I considered adding this to the 'Can anyone use a giggle' thread, byt then thought it was different enought to start off a new thread. this thread is about is funny images. The ones I have to offer below I recently posted over on a site I admin for, then when answering something Greylox wrote the other day I mentioned I would post these, but as usual I forgot till now. I hope any of the material isn't deemed offensive by anyone. The one with the girls in the boat I posted because of the incongruity of the cat. I suspect it has been pasted into the image, but it still brought a smile to my face despite the obvious discomfort of the girls. The rest speak for thenselves. My favorite is the one with the boys and the piper. It would be great to see everyones favorite funny images or just their favorite images, be it a beautiful sunset or a picture of your favorite star. It's a pity we can't see the actual images, but links to them are almost as good. If you have images you wish to show but don't know how to show them you can uplad them to a free hosting site such as photobucket (my favorite). You have to register, but that's easy. All images uploaded are covertewd to 800x600 sized images. Anyway, I'll cut the waffle and post the links to the images:
A sharks dream:
Boating with a cat:
Hoots man: (or if you're not familiar with the term - The piper will do lol)
The cobblers menu:
Man remote:
Venus and Mars:
Army cutbacks:
A male sense of humor:
oops what have you got in your meal?:
Road traffic message:
A man with a gun:
Proof of global warming:
Lawn mower:
If you need a photobucket account just follow the link below. I'll be happy to explain how to upload images if you're not sure how to.