That's how I found it, Sam - doing a search, including hidden files.
That's how I found it, Sam - doing a search, including hidden files.
RosnSC (Sue) - No problems, I don't think that at all. I did exactly as you did, and that's when I got the error message I posted above.
Sam - I will check out Program Data and see what I can find there.
Thanks both for your help!
This is really funny! We've had more conversation about how to beat that game than anywhere else on this forum! Obviously none of us can stand to be beaten by a game! I'm on day 60 of my 3rd time around now.
Here is a neat trick. Suppose you are stuck in a country like Japan and you just can't beat the one you are on.
Just bypass it.
Here is how by making changes to GameInfo.xml.
"<Player name="Sam" lives="25" score="594950" pieces="0" tiles="146338" lastScore="594790" numMatches="44603" bonusInLevel="0" level="5"
Change the level="5" to level="6" and it will automatically give you the item and take you to the next level.
Actually you can bypass all of them in the country if you want. Count the numbers of items to win and add one. Suppose there are 12 items to get. Change the level to 13 and it will take you to the passport screen. And you can just do that one and move on to another country. You can really get some speed up that way by only doing passports and ignoring getting items. LOL
The other day my wife was bragging about how far ahead of me she was. Actually she had spent a lot more time playing so naturally was ahead. So I just did the passports and passed her up. Boy, was she mad since I got ahead of her and she couldn't figure out how I did it. LOL
A note of caution. Don't add more than one above the number of items or it will give you a run error and lock up the game.
"Here is a neat trick."
Sam, oh, you're us yet another morsel of game-playing 'goodness'...:D! Using your tip about the clock freezing, I just beat out L81 on my other computer. I almost gave up on it once or twice, though, as it was really hard getting those pieces in the right places. Now, I get to start my second journey on that one; on this computer, I am on Journey 2 already - Japan, I think. I haven't changed that file setting on this computer, yet, I don't think, so I need to do that before I play anymore.
Well, I just went and changed that setting (TBV) on this PC, so I am all set next time I play the game on this computer. :D
Sue - thinking, now all we need is a tip to get those pieces (on L81) into the middle rather than on just the ends, and get rid of those blobs we get on subsequent Journeys...<g>
Okay folks, I have figured out a way to get rid of those 'blobs' In GameplayConst, you will see this <MaxTrashOnField count="3"> <AddMaxTrashOnCycle count="2" <AbsoluteMaxTrashOnField count="12" . Change each number to "0", and then save the changes. I am on Journey 2 on this computer, and I just played L78 and 79, and there was not even one blob (trash) on the whole board. Is that great, or what!? hee hee
Thanks Sue for you excellent tip on getting rid of those blobs. That enabled me to finally win Day 81 and to win the game since 3 journeys finishes the game.
I was shocked to find that I am now on Journey 4.
How many journeys does this game have? I may die of old age before I win it. LOL
Thanks, everyone, for all your tips. I finally found the gameinfo.xml file, under Program Data. It's in the Playrix file.
I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but did manage to change the # of lives and when I get an hourglass, the time seems to freeze indefinitely. I'm now just starting Journey I hear there's a level 4!!!
I will see if I can try those other tips you mentioned!
Sue, I found a way to speed up the game by making the bombs charge up faster. Now it is possible to zoom through the levels. I am on Journey 5 now on this unending game.
Okay, here is the tip.
In GameplayConst, you will see
<AddBonusFactor add1="0.055" add2="0.075" add3="0.075" add4="0.085"/>
Change to
<AddBonusFactor add1="0.255" add2="0.275" add3="0.275" add4="0.285"/>
All I did was add a .2 to each one. At first I tried it larger but it made the bombs jump to the last one. If .2 is too fast, you can reduce it or speed it up to suit yourself.
I think .2 is about right.
It really makes a difference and makes this game enjoyable instead of being so slow and sluggish.
With this tip you really don't need very many of the tips above since it makes the game a lot easier.
Even Day 81 became not too much of a challenge and was actually fun.
So give it a try if you want to supercharge your game.
The only ones that this doesn't help are the levels with the rock walls across the bottom. I don't really like those anyways so I usually skip them. LOL
Great tip Sam Rivers! Makes getting rid of those grey blobs so much easier!
Copmom, with the tip I posted, you don't have those boogers to worry about anymore. :D
Sam, you just know I am going to be trying that last tip, now...hee hee.
Sue - who is now trying to get some tips on the 'older' giveaway, Kit and Ellis.
Hi Sue.. for some reason I've kept the blobs. After all the tips, there has to be SOME challenge to complete a level! Don't want it to be too easy. LOL What I do with them is bomb them off from time to time.
At first I thought that giving myself more lives risked making the game too easy.... definitely not. I may not be good at this, but having quite a time on level 79.
copmom, did you change all three of the 'Trash' items to "0", and then File/Save As?
No Sue.. I didn't. Like I said, there has to be some challenge. If it's too easy, it's no fun trying to beat it. But, if I get desperate I'll change the blob thing.
My darling wife was able to play the game three times already without any cheats. I can't get through it once. I know you will do it.
Copmom, I don't know how I did it, but I misread your post about keeping the blobs, so I misunderstood the whole Hope I didn't offend you or upset you. :)
I am starting on Journey 7. I think there must be hundreds of Journeys on this game. LOL
Pookie, if your wife used a few of the cheats, she would be on Journey 20, instead of 4. LOL
No Sue.. not upset at all! The only thing that upsets me at present is politics! Let's not even go there! Maybe that's why I'm spending so much time on games instead of watching TV!
Pookie, I'm halfway through Journey 4 now.
Sam Rivers and copmom
I think my wife is done after journey 3. She said she needs to get more housework done.LOL
Hi...I am new to the forum, and I have enjoyed all of the help with "80 days". Here is my problem. I am using VISTA. I was able to get into a file and change Time Bonus Value, however, I am unable to find the hidden file for "gameinfo.xml". I am new at searching for files, and do not really have this knowledge. HELP :) I did find a base file, however, as it was mentioned on another post, it was not the correct one. I would dearly love to ADD lives and also have the option of changing levels. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MIRMIR...otherwise..known as Jo thanks
mirmir, under Vista it is a hidden file so you have to do a search to find it. Make sure you include hidden files in the search. This is where mine was located since I have Vista.
"C:\ProgramData\Playrix Entertainment\Around the World\GameInfo.xml"
Pookie, tell her to use these cheat tips and she will zoom though the game and still have lots of time to do housework. LOL
Copmom, I hear you on the politics issue - people can get really heated discussing that, along with a few other topics...hee hee.
I'm on Journey 3 L81, right now. Soon as I get that sucker licked, it will be Journey 4...<G>.
Pookie, you should be a sweetie <BG> and tell your wife you are so concerned that she beats Journey 3, that you would be glad/willing to do a couple of chores to help ease her mind, inre housework...LOL. Of course, if she is 'dead determined' to do it all herself, then refer to Sam's advice...LOL.
Sue - who *should* be working on getting her computer/sewing room 'squared away', to prepare for remodeling, but N-o-o-o-o!....she is playing, instead...hee hee
"<Player name="Sam" lives="25" score="594950" pieces="0" tiles="146338" lastScore="594790" numMatches="44603" bonusInLevel="0" level="5"
Sam, where yours says 'level="5", you changed it to "6", and was successful. Mine says "14" - I changed it to "15", and then went back and reopened the game, which took me as far as a screen that briefly flashed England Day 0, and then the game just went off, and went back to my desktop. BTW, it says Stage 7 after the level 14 on mine. Did you change the stage too, or just the level #?
Sue - who had a previous post typed up and 'Send Post', but doesn't see it posted - guess a internet gremlin ate it
Well folks, I just completed L81 of Journey 3; it was so hard, though, I almost gave up on it...again (I felt the same way when I was on Journey 2). 'Course, it doesn't help that I am having to play with a screwed up mouse (don't have the funds, yet, to replace it). Sheesh, I thought I'd *never* beat that durned thing - !whew!!
Sue - who sees her post, just above her last one, that she thought had not gotten posted, somehow...:D
Thank you SamRivers. However, I am a beginner at this, and, my question is, how do I search for hidden parts of a program? What and where do I type for this? I am such a beginner at this :)
Thank you.
Sue.. maybe your mouse needs cleaning?? If it's the old roller ball type remove ball and use tweezers to get all the hairs, etc. off inside. If it's the kind with a red light on the bottom, don't know what to tell you. How about if you go to control panel and then mouse settings and make some adjustments there? Or perhaps unplug and replug it?
mirmir, I am not a expert when it comes to searching for files. I also had a hard problem finding this file. Maybe you could see if your Vista help files would help or get a book on Vista from the Library?
Sue, You wrote "<Player name="Sam" lives="25" score="594950" pieces="0" tiles="146338" lastScore="594790" numMatches="44603" bonusInLevel="0" level="5"
Sam, where yours says 'level="5", you changed it to "6", and was successful. Mine says "14" - I changed it to "15", and then went back and reopened the game, which took me as far as a screen that briefly flashed England Day 0, and then the game just went off, and went back to my desktop. BTW, it says Stage 7 after the level 14 on mine. Did you change the stage too, or just the level #?"
Sue, you can't change it above the number of objects or you would have problems like both you and I found out. So that means you can't bypass the stamps, but have to do them. It also means you have to do day 81, which is actually fairly easy with the increase in energy buildup and freezing the clock.
I have never changed the stage number and I am not sure what it does. Let me know if you find out what it does.
I find it interesting that the game programmers made it so easy to make changes to the program. I am really not that great on computers and I figured it out so anyone could. So maybe that is really part of playing the game and really not cheating at all?
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