George just to be clear, forum moderators don't moderate comments sections. They have absolutely no control whatsoever over what appears or does not appear in daily comments on software pages. It's not their web site. The site belongs to the site administrators, not to forum moderators.
Forum moderators are site visitors just like everyone else, only difference is they have volunteered to moderate the forum section, but only the forum section. They have no control over any other parts of this site. They cannot tell you why your comment did not appear because they had nothing to do with it not appearing. Only site administrators can tell you for sure, you would need to contact them either through the contact form or by PM to a site administrator.
But you can figure it out yourself if you look at your original statement as if someone other than yourself wrote it:
"So are there any Trojans or viruses in this one?"
George, surely you didn't mean it but that statement implies that there were/are trojans or viruses in past give aways, which is simply not true. Something in one your recent posts here is also not true, specifically the statement "recently, people have been complaining about lots of malware". Now George, there have not been complaints about "lots of malware". What there has been is a few security warnings reported, but not even "lots" of those. To date, any security warnings have proven to be false positives upon further investigation.
George, it really sounds like you may be over-reacting to the few false positives there have been in the past. No need to over-react or panic though! If you get a security warning there's a sticky post where you can report it and someone will investigate further. Panic is a common reaction but never helps anybody in any situation. Come on George, you don't want to go there!