I didn't realize that you can only post so much within one post. The following games kept disappearing when I saved the changes each time. I was pretty tired so didn't realize what was happening, lol. so I've split the list into two. This one is about a third of the other list.
Star Wars: The Battle of Endor (16.3Mb)

A very accurate representation of the final battle of the Galactic Civil War. The game starts out simple, just blast the TIE fighters. Then, things get more complicated as you have to take out a Star Destroyer, and TIE Interceptors get into the mix. The cutscenes are very well done, and the lines come straight from the movie (text, no sound clips). The game plays like a simplified version of the X-Wing Academy games, even allowing you to change the laser settings, and even including lock on proton torpedoes. The scaling for the captial ships is flawless, any Star Wars fan will greatly appreciate the accuracy of the fighter to starship size ratio, as the Mon Calmari Cruisers truly do look as though they could hold three dozen fighters, which is something you rarely see in games now days.

Graphics are very good for a fan game. Some of the best unprofessional work I've ever seen. Music comes straight from the Star Wars movies (such as "It's a Trap!" and the Imperial March) and is very high quality, but I believe they were simply ripped from a sound track.
My only complaint is that the TIEs are rather lacking in the AI department, but with the accuracy of enemy turbo lasers, you'll have a decent challenge regardless.
Stepmania: (13.7Mb)

StepMania is a music/rhythm game. The player presses different buttons in time to the music and to note patterns that scroll across the screen. Features 3D graphics, visualizations, support for gamepads/dance pads, a step recording mode, and more!

Stick Soldiers 2:
This game is a great shooter, i would reccomend this game to any Call Of Duty fan, or Halo fan. This game has no story line, your just there using your M4, or your shotgun shooting people. You can chose FFA (Free for all), which means you shoot everyone, or you can chose teams. Red Vs. Blue, and you can pick how many players are there! Before doing this, go to options and chose your screen name. This game is very fun, and some what funny because if you shoot some one and they die they fall apart! This game i would highly reccomend. Its not that much space, and only takes 1-3 minutes time to download, so try it, you'll love it!

Stick Soldiers 2 also comes with a level Editor.
There is no manual for controls so here they are:
Jump: Alt
Shoot: Space Bar
Previous Weapon: N
Next Weapon: M
Slow Motion: X
Jet Pack: Num 0

One other thing I found is that if you press Z you drop your jetpack and it explodes killing anyone close to it.
Scubamans Quest (<1Mb)
Collect treasure and avoid angry sharks and other angry sea creatures. You control your little scubaguy with the arrow keys as you swim through the underwater level collecting gold and "rare marine creatures".
It's a decent little action game with not a whole lot of depth.

The Blue and the Grey:

A historical game of Strategy. Reenact the American Civil war. You can choose either side.

You can download The Blue and the Grey HERE
Town (<1Mb)
Here’s a very simple cartoon like city building game that’s ideal for the young kids.
You can download the game HERE
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (17.8Mb)
First and foremost, this game is gorgeous. Before I go rambling on about anything else, I’d like to tell you I was blown away by its looks. We’re talking about year 1997 here, when mainstream graphics were around the quality of Blood. Yet here we have Turok, featuring sleek, sexy, and bootylicious 3D that you can savor, squeeze and writhe all over while screaming in ecstasy. Maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but since I’m a seasoned abandoneer, and I’ve gotten used to staring at the most grainy, hideous, and abysmal visuals ever, my eyes sighed with relief after encountering such smooth 3D. Well, now that has been dealt with, let us continue with the review.

Okay, to be honest, I have no idea what the storyline for this game is. Even after playing it through completely, I am hopelessly lost. If the story happens to be that Tal'Set, our Native American hero, is running around with weapons of destruction, then massacring anonymous people, dinosaurs and small animals, then yes, it is all explained. As said in the previous sentence, there is plenty of massacring, and, indeed, I found it satisfying. All enemies have a variety of death animations, be it wailing and gasping for air as blood pours out of their necks, or falling back as blood sprays in every direction. You’ll never have a lack of violent and pointless death around you.
Now what fun would this senseless violence be without the proper tools to commit it with? Why of course, here at the Turok National Armory, you get everything from the standard hunting knife to the classic pistol, and much, much, more! One of Turok’s poor aspects, unfortunately, is held within its combat. When it all boils down to it, the only thing you’re doing is shooting stuff, and looking for keys. Every now and then, a nice booby trapped dungeon, or a jumping puzzle (God blessed us here, none of the jumping puzzles in Turok are overly difficult) breaks the massacre of anonymous people and animals. Your enemies are actually varied quite nicely. As mentioned before, you spar with armored humans, who posses an arsenal of different weaponry, from knives and pistols, to grenades. Along with the good old thugs, you’ll come across good old fashioned dinosaurs, ranging from the fast and deadly raptor, to the massive and intimidating T-Rex. To spice things up, there are some monsters that I can’t really define. Although they aren’t out of place, they pop out at random intervals, and aren’t really as well situated as the other monsters. These can be trolls, or ogres that pound the ground and send out shockwaves, and many other strange creatures.

Enemy AI is simple, after just encountering a few enemies, their tactics will become obvious, and you can dispatch them with ease. For example, pistol bearing thugs tend to send a few rounds in your direction, and then move around a bit as to avoid any projectiles you send their way. Turok does fine with its major objective, finding keys. It’s not as much “finding” them actually, as they’ll naturally come across your path. This is excellent level design on the developer’s part, because as we all know, key hunting is irritating beyond belief. Although I generally have few problems with Turok, saving was one major annoyance. It employs a console style checkpoint save system, which is irritating to say the least, as they decrease in numbers later on in the game where difficulty ramps up significantly.
When it all boils down, I recommend Turok. It’s a satisfying romp through a pretty world that will leave you happy after a good play session. Turok isn’t a monumentally fantastic game, but in my opinion it’s definitely worth your time, so try it out. If you don’t like it, you could at least credit it with its nice level design, and the amazing graphics.
Reference accessed 16th Dec 09 HERE

Cheat Passwords:
Enter the following codes in the Enter Cheat Menu for the desired effect.
NGLCKCK......................................All Keys
DGHTTSRS.....................................All Keys
THMSCLS......................................All Weapons
MGRLSGTM.....................................All Weapons
PRMSHN.......................................Big Heads
BGGNTSS......................................Disco Mode
KNTSFSKS.....................................Fly Mode
BKSTRD.......................................Fly Mode
TRNTNNQ......................................Full Map
HTSDNM.......................................Gallery Mode
JFFSPNGDNBRG.................................Infinite Lives
CRLSFNDNGS...................................Purdy Colors
GSRCGKFS.....................................Quack Mode
LRNMSNHR.....................................Show Credits
TKMDKK.......................................Show Enemies
NDNLP........................................Spirit Mode
MBRNKLSN.....................................Spirit Mode
HFLLTHSH.....................................Tiny Enemy
LNJHNSN......................................Unlimited Ammo
RHNSRLL......................................Unlimited Ammo
Level Password Variations:
Enter these level password at the cheat menu.
HSTSMN.......................................Campaigner Boss
PTLFGNDS.....................................Level 1
QTMBGS.......................................Level 2
GTMNDSBF.....................................Level 3
NCPGHM.......................................Level 4
RSTPDFRPL....................................Level 5
BGRSD........................................Level 6
NBCD.........................................Level 7
LFRRSPR......................................Level 8
CRCDND.......................................Longhunter Boss
CTNTSCND.....................................Mantis Boss
THSFNDNT.....................................T-Rex Boss
Alternative Level Passwords:
Enter these passwords in the Enter Cheat Menu.
MTTSTBBNGTNB.................................Level 1
DRRNSTBBNGTN.................................Level 2
MKJNK........................................Level 3
PTNDNCN......................................Level 4
NNTND........................................Level 5
TRMNN........................................Level 6
JMDNN........................................Level 7
MRGRTTRR.....................................Level 8
You can download Turok: Dinosaur Hunter HERE
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil: (115Mb)
I've always loved this game. Can't explain why.... I used to play it as a kid, so It's one of my very few comfort games.I guess that would explain it. The gameplay is pretty good, storyline a tad retarded but enough to keep you going through it, and the graphics are up to par,(Low-resolution textures and bad modeling FTW!!!) actually, forget what I just said, the graphics suck. They're not exactly Crysis. But still worth a try if you want to blow up some dinosaur-like things. Overall; Good game, I'm not sure how big it is but I'm undoubtedly downloading it, and I think you should give it a go too. 10
Reviews worth reading:
Game Manual:
Go to Enter Cheats and type:
oblivionisoutthere.......................All Cheats
TROMPEM..................................Big Hands/Feet Mode
BIGBADNOODLE.............................Big Head Mode
INEEDAUPS................................Blackout Mode
MRNOPRULEZ ..............................Do Nothing
PICASSO..................................Gouraud Mode
HENRYSBILERP.............................Pen and Ink Mode
WIZARDOFOZ...............................Psychedelic Textures
JANESSPECIALWORLD........................Show Jane's Face On Every Diamond
YOQUIEROJUAN.............................Show Juan's Face On Every Diamond
HELLOSTICKY..............................Stick Mode
LILLIPUTIAN..............................Tiny Mode

You can download Turok 2 HERE or HERE
Universe: (42Mb)
In the 90's the PC was really gaining on other systems in terms of new games and one of the most popular genres was the point and click adventure. The most popular games were released by Lucasfilm and Sierra but sometimes other companies came along and tried their hand at the genre. Universe is such an adventure made by Core who were mostly known for their action games. You play the part of Boris Verne who is a bit of a game programmer and while coding some stuff on his newly acquired machine his mom comes in with some letters he has to deliver to his uncle. His uncle is a an inventor and Boris is unable to sit still so he finds a pod with loads of flashing lights, going inside it and pressing some buttons you are instantly transported to another place which is where your adventure begins.

You land on what seems to be an asteroid and even though there is a city nearby there is no way for you to get there. Your first job is to get there and having such a low gravity allows you to jump from asteroid to asteroid so you can pick up vital items to help you out. This is only the start of your quest and you later find out the Golden King is after you as you apparently are the man who is to fulfill a legend which is not good news for the king. That means you'll be chased by plenty of baddies who are after you and so you'll have to fly around the universe trying to get help from all manner of people including a hermit who bears quite some resemblance to Yoda from Star Wars.
The interface is more elaborate than most point and click adventures and actions are subdivided into eight different options including eat, insert, throw and jump. This can cause some problems because sometimes you mean to do something but the game doesn't allow it. One example is when you try to insert a keycard into a machine but it fails because you have to USE it on the machine, this can be quite annoying at times and I could have done without all the extra options. Graphically the game is excellent with colorfull digitized backgrounds and rotoscoped characters giving a fairly realistic look to the animations.

I've played plenty of adventure games in my time and I must admit that Universe is quite good, it's not too difficult and can be quite funny at times. There are little annoyances like the interface and at times you have to backtrack unnecessarily, also the obvious Star Wars jokes are a bit over the top but that's my opinion. It's not too difficult for the most part and only some puzzles will require more than a bit of thought. Seasoned adventurers won't take long to finish the game but they will surely get a laugh out of it so give it a go.

You can check out a walkthrough of this game HERE
The game is downloadable from HERE
Warlords III: Reign of Heroes (14.9Mb)
The world of Etheria is under attack. The year is 1232 S.E., representing nearly one-and-one-quarter millennia since the founding of the Selentine Empire. A profane alliance between Lord Bane, the fabled Dark Horseman of Death, and Lord Sartek, the Dark Horsemen of War, is now threatening the Empire. After capturing the lands and ports of the High Elves in the Northern Tundra, their campaign of death and destruction has taken a southern turn -- to the Selentine Coast. As they descend upon the homeland of Siria, it is the destiny of the Sirian Knights to reclaim captured lands and drive the evil forces of Chaos and the Undead back to the hell from whence they came.
In Warlords III: Reign of Heroes, the player is in command of mighty armies, led by Heroes who have been endowed with unique military qualities. Through a use of superior military force, and the discovery of abilities that will enhance the attack and defense values of Heroes and those armies traveling with them, the player must crush all opponents on the map until none but his own are left standing.

The first basic unit of Warlords III is the army, and about sixty different types of armies can be encountered in the game. Types of armies include standards like Cavalry, Infantry and Archers, and they extend to more unconventional units such as Undead Beasts, Pegasi and Elementals. Each Warlord in the game has access to only certain kinds of these units, which is just one of the many elements of play that can be configured prior to beginning a new game.
The second basic unit is that of the Hero. Heroes will make themselves available to the player -- for a price, of course -- at various points throughout each game. Heroes are vital to the player's cause, mainly because they can perform so many tasks that other units can't. First, they can search ruins found throughout the land, in an effort to locate gold, information, magical items, mana crystals, or powerful allies which will volunteer to join the player's troops. Second, they can embark upon quests which will garner a reward. Quests come in easy, medium and hard varieties, and the reward provided for completing a quest increases with the difficulty of the quest assigned. Third, they gain experience by searching ruins, completing quests, conquering cities and defending against enemies. As a Hero gains experience, he/she advances through ten different experience levels. At the point of attainment of each level, the Hero gains ability points which can be spent to provide the Hero with new abilities, or to increase the strength of existing ones. Fourth, Hero units have the ability to use magical items and, eventually, certain classes of Heroes can cast magical spells. These spells are learned through the expenditure of ability points, and a spell can be put in play by a Hero if there is enough of the right color of mana to cast and maintain it.
Other than units and ruins, the other items which will appear on the Warlords III map are cities and sites. The acquisition of cities is one of the most important activities in the game, as the whole point is to eliminate the other players from the map. Cities appear in one of four levels: Razed, Village, Fort or Castle, and Stronghold or Citadel. Given that the player has enough gold, he can increase the level of one of his cities simply by paying the appropriate price for the level of increase desired. As the level of a city increases, not only does the defensive bonus of the city grow, but the amount of gold and mana produced by that city every turn also multiplies. The player also produces military units from within his cities, and he can also obtain a new quest when visiting a city. Sites are places on the map other than cities and ruins, and they consist of special locations such as ports, shrines, mines and stables. All sites except for the shrine lend some sort of bonus to the nearest city, such as an increase in income for that city, or additional strength or movement for units created there. The shrine, in addition to blessing all armies produced in the nearest city, also blesses all units which move over the shrine. This action not only provides a one-time increase to the strength of each unit, but also cures the units of disease and poisoning.
For the player of Warlords III, there are a great number of play options to keep him occupied for a long time. First, "The Banewars" is a complete campaign consisting of ten different scenarios. In this campaign, not only can the player develop Heroes in each scenario, but he also has the opportunity to bring some of them forward to a new scenario as he progresses through the campaign. In addition to the campaign, thirteen additional scenarios are included in the product. One of them is a recreation of Illuria, the only map which appeared in the original Warlords. If these scenarios are not enough to keep the player interested, the random map generator will allow the player to set up any type of game he might wish. Literally thousands of different maps can be generated, which include the ability to set the size of the map, and to specify the number of cities, ruins and sites that appear. In the event that the player desires a different type of challenge, Warlords III can be played via LAN, internet, modem or E-mail. Additionally, Red Orb has a game matching and chat service on the internet called the Red Orb Zone, and software is included on the Warlords III disc to get the player up and running on the free Mplayer internet gaming service.
reference accessed HERE on 16th Dec 09
You can download Warlords III HERE
Warriors of the Eternal Sun:
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), Warriors of the Eternal Sun is an excellent game. Unlike most of the D&D games on the early platforms, this game was a lot of fun to play and fairly easy to control. Round based combat with the option to move your character as well as decide what action to take was a stroke of genius. It gave us D&D players a flashback to playing for real. It also used the same D&D rules we are used to. The graphics were pleasing to the eye and the sounds were wonderful. The score for this game was one of the best I've heard. It really made you want to go out and adventure. There were also a lot of secrets to find with great rewards like magic items and weapons. The map isn't too big, but there is still a lot of game-play to be had. I think you will find yourself walking the length of the map a good many times. D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun is a great RPG. If you like D&D, or if you are just a fan of all RPG's, give this game a try!

You can download Warriors of the Eternal Sun HERE
Ween: The Prophesy (6.17Mb)
An adventure game in which you have to defeat the evil wizard Kraal. Some dude who wants to take over the kingdom.

The game itself is point and click style. You can use thing in your inventory on other inventory items.
The game intermezzos using real human animations, which are sometimes a bit annoying. Especially the two twins walking along.
X-Com: Terror from the Deep (4.48Mb)
You’ll have to do a manual install with this file. Create a folder nemaed X-Com: Terror from the Deep and place the file inside. by default the game will unpack to the folder you have it in. Once unpacked, you need to open the folder and click on the install button. The game installs to the root directory by default. I would suggest changing it to your usual install path; usually C:\Program Files or C:\Games. Once installed it asks you to set up the sound. I just clicked successive Okays till it was done You’ll need to create your own shortcut, so make sure you make a note of where you installed the game.
You're the chairman of a worldwide organization with the purpose of combating alien invasions on Earth that become more frequent and violent by the minute, as well as researching on alien technology you come across. Your funds come from the trust the rich countries of the world put on you: if you manage to keep aliens away from civils and have an overall good reputation, the countries will gradually decide to grant you more money to keep working. If not, they might decrease the level of investment, and could even ally with the aliens! The basic difference is that in Enemy unknown the action happens on land (ie. cities or the countryside of just any continent) and Terror from the deep takes place pretty much only underwater, using subs and very special survival material.This beginning of the X-COM series (the two first games) is *very* challenging, almost too much. But it's rewarding. It offers a unique management game, where you have to deal with scientists, research, production of equipment, purchases/sales, headquarters, air ships, strike teams... as well as one of the best tactical strategy games ever developed. Once your strike team reach an UFO crash, land or wreckage site, or intervene on an alien invasion on some big city, the game turns into a thrilling tactical hunt through a number of different landscapes, from urban to countryside, from jungle to desert, and the underwater landscapes in Terror from the deep. And here you can ruin everything all in one wrong turn. The humans are dangerously vulnerable to the alien weaponry, while some of the UFOs bring beings that resemble war machines all too well.
There aren't many commands, but you'll have to get used to rules of safety in the field and management of the base, and that's why the game is so challenging. Even experienced players may need luck sometimes. I can't think of a flaw, the game works fine, it is just perfect, all you'll have a hard time doing is adjusting to the challenge of it. Terror from the deep plays slightly better than its predecessor, but both games are nearly flawless.
Overall, the fun factor of these games is undeniable. I don't know a boy of my generation who hasn't played at least one of them, and if you didn't, believe me: fix it before it's too late.
You can download Terror from the Deep HERE
You can find X-Com: UFO Defense (already posted several months ago HERE
The Maids Story (8.22Mb)
This is one of those masterpieces in the visual novel genre (which you might call dating sims or whatever – it’s still the same “get the girls” concept); It’s also (if you’re younger than 16) a rather naughty anime cartoon based visual novel from our Japanese cousins. If you are offended by cartoon nudity please do not download this game. The game is not suitable for children.

Let’s face it – playing a computer game which challenges you with the “incredible” task of training a perfect maid doesn’t sound like a fun way to spend your time, right? Well, let me tell you a few things about The Maid’s Story to make you reconsider: the “training” is done by you, exactly as you want it and you can choose one of three beautiful girls to train. There’s also a bit of management involved and time planning, which makes the game more challenging and there’s a LOT of hot content. Not to mention that it addresses one of the most common fantasies: hot maids getting their freak on while wearing those specific outfits. A jewel!
Reference accessed HERE on the 17th Dec 09

Review worth reading:
You can check out what others think of this game HERE
You can download The Maid’s Story HERE