1.7gb download.
looks like a fun game + esp. for free. I'll have to give it a try.
thanks for the post
Thanks for the heads up Khai. I hope you don't mind me changing the title to include this game in the free games for the weekdays project? Let me know either way and I'll change it later. Thanks.
To install the game you first need to download and install the MekTek X client which is available from the link that Khai posted above. From there you click on the Games available tab and start the installation of the game.
The following is what you'll see when you first boot up the installed client. Click on the games available tab and then select the game you want installed. You'll see two available downloads:
Once you'ce chosen the game you want to download you'll get a small window opening (this may be hidden behind the bigger client window). You need to select where you want the game installed to. :
If you have problems just post your questions here and someone will help. :)
I'll post more details and images of in game once I've got it installed. (Well, probably tomorrow as I'm playing Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising with another giveaway community member later this evening)
The Mech Warriors remind me of one of the vehicles you get in Battlefield 2142; in fact they are almost identical though I think the Battlefield 2142 version look more authentic. I'll see if the fire power is similar later. :)
Mechwarrior 4
the following is a conceptual image of a Mechwarrior not an actual in game image:
Battlefield 2142 Mech:
Be aware that MekTek X (MTX) is a file sharing system. It will be uploading from your system at the same time it is downloading to your system (and at least currently it uploads much faster than it downloads).
that's why I have a k6/2-450 devoted to fire-and-forget multiday tasks.
just tell it go and let it rumble along on bittorent, video conversion, whatever. :)
Yeah, but I am on Comcast and with their usage limits that can get you banned if you do it too much.
lol WR the second image in that set of four reminds me of Avatar
luckily centurytel hasn't put caps on- but then, I bet you usually have a lot more speed than 10mbit/1.5mbit dsl!
"Thanks for the heads up Khai. I hope you don't mind me changing the title to include this game in the free games for the weekdays project? Let me know either way and I'll change it later. Thanks."
sure, go ahead :)
it's great for a 10 year old game... now if I can just get my flight pedals to work right... (wanna use them for Torso Twisting..)
Thanks Khai. :)
By the way, I've only just seem your reply to the week 77 games post regarding the X-Com series. I've Emailed their PR department to clear up the question as to whether the first couple of X-Com titles are now freeware. As you can see with the Rockstar package that's on sale at the moment, they do include freeware games in the package just for completion. I think the same idas being used w.r.t. the X-Com series, but I may be wrong. If they do say I'm wrong the post will be removed and you will be thanked for pointing out my oversight. :)
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