Is it an old milk can?
Graylox & Scuba, you guys have me in stitches again.....rotfl
Is it an old milk can?
Graylox & Scuba, you guys have me in stitches again.....rotfl
I'm confused ?? Heh!! What else is new!! [rough size of the item? (25 years old, minimum at a guess)] goodgotd was this a hint to your pic.or a reply to md's pic.
maizeydaze same question to you (goodgotd - Early 1950's)
Maizy....I plugged my camera in to charge. I have an old Sony Mavica the kind that takes a floopy disk like yo were talking about the other day. I told hubby I want a new digital for my b-day. Of course that means I have to research and figure out what I want UGH! I hate that part. Anyway, I'll try to find something to post for a What is it? once it's charged. After all, it's not fair that you don't get to play too.
Ya know, this forum just goes to show that ya don't need to spend a lot of bucks on fancy games to have fun.
scubaguy - I know it will get confusing with 2 pics going at the same time. I thought goodgotd was asking about my pic. So I replied with the approximate manufacture date. Then added that I'm not giving up any dimensions, yet.
I don't think IH made cups, so how about a grinder? or mixer?
and mine doesn't hold candles, nor oil, and is both modern and quite (one might say impressively) common in homes across the land.
belt buckle?
Ohh!Goodie Goodie!! It's time to take my pain med's.You think I'm confused now,just wait about a half hour.Better living through chemistry!
OK now I'm confused too. Was the pic with the round thingys another part of `#11 or was it a whole seperate issue?
an IH belt buckle I could almost believe- mine ain't.
Scuba....can I have some too.....mixed with mine I bet a get a real ride!
Buckleysmom - My friend just gave me another Sony Mavica last night but it's a different model. The one she gave me is a FD87 and will only take floppies. My FD100 takes both floppies and memory sticks. I haven't tried the "new" camera out yet but the battery did take a charge. It's been stored in a closet since the early 1990's.
whole separate issue- that's mine, part of a pic I took while the sun was still up today- and unlike most I tried, came out decently focussed.
I'll probably open up some of the wallpapers I've gathered from all over for prizes, though I'll add some of my other personal photos as I find 'em.
Will do : "A Klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade."
They don't say what sort of blade.
And will you be a man at all ?
The IH pic is not a cup, grinder, mixer or belt buckle. I will tell you that I cannot lift this object.
Maizy....mines an FD75, it also only takes floppies. I got this model becauae at the time it had a better zoom, 10x optical, than anything else and I was going to concerts and things where I wanted a good zoom. The thing I most dislike is that you have to wait for it to focus before snapping the picture then you have to wait for it to record the picture.......the whole process is way too slow.
maisey's ------ off of an engine of some sort?
goodgotd's ----- this one has me baffled! lol
Well, if you can't lift #11 I guess it's not a milk can. Is it a scale, the old kind they used to have in barns?
graylox - And will you be a man at all ? It would take a bit of surgery to accomplish that feat!
I don't normally take drugs but I have some pain meds left from the root canal the other day. I think I'll join the rest of you, then confusion should become a moot topic. Who will care? Not I. :)
OK!OK! We need some rules as to which pic.a guess is made on,how about we just put the members ID then,the guess.
See what GSM did,now how am I suppose to know which pic.that guess is for.Shame on you GSM you already broke the rules!!
Ohh!! Sorry,no fair me slapping you on the hand,and not splaning the rules first.
Lucy!! You got O-lot o splaning to dooo!!!
GMS - Not an engine.
Buckleysmom - Not a scale either.
barrel - cask - drum - storage-jar - tun - vat
(my dic don't have more)
Haha! sorry bad :) yours a milk can?
graylox - no barrel - no cask - no drum - no storage-jar - no tun - no vat
Maizy....#11... is it a wood burner or furnace?
Scuba......maybe we should call you Ricky?
goody - yours a seal or stamp
maisey. Is this thing actually in your house?
Buckleysmom = Okie Dokie
maizeydaze = Why not??? Go ahead.
We keep this up the DEA is going to bust all of us.
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