I find this interesting, as I have written before, 'I install app then activate after installation process is done and program is closed'.
Not once have I come across activation process not working.
I find this interesting, as I have written before, 'I install app then activate after installation process is done and program is closed'.
Not once have I come across activation process not working.
Are you telling people to run the setup program first? If not, I must have misunderstood your post. If so, why? The readme file clearly states to run activate.exe before the setup program.
I always install program first.
When it has been installed I close it.
I then close the usual browser windows that open.
I then click on activate.exe if it exists of course and allow connections out and inbound.
Then it's activated.
Easy as 1,2,3 etc.
The readme tells people to activate the program first because many people don't understand how to completely close a running program (some keep an icon in the system tray).
If you activate first there is no chance the program can be already running if you havent installed it yet.
Activating later is normally just fine - as long as the program isn't running while you do so.
yes, i doubleclick on activate.exe first, but it always popup the error message.
my firewall is set to "not monitored" and i use AVG free edition.
my computer is connected to a router.
i can activate WinXP over the internet to removed the 30days trial period, but why
i can't with GAOTD activation??
isit something to do with my internet service provider limiting certain settings that GAOTD's activate program uses to communicate to my computer??
oh, i'm in singapore- if that hlps to solve the problem...
@alexiussg - yes, i doubleclick on activate.exe first, but it always popup the error message.
Can I ask exactly what "the error message" is? It might help. :)
it automatically popups saying "activation module failed to connect to giveawayoftheday.com. software activation is not possible at the moment. please try again later or check your firewall settings."
Which giveaway? Have you tried it again since? (sometimes when the servers are busy, you can get that error message)
Hi, BuBBy and members all - I have good but puzzling news:
I have been able, for the first time ever, to activate BOTH giveaways today.
So what have I done different? Why the breakthrough? I don't know yet!
First I checked with my ISP - no help there - nothing changes any signals
passing through in either direction, and today's activation proves that.
A couple of days ago, I changed my default browser to Firefox. I have been
using it off and on for a while, but only recently made it my default. Whether thisis a factor or not, as I say, I don't know. Fast forward to today...
I was tuned in to LiveFooty to watch the European cup semifinals which requires
IE as the browser, so it is opened fom the Start menu manually. After the soccer
was finished, I scooted over to GOTD to see what's on offer today. Seeing Roboball
made my day, as I loved Magicball and successors - I've played every level!
Whether time was a factor, also I am not sure - it was then about 4 a.m.here. (That
would be 1900 GMT or 1400 EST, I think, maybe Noon your time.)
Anyway, here's another thing I did different: instead of downloading to a selected
folder, as I normally do, I downloaded to Desktop; unzipped in Desktop and then
keeping the download window open, I double-clicked the activate file and it worked!
This is without disabling anything (because I forgot to!), so Firewalls, anti-virus,
anti-spyware, Windows Defender all are running, and it WORKED!!!
Next I downloaded AccelClip to my "My Software" file and tried with the usual
Fatal Error:Key is Invalid message. So I tried the different way -
I downloaded to Desktop. Unzipped in Desktop. Double clicked the activation
inside the new folder on the Desktop and it worked!! Afterwards I can stick the new
folders wherever I want them for future reference.
What exactly made the difference, I am not yet sure, but now I know it can
be done on this computer, I can experiment to find the WHY.
I hope this post will help someone else with similar problems in the future.
In the meantime, I'll continue to find the exact WHY and let you know.
Thanks to everyone for your input whether helpful or not - your heart is
in the right place! It is now 7 a.m. and time to wake the rest of the household
to start their day! Thanks again everybody,
That's great - but to complete the test - and make sure that it isn't just something unique to todays download - you should try tomorrow (because you have already done it today) to activate using your old method (that always fails) - confirm that it doesn't work, and then try your new method and confirm that it works (with the same downloaded files).
Then we just need to work out what is the difference between the two. BTW I never extract or save any downloads to my desktop - it is cluttered enough. So the magic (by itself) isn't in saving to the desktop.
todays giveaway- Remote Performance Observer still canot activate, i've tried it before sending this post...
O.K. so Thursday was just a flash-in-the-pan. We, or rather I am back to the
frustration of that crappy Fatal Error message.
I tried all day yesterday, and now today - same old crap.
Don't know what else to try.
i've tried setting my D-Link wireless router firewall to allow connection to GAOTD server, but it still show the error message. the settings(seen from previous posts) are as follows:
IP range start IP range End Protocol Port range
Destination: TCP 2106 - 2146
let me kno if it is wrong
I'm not sure of what your settings should be. The easiest way to solve this is to look at your router/firewall logs, looking for traffic being blocked or dropped. If this isn't possible - remove ALL the restrictions and rules so there is NOTHING blocking or restricting your connection.
Once you have established that you can connect with no rules, software or hardware blocking or filtering you in any way, then you can start to lock down your settings. (which you should do gradually, testing after each change).
Other than that, I really have nothing further I can suggest.
After reading this thread, can someone put it simple on how to unblock Port 80 so tat we can activate the free giveaway?
Forget this stuff about port 80. If you are blocking outbound port 80 - you wouldn't be able to view any websites. The fact you have connected to this website and made the above post tells me you have no problem connecting to this server on port 80.
What other software are you running (eg like firewalls, internet security, antispyware, proxy servers etc)?
I am having the same problem listed by other people. I have tried de-activating all the security systems on my computer and it still won't let me download, giving the same error message others have listed. I've missed 3 good downloads now, so I know it wasn't a problem with a specific program. The only thing I can think of is that my wireless router has a firewall built-in too... maybe? How would I temporarily disable that firewall?
What make and model of wireless router do you have?
(Each router is typically configured differently - most have a web based setup, and are configured via your browser).
@nheidorn: I have tried de-activating all the security systems
have you tried to connect yur computer to the modem(bypassing the router?)
if not, do like wat i did: download using broadband, activate it using yur phone internet , it works for me though...
@alexiussg: ...it works for me...
I also am in Singapore, but always (except once) get the message
"Fatal Error: Key Is Invalid" whenever I try to activate a download.
Which ISP are you with? Could it be some security measure here?
I have been trying for weeks to crack this problem. All I can get are
the trial versions except when the activation script is combined with
the set-up program. Then, of course I get nothing but the error message.
I'm with Singnet - [snipped] if you'd like to put heads
together offline.
edit don't post emails here.
If you believe there is a problem affecting other users in singapore - you can create a separate thread and discuss it here. It may as well benefit everyone else, and if someone has something to contribute towards a solution, they can. As they say - two heads are better than one.
Perhaps the GOTD developers can create a testing harness to debug the key values.
I found when I unzip any of the free programs, FIRST I click activate, and THEN run setup after I get the message that it IS activated! Maybe instead of you running setup and then activate try reversing things .. it works for me every time.
maybe u cld try downloading the software again..
and actually, i'm using Singnet unlimited broadband svc, but i can't run activate.exe
so i connect my phone(or if u hav M1 broadband modem) to activate. all softwares from GAOTD works perfectly fine. no trial version whatsoever, a full version.
anyway, i'm asking my teacher to see if there is anything settings on my computer that needs 2be chg for activate.exe to work..
me also from singapore, using singnet.
@revolta - u r using the speedtouch modem?
and oh, Singnet n Starhub canot work (maby ISP firewall to high). onli M1 broadband can work.
my friend dun dl GAOTD software coz hes using Starhub, which canot activate.
I had similar problems with activation. Disabling my proxy server corrected the problem (I use GhostSurf)
For singapore SINGNET users, go to connections in your internet explorer. Click Lan Settings. Add this proxy server:proxy.singnet.com.sg Port:8080. I'd been able to activate all my GAOTD downloads with this setting.
@tofubean - Yes, it worked for me after following your instructions. Thks! :D
hey guys... no post in 3 weeks... Has anyone figured out the "check firewall" issue? This is my post from the other day in another thread - I didnt realize this thread was here...
>>>>>>>>>>>>Need some Help Please. I am getting a “Software Activation is not possible at this moment. Please try again later or check your firewall settings.”
I am running XP (all updates installed) and Mozilla Firefox. I DL’d MagicScore on July 11th with no issues. Now 5 days later i can not run the Activate for Photo Story. Don’t recall making any system changes that would stop the activation. All seems fine until I try to run the Activate program. I tried to do a restore prior to July 11th just in case something had been changed on my system but that didnt help. Any ideas???>>>>>>>>>>>>
JefferyG... are u still out there? did i understand your posting from a few months ago correctly - you d/l'd and activated with no issues, then the next day you could not activate the d/l of the day? Seems to me this points to an issue on GOTD side (ass-u-me no changes to your computer of course).
Bubby - Does GOTD limit the number of downloads to an IP address?
I have Bellsouth as an ISP provider with a netgear wireless router and a netopia modem... Hardware that successfully downloaded and activated DemoCreator and MagicScore (and Glary Utility) is the same that was unsuccessful with WonderShare and today with Snaplogger...
I tried around 7am EST then 7.30am then many times at night up to midnight to activate PhotoStory with no luck :(
Bubby - Does GOTD limit the number of downloads to an IP address?
not that I know of. The downloads aren't actually done from the GOTD servers - so I'd say it is unlikely.
BTW - Are you using Vista by any chance?
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