emperor, I think I've 'got it', but not totally sure...lol. I did beat L81 last night, though it took a couple of tries...and lives. I found you just have to work those pieces over to the outer blocks, where they will eventually fall to the bottom, and then out. I am on Journey 2 now.
Copmom, I almost completely lost interest in Atlantis Quest, but then I got hold of a very simple cheat that someone posted, that made all the difference for me. Now mind you, I wouldn't use cheats 'lightly', but only when I've played a level 'to death', and know that if I could just get that one little tile that is right there at the edge with only one other tile blocking it, I could win that level. As it is, now, I've gotten good enough at it - and learned that when finishing the very last level not to start a new game - that I am up to (I think) 81 lives, and a LOT of the 'tools'. I keep playing it over and over, too. :D
Sue - who played and replayed The Rise of Atlantis, too but eventually lost her knack with the last level, and took to making a new name and starting fresh...and losing out on the accumulated 'tools'