Wow looks like I'm not the only one thats been busy last week!! Looks good and thanks for the upgrade.
Wow looks like I'm not the only one thats been busy last week!! Looks good and thanks for the upgrade.
For those of you having a problem with the font size, if you use Firefox try their add-in called "All-in-one Gestures". You can set different options to do different things. For example I have mine set so if something is too small I do a quick up n down mouse stroke and it enlarges all text on that page. It's excellent and I use it everywhere I go online. Give it a try.
nice upgrade : )
Chip said:I already mentioned this right here on this page in an above post. It would be helpful to read all posts in a topic to look for your answer rather than asking right away.
Yes, Chip, you are correct -- that was a huge oversight on my part. Thank you for pointing out to me how incredibly ignorant I am.
Chip said:
I already mentioned this right here on this page in an above post. It would be helpful to read all posts in a topic to look for your answer rather than asking right away.
Robert said:
Jenany,I see no harm in asking a question again.
And I'm sure Chip didn't mean to sound rude.
No, I didn't mean to sound rude at all and I'm sorry if it seemed that way. It's just that my answer was there to be seen and I do get a bit agitated when people always ask right away rather than seeing to see if someone already answered their question. I get this alot trust me lol. But I don't mind answering questions and please by all means ask away if you need help. I'm just here to help :)
@Chip & Robert,
I had a sick 2 year old today & my attention span is shorter than a gnat's ... so apologies for my "short" reply. Just know that even if some of us don't always have time to read all the posts before we ask a question, it's honestly not meant to annoy anyone else. :-)
(at least in my case - can't speak for others) lol
Thanks thenameIpicked.. I'll try that. WordPress message said I'd be sent an email and that was hours ago, and nothing from them.. so I'll try a different nick as you suggest!
OK.. changed nick on Gravatar, so let's see if my picture shows up.. This is just a test! It shows in my profile.. hummmm NOPE!
Jenany said:
@Chip & Robert,I had a sick 2 year old today & my attention span is shorter than a gnat's ... so apologies for my "short" reply. Just know that even if some of us don't always have time to read all the posts before we ask a question, it's honestly not meant to annoy anyone else. :-)
(at least in my case - can't speak for others) lol
Don't worry we're not annoyed lol. As a mod I'm glad to help anyone who needs it.
copmom said:
OK.. changed nick on Gravatar, so let's see if my picture shows up.. This is just a test! It shows in my profile.. hummmm NOPE!
It's working now :)
Mine should show up any time now .. since I read and followed Chip's instructions ((thanks, Chip!!!)) ... I have now become an avatar expert. ;-)
The cute person in the pic is my 2 year old .. I'm the old lady hiding behind him. lol
Hi all, I have not accessed the site for 5 days straight, and I looked at it again for the first time today. I kind of got used to the previous format, but I think I can get used to this new format (with time). The important thing (to me) is ease & content.
So, per my quick review, thank you for the forums quick/easy-access format codes.
My final consensus is that I DO like this new format .. I especially love seeing everyone's face (if they post a pic). Thanks, GAOTD for the "upgrade" ... and thanks to everyone else who helps make this such a great site. :-)
To those who keep saying use this setting or this plug-in, or what have you, to change the font size, that isn't really the point. Nobody before said there was any problem with the font size, now that it's changed nobody saying that it's an improvement that solves any kind of previous problem, but some have said that the new font size is causing a new problem with readability. So, again, many of us respectfully request that the font size be increased. No, I'm not having problems with my eyesight, but I don't see the need to squint, and I don't see the need to have to make any adjustment when that wasn't necessary before and isn't necessary for the majority of websites now.
Like I said before, readability is one of the main reasons people are attracted to a website. I guess, to some, as long as it suits them, it doesn't matter if it drives many people away. I guess some would be just as happy to talk to themselves.
Very well said, watcher. We all can deal with it one way or another, but what good does it do?
Anyway, I am asking for a major font increase on the number of PMs you have. I miss the giant '1' I would get occasionally, when I got a it possible to do this???
Just my thoughts.
I liked the other font size better, myself.
Sue - with not-so-young-anymore eyes
Sue and others (like myself) who prefer larger fonts, I want to reiterate what BuBBy said ...
if font sizes and having to remember to change them (back) all the time is an issue - you could probably do with "NoSquint"
I got my version through Firefox add-ons, because I use the Firefox browser. It's very easy to use, and will solve your font size issues immediately! :-)
DragonLair....I wasn't aware of the "Ctrl +" thing to enlarge the font....thanks for mentioning works great!
WOW! You turn away a blink a few times (well, I admit I hadn't checked in for at least a day, so that's a lot of blinking) and I thought I had logged in to the wrong place! I must say it's lookin' good, ladies and gents! I know a lot of work went into this behind the scenes and with members input, and your labors are much appreciated!
Okay, I am impressed! it's nice.
sorry, had no idea this thing was so big. mod, remove if it annoys you!
Well, this is nice. definitely feels more user friendly. As far as font size is concerned I have that prob on lots of sites so I just use ctrl with my mouse scroll wheel
Definitely like new layout,no doubt other improvements(changing of skins,perhaps)will come along in the future.
All I can say is WOW. I love it! This is such an improvement.
My PC has been on but my migraine headaches have been so bad, I have been, mostly in bed or trying to play catch up from being in bed.
I have yet to find how to report a post for being spam etc except to PM a Mod.
And I would like to see added, if at all possible, the capability to "Thumbs Up" a post. No, "Thumbs Down" as that could cause a problem. Just something to say "Atta Boy or Girl". Sometimes there is a game or post that I really don't have anything to add via post but would like that poster to know I appreciate it or agree..etc.
Just a thought.......
I always loved B5. In fact I bought the whole series on DVD.
jenany.. thanks for the 'no squint' link.... I can see again!!!
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} ~ Lauri
Hi all,
Here is a little trick on how to enlarge your PC screen or website fonts:
1. Press the "ctrl" key on your computer and keep it pressed.
2. Move the scroll button on your mouse, while ctrl key is pressed.
3. Move scroll button forward or backwards - and magnify/de-magnify the screen.
Hope this helps,
That is a neat trick, HappyPerson... thanks! Plus Dragonlair had mentioned using Control and + or - to set the size and it remembers it. Boy, I wish the Control/scroll trick would work on HOGs! (yes, I've already tried it like a silly goose... lol)
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