Hi BuBBy... Well I humbly disagree with your opinion about memory managers and the belief they are not needed for Windows XP. As I have used them with mixed results. And the people claiming they don't do any good just are not telling the truth.
*FACT* Windows XP loads prefetch (some are programs you haven't used in years).
*FACT* Windows XP loads some services that you are not even going to use.
*FACT* Some programs like FireFox suffers from massive memory leaks.
Now in all of these cases, it is best to dump this junk to the swapfile on the hard drive and get them out of the RAM (physical memory). Windows XP doesn't do this very well and how could it? It has no idea what you are going to use, knows nothing about memory leaks, etc. These free RAM utilities doesn't know too much better than Windows XP itself, but they are tweakable.
Thus you the user knows what you are going to use the computer for. Thus you can make smarter decisions than any program can. Like burning DVDs or scanning for viruses/malware, etc. and freeing up a lot really helps speed up the process.
And if you are using like FireFox with its well-known memory leaks. Having it setup to free smaller amounts of RAM every 10 minutes or so works quite nicely. I was using TweakRAM (another GAOTD giveaway) with great results. But I shut that one down and giving this one a try.
The big secret to making these things work for you, is to smartly use these tools. And just don't fire them up and watch the hard drive spin and say boy is this useless. By the way about prefetch, yes you can disable it through the registry. Another thing is that you can delete the junk from the prefetch Windows folder that you don't even run anymore.