Yes, I know there's a FAQ on this matter, but I can't help noticing that pretty much all of the official Giveaway of the Day pages say "GAOTD". So the question is, which one should everyone actually use? I've adopted GOTD, though it makes me feel a bit contradicted to see every official GOTD page say GAOTD.
(10 posts) (9 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
Well considering "Giveaway" is one word GAOTD doesn't make sense because that's saying "Give Away of the Day" and we can't change the language and just decided giveaway is now separate words haha. So I use GOTD myself because only that makes sense to me haha.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Both are correct depending...
1. giveaway (noun)
2. give away (transitive verb)
So in the end GOTD is more appropriate but I use both depending on how I feel...
Posted 15 years ago # -
It is definitely Giveaway
2 a : something given away free
b : the act of giving something away free <staging a promotional giveaway>as opposed to: Give away
2 : to deliver (a bride) ceremonially to the bridegroom at a wedding
or Betray, Disclose, Reveal
1 : to make a present ofUsing the transitive verb - you would "Give away something". You give away a bride. You give away your favorite toothbrush. You give away your grandmother. How do you give away "of the day". How do you give away 10,000 "of the day"s. Does this site allow people to download "of the day"?
So the answer - the site name is:
Giveaway (1 word) of the day = GOTD
Giveaway Of The Day = the act of giving something away free <staging a promotional giveaway> on a daily basis.
GAOTD will only wear out your keyboard faster :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
BuBBy is the best English teacher I ever had :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Bubby's comment made me laugh when he said "GAOTD will only wear out your keyboard faster." Just noticed the imprint on my N key is about worn off!
Posted 15 years ago # -
I'm lazy, I use any excuse to type less letters. (So I can type more words. HA! The inside joke on that is that the poor members of this forum are often inundated with my multi-paragraph posts.) Right now, my left pinky is hurting. "Sniff!" Maybe I'll go to just typing G. For games, GG. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Yes, BuBBy is correct. It is GOTD without a question.
"Giveaway". One word, right? Should we turn "Day" into DY? Nope.
So same thing with Giveaway.Posted 15 years ago # -
So, I'm over reading the comments section and I see someone write the occasionally used GOAD and the following occurs to me: it is often common in the formation of acronyms to leave out minor parts of speech, like articles (also common in capitalization of titles). So, I immediately realize that "the" is unnecessary. Which would make it GOD. No, I think, wait a minute, that can't be right. Then I realize the same rule would apply to the preposition of. So there you have it friends. Since I am an expert in everything, (Don't believe me? Just ask me! You'll get an endlessly detailed explanation on the subject.) I officially declare the right answer to be "GD". Wow! At least two keystrokes saved ever time you type it. Please, hold your applause. Think nothing of it. Just making the world a better place. It's my calling in life. =-)
Posted 15 years ago # -
I believe we can successfully close this topic now as we have resolved the issue of GOTD or GAOTD. Long story short...
Posted 15 years ago #
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