SWINE (716Mb)
I’ve had this game in my to post folder for some time but it was misplaced. It was only a reminder from TNIP the other week that reminded me. I think Wizzard also had this game in mind, (from what I remember of the PM TNIP sent out to us – thanks TheNameIPicked). THe game specs say Win 98 and 200. It works on XP as well, though I've not tested it on my Vista machine yet. (Hopefully will be getting win 7 in the not too distant future. Everything works on my XP machines still so I see no need to upgrade). The shortcut to the game once installed can be found in the Start Menu in the Stormregion menu. If you want a desktop shortcut just right click on the start menu shortcut and select send to desktop (create shortcut)
The Game:
It’s basically a real-time tactical strategy game with lots of varied missions. To win you need to take account of the special abilities your units have as well as the terrain Your armies abilities and strengths will then develop over the course of the game.
Before and during the missions, you can to purchase or sell units, and upgrade or add various items of equipment. However, this will cost you some of the strategic points (SP) you receive for destroying enemy objects (units, buildings, etc.) and for successfully completing your missions. To help in your missions you can call out the air force and supply trailers to resupply your army and repair damaged vehicles during a mission.
Using the terrain to your advantage and selecting the appropriate units for the mission in hand should enable even a small force to win against a larger enemy force.
S.W.I.N.E. is a funny, though exquisitely detailed execution of a Real Time Tactical Strategy (RTS) game. The emphasis is on understanding the psychology of the leaders and employing that knowledge in executing tactics and strategy rather than purely on action. The game is built on a sophisticated, fully functioning RTS engine supporting complex unit deployment algorithms and featuring an innovative physical modelling system that creates highly detailed animations. Employing the features of the terrain and using the special abilities of the units, even a small army is capable of defeating a bigger, and seemingly stronger enemy.
Reference can be found HERE
Video & Images:
You can see videos of S.W.I.N.E. HERE. HERE and HERE.
If you want to see all the images I’ve posted at a larger resolution, click HERE or all on the same page click HERE (there's a slider to the top right of the screen that enables yo to increase the size of the images. I've posted more than what I've shown in the review, though they are mainly a variation on the same theme, lol.
Quoted System Requirements:
The system requirements reflect the time this was released. Unless you’re running a dinosaur of a computer (i.e. over 10 years old) it’s unlikely you’ll have any problems playing this game.
Windows 95/98/2000
Processor: Pentium 466 MHz or Higher
Video Card: 32 MB 3D Graphics Accelerator Hard Drive:
900 MB HD
You can download the full version game from Gamershell HERE and get the v1.9 patch HERE. Gamershell are rated red by McAffee at the moment but I’ve been using Gamershell for years with no problems. I hink the rating is based on the site linking to a couple of very suspect sites. If you’re not sure, there is a yellow and a green rated download below.
You can download the full version , the patch and a demo (just in case you want to first check it out and save downloading 716Mb. The demo is 88Mb) HERE. The site has got a yellow rating from McAfees site advisor, but again, it’s a site I’ve used for quite some time and I’ve never had problems.
The following download sites is green, but you will need to create a free account before you can download the game fro. Click HERE