Does anyone know of a freeware version of Candy Tetris that can be downloaded onto your hard drive? Thanks.
Anyone know of a freeware version of Candy Tetris?
(7 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
Here ya go Terri, not exactly Candy Tetris, but these examples of tetris clones should keep you happy for some time. Just click on the name of the game to find details of where to download the game for free.
Tetroid (four different versions)
Color Tetris (this one is almost like Candy Tetris)
Mr Blocko: Super Tournament Edition
BRTetris (similar to Candy tetris)
Tetris 3000 (similar to Candy Tetris)
There’s another 65 (yes sixty five) versions of Tetris spread over five pages HERE. You'll find some really cool looking ones, some that are as good as the commenrcial game and some innovative ones. I've also listed a few that are commercial but free at the end of the post.
Here’s some commercial versions but which are free via Gametop and Freegamepick (need to uncheck boxes for toolbars etc during installation):
Rhombis (different version to one above – I think)
Posted 15 years ago # -
You'll find even more on abandonware sites like Abandonia, Home of the Underdogs and Acid Play. :) I hope you find at least one or two that you'll like. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
I knew I could count of you. Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I moved the topic to the games discussion forums.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I took your suggestion and downloaded Color Tetris but it was just regular Tetris. Candy Tetris lets you change the position of the three colors in the piece to line them up but not the alignment of the piece itself. There are a lot of online versions but I still can't find a downloadable one. Thanks for your help.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Terri, from what you write it sounds quite similar to Fatman Blocks, a freeware game you can download at Tucows.
Posted 15 years ago #
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