Hi Campy, all the titles are slightly different (obviously); though I really enjoyed playing Final Fantasy: Endless Nova and the Knights of Dillaria (there are two Dillaria titles). In all honesty though I'd download them all and check 'em out. I truly believe we all have different tastes and what's one mans nectar is another’s waste product, lol. Though there are always games that stand above the crowd.
As for your list of hopefuls in the coming sale; I'm definitely hoping for Tropico 3. I nearly bought it when it was reduced via Steam, but I reckon in a few months it'll be half price or less rather than a few pounds off, so I'm waiting. I've only recently got back into city building games, which Tropico has an element of. I bought Cities XL last month, which looks amazing. There is an online element to the game, which costs, but you do get new downloadable content every month. When you register your new game you get a weeks worth of free entry to the online game. I wasted my week due to the Steam bargains that we had a few weeks ago, where they posted new games every day. I totally forgot about the game and when I came to play it last week there was a message saying your access to the planet offer has now ended; which upset me a little as I wanted to try it before I decided to subscribe. I don't usually like subscription games, but I like cities XL enough to consider it. Anyway, I contacted support the other day explaining how I'd missed the offer. they initially wrote back to say hard luck; so I wrote back explaining that if I was to consider paying for a subscription I really need to have checked it out first. They came back the following day (yesterday) with an access code for another week, which was brilliant. :)
There are way too many games that I'd love to check out, for example I've never been into consoles, but am severely tempted to buy an Xbox 360 because there are games not available on PC that you can get for X-Box such as the sequels to GTA IV and Bad Company, the sequel to Battlefield 2. I'd purchase an X-Box just for those games if I had the cash. What puts me off purchasing a console (apart from the Wii, which we bought a few years ago for the family, and the GBA, DS's and a DSi for the kids to share at Xmas) is the price of the games. They are at least 25% more for each game and those games that are created for all the platforms, the PC consistently comes out on top for graphics, which is one of the things I love about many of the most recent games. My Graphics card alone cost around the price of one Play Station 3 or one and a half X Boxes, lol. I don't see how those consoles could ever beat a PC for amazing graphics, especially the latest with DX11 graphics. I'm going to have to save for a copy of Win 7 just so that I can experience the new shaders in Dirt 2. For example, when you watch a flag flying in say a DX 9 graphics, it looks okay, but the effects of wind on the flag are not really seen. With the latest DX engine the fluidity of movement is amazing. Everything from dirt flying away from the wheels to dust clouds are shown in amazing details, making the games look even more realistic. Of course you have to have the graphics card and RAM to handle such graphics.