I have 'EverNote' (15 nov 2007). Does 'EverNote Portable' replace 'EverNote' or any data in 'EverNote' data bases?
Check before install 'EverNote Portable'
(36 posts) (8 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
It can "replace" the full/desktop version of Evernote if you want it to (note there are a few features that are in the full version and missing from the portable version) - but the portable version is intended to fill a separate purpose - running from a USB key and being available on any PC without having to install Evernote to the hard disk.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hi BuBBy! I just installed Evernote Portable to a USB flash drive and I also got the activated web page from GAOTD. But the About screen in EN Portable does not say it is registered and there is a link to register it. What is up with that? Can you ask the powers what may be going wrong?
I didn't want to post that in the comments, as it may be just me, and I do not want to scare people off from getting a great program.
I also noticed that the time available is 1 DAY plus hours left... I guess it will be on the Giveaway tomorrow as well? Hope so in case I can't get this problem corrected right away, if it even is one.
Thanks for any answers you can get to me!
Posted 17 years ago # -
All is explained in the first comment - from Slava.
http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/evernote-portable/#comment-76077and yes, this giveaway lasts for two days.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks, BuBBy. Don't know how I missed that. Probably after reading over 50 comments, I forgot about it. Anyway, now at the 80th comment LK has said a purchased copy is good for three systems, I am definitely going to buy the desktop version. It is such a wonderful program and has so much to offer people like me who need someplace other than bookmarks to store info.
I am so forgetful, I also have a reminder program. It is getting old now and the author, Peter Kok has not updated it for 2 years, but "Peter's Ultimate Alarm Clock" is a great pop up reminder app. It is free for 10 days without nagging, but it is only $10 so I bought it years ago. Anyone who wants a very good reminder app, go to http://www.puac.net and check it out!
Posted 17 years ago # -
If you are planning on purchasing the desktop version of Evernote - it is worth being a full member at donationcoder.com - they always have great discounts on software registrations (just one of the benefits of being a member).
At the moment Evernote is 60% off.
http://www.donationcoder.com/Specials/index.htmlIf you love cool software (who doesn't?) become a Supporting Member
Posted 17 years ago # -
BuBBy: Thanks for the info -- I will think it over for the next couple of days, but it will be for future software purchases only. Right now I can get Evernote (2.2) from the author for 3 cents less (wow!) and another app I am interested in is also offered at the same % off by the author til 1/1 (and all their other titles). The Donation Coder certainly looks interesting though and it would be good to be a "charter member" at any donation amount. They have such a funny outlook, makes it fun to just read their pages!
Posted 17 years ago # -
I have read all comments, I have gone to the home page of Evernote portable and, as usual, I'm a bit confused. The only software I have installed into a flash drive is MojoPac, but that creates an entire Windows XP environment, not just a single program.
I have the Evernote program offered here back when and I do not want to break that installation, so I would appreciate some guidance in the installation process of Evernote portable.
I am guessing that, instead of installing it in the standard 'C:\Program Files\...' we can use 'G:\Program files\...' where G: is the letter assigned to the flash drive.
Somehow Evernote portable must be tied a computer that will not let you run it anymore if it the hard drive dies. OTOH USB sticks die too, so, is that what will force people to buy it if they really want it and whose stick has died? But then, what prevents us from copying the program to a USB stick to another?
After installing it we can choose whether to register it or not. If we do not register, EN portable will function as a fully paid, fully featured program until you choose to uninstall it or your USB stick (or computer or whatever) dies.
As comment #1 states if we choose to register Evernote portable we will get information about receiving info on upgrades and special offers. GAOTD offers stop working if they are upgraded. Is registration just an option to those who want to get the latest even if they have to pay for it? Does registration offer any benefit to those who won't/can't spend the money?
Boy, am I glad that this is a 2 day offer.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hello, pauloparra. I'll do my best to answer some of your questions, using the experience I gained yesterday while testing and fiddling with this program.
I, too, had gotten the EN Version 2.2 Full Desktop edition a few weeks ago here at GAOTD. It has proved to be an excellent program, and one that I use daily. So, when this portable version was made available yesterday, I had many of the same questions that many others have had. I was not reading any concrete answers, so I decided to make some tests of my own. I did a complete backup of my system, so that if my tests went wrong, I would not be left out in the cold. Here are my results:
This portable version of EN will install anywhere. You can install it on any drive you have, on any partition of any drive you have. It will NOT overwrite any information or any databases you have from the full desktop version of EN. The reason is that when the program is installed, there is absolutely no information entered into the registry regarding program location and such.
So, here is what I did. I installed the portable version onto my USB flash memory drive. I did not register the program with the author's website. I ran the program, just to make sure that it worked. After closing the portable version, I then replaced it's default database with the database I had built up using the full desktop version. I then restarted the portable version, and it worked like a charm!
At this point, I now had a directory on the USB flash drive containing the portable version of EN and my updated database. From here on out, things are very easy. The first thing I did was to make an archive of that entire directory. I backed up that archive, so that I now have a permanent copy of the program, to use anytime I need.
At this point, you need to understand something. That directory on the USB flash drive can be copied to ANY LOCATION, and it will work just as good as it does from the USB drive. That is because the entire directory is self-contained, and does not rely upon the registry of your computer, or any computer that you plug the USB drive into, in order to function.
So, you can just copy that USB directory to any partition on your HD, and it will work. You can copy it to any external HD, and it will work. You can copy it to any USB drive, or any device that will store data, and if you can access it through windows, the program will work. It does not affect the desktop version of EN, not as far as any of my tests have taken it.
Now, in real life, I cannot see why anyone would want to run the portable version on their own home computer if they already had the full desktop version installed and running, because of the web clip and mail clip issues. I can see doing what I did above, to get a functioning portable version using the same database as the desktop version, so that one would have a backup to use if anything happened to the desktop version, and it stopped working. But, there again, you wouldn't be using both versions of the program at the same time on your home computer.
So, to sum things up:
1.) The portable version can be installed just about anywhere you want to install it, without affecting the installation of the desktop version you already have installed.
2.) After installation, replace the portable database file with your desktop database file, and you will be in sync.
3.) Make a backup of that entire portable version's directory.
4.) Just copy that backup to any location you want to run the portable version from.
I think that covers things, but if not, just ask more questions. I'll do my best to answer.
Enjoy the journey!
Posted 17 years ago # -
@pauloparra: Thank you for asking the questions I was trying to ask, but couldn't!
Tried a couple of times, but only gibberish came out... Don't know enough to explain intelligibly what I need to know. Very glad u read my mind :-)
I really did not know u have these 2 most useful talents: "Gibberish Translator" & "Mind reading"... ;-) Nice!@FF: Thank you very much for your detailed answer. I read it a few times already, now I'm up to 85% understanding your explanation!!!
I'll continue re-reading it and fiddling w the EN Desktop & Portable, see if I go up to 100% 8-)
Peace, ManuPosted 17 years ago # -
Cool. If I can be of any more help, just ask! :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks FF for the explaination. I think I understand it. But I still have a few questions. At the moment the hubby and I don't have USB chips(we do have the ports) but we both have 2 1 GB SD cards. So in the future, if I understand you correctly, if we get USB chips, EN Portable will still work?
Also do I need to do all replacing and backups before the giveaway expires or can I do it in my free time.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hello, delenn13. You can install the Portable version on the 1Gig SD card, and it will still work. The only thing is that the access time will be much slower than a normal USB drive. But, you asked if it would work, and the answer is Yes, it will.
When you get your USB drives, all you have to do is to copy the entire EN Portable directory from the SD card, to the new USB drive, and it will work just fine.
And re: your last question, the answer is NO. You only have to install at least one instance of EN Portable before the expiration time is up. From there, just copy that directory, and do your backups, as many times as you need to. As long as you have one instance of a working EN Portable installed somewhere, you are good to go.
PSS... I would like to take this opportunity to say something to all who are reading this thread: This program is EXCELLENT! I would really encourage everyone to purchase a copy of this great program, whenever you can afford it. The company is obviously in business to make a bit of money in order to pay their bills, and live a nice life, so let's support a company that makes a product as good as this is. They are good enough to let us try it out, free of charge, and in my book, that counts for a LOT. So, when some extra cash comes along, why not purchase your very own copy of either the desktop or portable version, and feel really good about doing the right thing? Thanks for your time...... :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks, FF. I set it up both on the root of "C" and on 2 of the SD's. My husband has a habit of hitting the delete key then asking....."Err was that something important?"
Posted 17 years ago # -
Remove the Delete key.... :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
@FF: Sorry to bother you again, I still have a few questions.
1-Not sure what u said here:
-"The first thing I did was to make an archive of that entire directory. I backed up that archive, so that I now have a permanent copy of the program, to use anytime I need"
-"...just copy that directory, and do your backups..."=>Make an archive, than make back-up, right?
Huhmm... There must be a notion/term that I'm missing then.
I think I don't know what u mean by "Archive". For me "Archive" meant "Back-Up".
Could u re-explain, please? Thank you.
Maybe then I would understand the rest.2-Do u suppose EN Portable can be added to a Palm TX? If so, is there any precautions to have?
3-Someone mentioned they put the EN Portable in their iPod. What would be the interest in doing that? You can "transport" it from PC.1 to PC.2, by using it as an external. But u can't write or add or work w it, while *in* the iPod, as one does w a PDA, right?
Peace, Manu
Posted 17 years ago # -
Hello, LK!! You aren't bothering me at all, ask anytime you have the urge to!
OK, #1. When I zip or RAR something, I call that "archive". I'm probably using the wrong term, but that's what I call it anyways. I zip or RAR something so that it takes up less space where ever I store it at. For me, I have one partition on my hard drive where I store files like this, so that I can get to them quick if I need to. So in this case, once I have installed EN Portable, I then RAR that entire directory, and call it an archive.
Now, what I call "back-up" is when I take my files that are zip or RAR, and then I burn them to DVD for permanent storage and future use. At that point, I can either leave my archives on the hard drive, or if I need the space, I can delete them.
It's just the system I use. Probably not the best, but one I've developed over the years.
OK, #2... I really do not know, I've never used a Palm, or any other mobile device. I always used laptops, so I am no help to you on that subject..
#3.. Again, I do not know. I don't have an iPod either, and as I said, never owned a PDA... If I want to listen to music on the go, I have a watch that plays MP3s, and does it rather well, at that. http://www.xonixwatch.com/en/Home-img/MP-catalog.jpg Just for fun and games, I installed the portable version of EN on it, just to see if it worked, and it did. Worked like a Champ!
So, all in all, I'm not too sure if I was any help to you or not... I think the easiest way to explain using EN Portable is this. Install it once, anywhere. Then just copy that entire directory to most anywhere else you can access with your computer, and chances are it will work just fine. :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
@FF: well, duhhh!!! Of course! And I knew it too. Stupid brain!! Grrrr!!!!!!
Fed up w forgetting what I know already!! Smoke coming out of ears!!!
Thank you for the answers.-Do you think u could answer the other question from pauloparra, about the registration?
What would be the advantages of registering this product w the company?
Usually we don't have rights to info/help/update. It seems this product does, *if* one registers it upon dwld. What would be the disadvantages?
Not being able to move it around so freely? Having more than 1PC, could register it on one only. Right?-Wow indeed, that's a super dooper geek watch. Me likey!! A lot!! 8-)
The MP3 is my husband's for whom sound quality is of the utmost importance, it has to be just so... Variations on known notes are *not* allowed! He has "delicate ears" that one, so the watch couldn't work for him.
But it does look like funnnn!! Good for you!!
Later, M. :-)Posted 17 years ago # -
The way I read the registration information, it says "you will be receiving important info on upgrades and special offers." if you register. And also, I believe that it can be installed on up to 3 different drives. I'm pretty sure I read that in the comments yesterday...
Yep, the watch does the trick for me! It has 3D sound, with 4 different equalizer settings, I can make voice memos, record conversations, all that, so for me, it works.... :-)
Posted 17 years ago # -
@FF: Hello, LeKanaw went to bed. I am the husband w delicate ears
We both thank you for the replies
The watch looks very nice to me and it seems useful in a lot of ways too.
That's an All-in-one fantastik spy-watch that Dick Tracy would have like and
Get Smart would have blown ....by mistake. :-)Posted 17 years ago # -
As a reminder, Evernote is having a sale on ALL their products til Jan 15th. It would be a good time to take advantage of a 60% off sale. I wouldn't think they do that very often. Use http://www.evernote.com to get the sales, not the link at the GAOTD site. It seems not to sell version 2.2, only 2.1 and no sales price comes up.
FF: I think that you are right that EN installs are good for up to three computers per what LK wrote. (It is in comment #80) But I believe she was talking about the Desktop version and the "paid" version, which may or may not include the GAOTD one. I would assume the "paid" Portable is also good for up to three devices. Either way, I know I will be buying both at the great discount. (Love that watch!!!)
Funny that someone mentioned the Palm, I was thinking about it too. When I got my first Palm(VX) I remember "Handango" as a software company that created applications for Palm. Evernote is "Powered by Handango" so I would assume that it would work okay on the Palm. Heck, I am going to try the paid version on my Tungsten T5 and install it to the SD card!
Happy End of Year!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Quote FreewareFan :
"I believe that it can be installed on up to 3 different drives."This is my newest info :
@#116: Yes, this is a “giveaway forever”; keep the installer and install it on any of your future portable devices anew; copying the folder with installed code may not be a good idea.
Comment by LK — December 28th, 2007 at 3:33 pmIt's just great
Posted 17 years ago # -
I saw LK's comment about that too, but isn't the activation built into the setup file? Won't it fail after the GAOTD ends? Maybe it will not activate, but still work? Or maybe LK forgot about that activation thingy? Confusing.
I also read all the crud about the server requests of EN... I checked my Zone Alarm Pro program file listings and it Automatically set it "Super" (trusted) and to "block" any Internet access and server requests, and "ask" me when any local access is requested. I did not have to set anything in ZAP when I installed it. When I tested out Portable, no notifications came up. I wonder what firewall that guy who complained is using. Seems like a paranoid, ill written firewall or the guy doesn't trust Russian software authors? I think they create some of the best games!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Manu (AKA LeKanaw) I am really glad that I could be useful if only by asking questions, instead of answering them. I am humbled and very thankful for your praise.
I am also impressed by the effort that FreewareFan has spent to help us understand what kind of 'beast'(just a metaphor) we are dealing with. Now I know what to do and how to do it. Thank you for your non-denominational holiday gift.
Posted 17 years ago # -
@ graylox and haalam Yes, this is a “giveaway forever”; keep the installer and install it on any of your future portable devices anew; copying the folder with installed code may not be a good idea.
Comment by LK — December 28th, 2007 at 3:33 pmI'm thinking that LK was somehow talking about the installer that one would normally download from their website. As a test, I just tried to install another instance of EN Portable, from the archive that GAOTD provided, and it is no longer any good, stating that the time period has expired.
But, it still remains that all you have to do to get another installation, is to just copy the entire Portable directory to where ever you want, and it works just fine. And since LK made it clear as day, we have permission to run it from as many portable devices as we wish, no limitations!
Why LK said copying the folder with installed code may not be a good idea. I really don't know, because as already reported, I have tested that method over and over, without any problems at all!
And lastly about the server requests that are made. Yes, haalam, the program DOES want to connect to the internet when it is started. Here are the specs of what the program does, when first started. This applies to both the Desktop and the Portable versions:
When you first start EN, either version, it will want to connect to through your port 80, which is the normal HTTP port that your web browser uses. Would anyone care to guess what website owns that IP number?? Ding, ding, ding, you are a WINNER!! Yes, that is the website of EverNote.
Now, I have no idea what information exchanges are taking place when EN connects with their site, (I don't have a good freeware sniffer at the moment), but it only takes about 5 secs, and then EN goes into 'Listening' mode. It drops the port 80 connection with, and opens up port 10200 and goes into a TCP listening mode. Just sits there, waiting to hear something, from someone....
So, haalam, there is no paranoia involved, it is as true as it gets! I'm surprised your Zone Alarm didn't catch it. I use Comodo lately, and it caught it right off the bat, way back when I first installed the Desktop version of EN a couple weeks ago.
Anyways, like I said, I do not know what information is passing between the installed software, and their homesite... maybe just checking for updates, maybe something more, I cannot say for sure. BUT, I can say for sure that I take care of the problem by just blocking ALL attempts that EN makes to access the internet, for whatever reason, at whatever time. It is totally not allowed to connect at all.
And that's what I suggest for all users to do, just block it 100%, and you have no worries.
Posted 17 years ago # -
I have learned a little tip from my other forum that may help some of you guys. When I run across a help/forum site that pertains to a certain program or game I have installed, I not only book mark it.. PLUS I add it to the specific folder as a shortcut in my start menu. Once I know what I am doing I can delete it but until then it makes life so much simpler and easy access. :) Like......I have this site in my Kakuro start menu folder http://www.kakuro.com/howtoplay.php And I have this particular thread and a few others in my Ever Note folder.
Posted 17 years ago # -
delenn13: GMTA! Whenever I get software or hardware, I go to the Support and/or Forum page of the company and bookmark them under my "Support/SW/<type>" or "HW" etc. I have a ton of bookmarks and some need updating once in awhile, but for the most part it does come in handy when needed. I even have a bookmark folder called "D/L and Try Later" that is getting REALLY full these days with all the links in the GAOTD comments! LOL!
When there are instructions to do something (ie: how to reset my Creative MP3 player or an often thing like clean the printer) I have been putting that stuff in Evernote. The links on the web for things like that can change too often so Evernote is great for that stuff, as well as for a page you would need to print out only to trash when done with it. Evernote has saved me many pieces of paper and shred/recycle time -- and trees!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Having lots of bookmarks - meaning to get back to them at some stage in the future...
Sounds like what my bookmarks used to be like. Then I found "deadlink" which made the first step of cleaning my bookmarks a LOT easier.
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.
AM-DeadLink is Freeware!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks, BuBBy -- another one I just added to to "DL and Try or Buy Later" folder! LOL!!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Not to hijack this thread. I am finding I use Evernote at least ONCE a day if not more. Probably gonna have to spend the bucks and buy the program since if I were to lose it I would be lost. :) Just waiting for Kate to get the manual read since I am tired of reading manuals/documentation since the hubby won't read it. :) He is always the one that says... I need a program that does this..or that and I have to find it and figure out how it works.
Posted 17 years ago #
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