Why not be activated PPT2VideoPro
(9 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
Hi and welcome to the forums vici5
The first you have to do: Read and follow the readme file in the downloaded .zip file and the instruction given on the GOTD home page!
To activate and register the giveaway:
1. Unpack the .zip file to your desktop or any folder.
2. Run activation.
3. Run Setup.
4. Start the programme.
1. Unpack the .zip file to your desktop or any folder.
2. Run Setup.
3. Make sure that the programme is not running.
4. Run activation
5. Start the programme.With Vista and Win7 if that doesn't help:
Run all steps with the right-click-administrator (right click file, in the context menu click on Start with Administrator).
Good luck.graylox
Posted 14 years ago # -
Hi vici5!
Have you by any chance lost the Read Me.txt and the Activate.exe when you unzipped the PPT2VideoPro.zip file and installed the prog. It can happen when the zip file contains a Setup.exe file.
When you have downloaded the PPT 2Video Pro program zip file and unzip it, the WinZip Wizard program will first unzip all the files to a temporary folder. Then it will run the installation prog from the Setup.exe. When the installation completes the WinZip Wizard will erase the temporary files, including the Read Me.txt and the Activate.exe files. Thus they will be lost. You need those files to fully complete with the activation and for the registration process. Do not click "Next" when the WinZip Wizard is prepared for the install process because you will loose the Read Me and Activate files. Instead, click WinZip Classic mode and extract the readme.txt, Setup.exe and Activate.exe manually to your Wondershare program folder. Then follow the instructions in the Read Me file and doubleclick the Setup.exe file to install and later the Activate.exe for the automated activation and registration process.
Hope it helps!
Posted 14 years ago # -
You are giving a sound recommendation, graylox. Should be repeated again and again.
Cheers, Anders
Posted 14 years ago # -
Tack, tack :)
Posted 14 years ago # -
Second day in a row that I am unable to install the software. Getting "Failed to connect" message, during GOTD activation process. Obviously, I am connected, as I DL'ed the software and I'm making this comment. Any suggestions? Also... is there any way that I can get some sort of special dispensation to install yesterday's offering, due to this problem? I really wanted that software! Tried with WinZip & 7Zip. Same result.
Posted 14 years ago # -
activate was not run
Posted 14 years ago # -
Hi Shqdes, unfortunately, no dispensation. Once the 24 hours are up, there's no more activation possible. The software may be repeated sometime in the future. Check out the giveaway rules for future reference.
As for yorr problem, try one of the following, I've had your problem occassionally and always do one of these and it has always fixed the problem:
1) ... turn your modem off for about 30 seconds
2) ... turn your Router off (if you have one) for about 30 seconds
3) ... Clear out your internet cookiesIf your using IE then right click on the internet icon and select internet properties. The rest is obvious. If you're using firefox you have to click on the tools and select options, then do the same thing as for IE. sometimes the cookie specific to the giveaway becomes corrupted and will interfere with the activation process.
Finally, have you checked your firewall?
Posted 14 years ago #
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