. Then again, they may have already tried that and it didn't help or got worse. Interestingly, I've never run a trace on those links. Might yield some interesting data. And it might be interesting to see people from around the world doing it. There might be more than one gateway involved here, and only some are prone to the bottleneck.
In any case, it does seem to be that the other addresses (or maybe sub-addresses) are less prone to this problem and may be, at least, a temporary way out of this problem.
Posted 15 years ago # -
@ watcher13:
Thanks for your comment on mine a few posts up from here. Just to clarify: I meant that GOTD is an Internet resource for computer software (and thus 'techie' in that sense) as distinct from being, say, a place to drop by and order a crate of wine or a pound of sausages.
As such, therefore, it's ironic that such a website daily features products whose declared purpose in life is to make computer use better / easier / more efficient etc etc only for that selfsame site to be bedevilled by technical problems that make any use of it worse / more difficult / less efficient than the aforementioned bottles-of-wine and a pound of sausages sites.
That the problems have gone on for so long is evident from even a cursory glance at the 502 error message threads / posts on this forum.
I for one wish GOTD all best with its enterprise but as things stand, it's more of a lottery than a dependable resource -- a download may work or may not; an activation may be possible or may not; a constructive post carefully prepared for the GOTD comments thread may appear. Or, then again, it may not.
Though nothing in life is certain apart from death and taxes, there has to be a darn sight more certainty about Internet comms where a site and its users are concerned.
This ongoing situation has nothing (repeat: nothing) to do with individual users and everything to do with a chronic problem at GOTD's end.
Sorry, GOTD, but if you're going to run a shop -- even one that generously offers free produce -- customers are going to drift away en masse when they repeatedly arrive on the threshold only to find the front door is jammed shut.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Richard, I wasn't going to post because, though I might not see it exactly as you do, I basically agree and think you expressed it quite clearly. I find your last paragraph particularly apt. It's an idea I've been trying to express for awhile.
And that's why I decided to post. To say to the other veterans of the forum that the kind of frustration that Richard expresses is simply bad for the project. It honestly appears to me that GOTD is doing it's best recently to address these issues, even if they won't talk about it. But nothing, no matter how unintentional, that creates this level of frustration is good for the project. Many feel that people should just take a more mellow, carefree approach to GOTD, and that certainly is an intelligent opinion. But, expecting your customers to nearly have the patience of Job doesn't strike me as a very good business model, even if it's their business to do with as they please. (Please stop saying this. We all understand the idea, we just don't think that's an adequate reason.) I'm not saying we should try to "do anything about it", just that we should try to patient and respect those that are this frustrated. Even if they sometimes (I'm not thinking of you Richard) express it in really negative terms.
Posted 15 years ago # -
To date, I would say my experience is the door is not "jammed shut" but rather will open following patience and persistence.
I do not know what the cause of the problem is. I can't say if the problematic equipment is owned or managed by GOTD or their service provider or somewhere further along the link. What I can tell is there are many more users who can download and activate successfully than users who complain of problems. (Users without problems tend to not complain).
So there are a vocal, relatively small group of users who have 502 problems. Many of those eventually get through after showing patience in the face of an unusually difficult situation.
Also I believe that on the leadup to Christmas and throughout the 'silly season' during January - the loads on the site and the download servers were possibly quite higher than usual. Imagine turning up to your supermarket and finding 20 people lined up at each register - and complaining to management that normally you can be served immediately, having to wait in line is unacceptable.
There are no hard and fast rules with the internet other than, "from time to time problems can occur at the users end, at the server end, or somewhere along the wire or in one of the boxes in the middle".
I don't know who at GOTD is dealing with the issue. I don't know if there are problems getting it fixed or even if the problem is under their control.
As far as saying "comments don't appear on the front page" there is a good reason for that. The front page is specifically for commenting on the giveaway software. Comments about 502 errors, or abusing the GOTD team/moderators about the stickr, or posting comments that you cannot post comments - will all be deleted (at least I will delete them without a second thought).
I get 502 errors myself. Sometimes quite a lot. I'm saving it all up for my next counseling session. In the meantime it's not within my power to fix the problem - and yelling at the people who I think can fix the problem, probably isn't going to move the 502 problem in a positive direction.
Trust me. The GOTD Team do know about it. Going on and on and on about it isn't going to fix the problem. In the mean time the many thousands of people who download and activate giveaways, and those who decide to post comments - obviously got through without an error at least once, and that's what counts.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Well, you make good points, Bubby, but I always wonder why good folks like you have to say it, rather than GOTD saying it. Obviously, not everything you said, just, "we're addressing the problem". Wow, my fingers didn't even hurt typing that tiny sentence!
I'm glad you made one of your always intelligent posts. Unfortunately, we can joke all we want about getting new hobbies or attending counseling sessions, but lost business is lost business. Which is GOTD's perogrative, I know. However, I can't understand forum members who seem to believe that criticizing GOTD is bad for business, but seem to feel, "Ah, who cares, we lost another complainer. So what!" If you're not worried about GOTD losing customers one way or the other, then why post at all on any of these subjects?
By that, I don't mean you. I realize that neither of those are your motivations, and they may not be the motivations of most people now. Maybe things have changed on that front. I'm flashing back to when some forum members used to guard GOTD like a mother bear guarding cubs. But perhaps enough intelligent discussion has gone like water under the bridge, that most veteran's don't feel that way anymore.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Unfortunately BuBBy, the gateway error and other problems have gone on too long for the philosophical view that in matters computing, things go wrong "from time to time".
Fact is, there isn't a single other tech-related Internet site that I use, be it a smallish blog or a big-bucks resource, which comes a cropper as frequently as GOTD.
And it's that frequency which is the issue here, not some isolated instance of technological fallibility.
Time was, I could read one of your excellent, objective posts on a GOTD comments thread and respond to it in the not unreasonable certainty that -- because it wasn't a brain-dead contribution -- it would duly appear (whether it agreed with you in terms of shared experience or not is beside the point.)
But that time has gone.
There's now no reasonable certainty of outcome where GOTD is concerned, whether it be in respect of a product download, or a product activation, or submission of a thoughtful post in the comments thread.
And when reasonable certainty is removed, then what's left is a lottery -- hence my earlier remark.
I've been a user and GOTD 'evangelist' ever since it launched -- I was among the early band of UK followers who sang its praises in various non-tech forums like Moneysavingexpert and Hot Deals UK. I thought the GOTD "offer" was uniquely appealing, and I greatly appreciated the thought and effort that had gone into the development of so original a concept.
That GOTD has lived up to its original promise is pretty darn remarkable. That GOTD is now being undermined by technical problems GOTD continues to be incapable of solving is pretty darn sad: a download of the day is a wonderful prospect, but not when you have to start wondering. . . which day?
Posted 15 years ago # - have nothing to complain about.LOL.
And even if I had something,patience is nice virtue.
No more 502 error messages on the US page over here,no matter what time of the day it is.
I can even read the reviews using Firefox again.So...they're most definitely working on it.What's more , I fully agree with BuBBy's view on the matter.
It's no use complaining till you drop,just for the sake of it.
Gotd should know what's going on by now...
:)Posted 15 years ago # -
@ Robert:
It's hardly a case of 'complaining till you drop'. To attribute the emotive word 'complaining' to those who are doing nothing of the kind is assinine.
Rather it's a case of saying that unacknowledged recurring problems still haven't gone away.
Many posts on this and other (closed) forum threads have pointed to the fact that elementary Public Relations might, long since, have persuaded GOTD of the value of saying the equivalent of:
Hey gang, sorry about this, but we're experiencing a few problems. Please bear with us while we sort 'em out -- it's taking longer than any of us thought, but hopefully, we're getting there.
Not only is there nothing difficult about penning such a phrase.
There's actually a great deal of corporate benefit to be derived in the way of consolidating the amiable relationship between GOTD and its users.
All right, so I'm speaking from the viewpoint of one who has a lifetime background in advising on high level corporate PR. But -- and it's an important 'but' -- I'm also speaking as a GOTD user/enthusiast.
And you sure as heck don't need to have the kind of background I have to know that when it comes to dealing with people, whether directly or remotely, and whether you're an individual or a business, if there's a problem: say so.
GOTD never has. The fact that acknowledgment of its very fallibility would have endeared it to -- rather than alienated it from -- its users seems never to have occurred.
Little wonder, then, that individuals such as myself (who are bothered enough about GOTD's ongoing success to actually take the time to post here) come on this forum not as 'complainants' but as people providing evidence about the continuing existence of elephant in the room.
The elephant GOTD hasn't mentioned and still won't mention -- leaving it to forum contributors like BuBBy, who as far as I know, from his Antipodean base, has nothing whatsoever to do with GOTD, to speak on the enterprise's behalf.
As to "patience: it's a nice virtue", until it's asked for, it isn't given. Not in the competitive world within which GOTD operates.
That said, in respect of BuBBy's post, though not yours, I will say that I'm pleased "the GOTD team", whatever and wherever that might be, is "aware" of what's happening / not happening, so perhaps like other GOTD enthusiasts, I'll trust to luck and revisit the site, and this forum, next month. . .
By which time a fundamentally minor technical problem about protocols will finally (?) have been sorted out.
Posted 15 years ago #
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