The Soul of Dracula is a tribute to the NES Castlevania games. It's creator is Japanese but the game is completely in English. This game is also very difficult but it does have unlimited continues and a level select screen. I definitely recommend it to Castlevania fans.
The Soul of Dracula is a 2D platformer inspired by the Castlevania series, featuring appearances from mainstays such as Death and the Count himself in the role of level bosses. You play as a vampire hunter who must venture into the Dark Prince's castle and defeat him using only your whip and the familiar array of ranged weapons at your disposal.Though many of the enemies had appeared in monsieur Belmont's adventures before, the developer of this tribute project had included a couple of twists and surprises that will please even the most hardcore of Castlevania fans out there.
Arrows - Move
Z - Attack with Whip
X - Jump
C - Use Secondary Weapon
Space - Pause/Select in Menus
Esc - Exit Game
Official Website (Japanese):
Download (1.8 MB):