These two games were recommended to me by thenameipicked. They are both great games by students from Digipen. In Sea of Chaos you control a ship and blow up other ships. NanoTerra is a real time strategy with elements from Pikmin and Starcraft.
Sea of Chaos
Sea of Chaos is a nice short and fun game where you control a ship and blow up all your enemies with cannons and machine guns. You also have a harpoon gun to drag around other ships but I never used it. After completing levels you earn upgrades to make your ship even more powerful. In most levels there are allies to help you. The controls are also very easy to use. It's quite fun if you want to play a game where you just blow stuff up, recommended.
In an age where violence rules the seas, there is a vast ocean that divides the land. Powerful countries have formed due to their advancements in ship technology, but despite that, many smaller countries lead a more simple life in the open seas. It is common to find traveling merchants and mercenaries throughout the land. In "Sea of Chaos", control your ship to fight for survival.
From Digipen, Fraps didn't work for this game...
W (or Arrow Up) - Set Speed Up
S (or Arrow Down) - Set Speed Down
A (or Arrow Left) - Turn Left
D (or Arrow Right) - Turn Right
L Button - Use Current Weapon
Space - Switch Current Weapon
Caps Lock (or Numpad 0)- Check Allies Status
R Button - Manage Camera/Look Around
Scroll Wheel - Zoom Camera In and Out
Download (37.5 MB):
NanoTerra is a real time strategy game that combines elements from Pikmin with elements from Starcraft. You control Queens who have the ability to attack opponents and order nanites to gather resources. There are three types of queens, red beats blue, blue beats green, green beats red. You also have a base that is used drop off resources and produce new queens. By gathering 3 resources of one color you create a new queen of that color. White resources give you 25 nanites instead. To win the game you must destroy all enemy bases while protecting yours. But bases are only vulnerable when producing a new queen. This game is great but there are only 2 levels and no story mode.
NanoTerra is an RTS that combines the fast-paced, chaotic combat of Starcraft with the massive groups, and simple resource system of Pikmin. The game minimizes base management and unit organization, allowing for intense action rarely seen in modern strategy games. For RTS fans waiting for the next Starcraft, this game fills the void and introduces brand new strategy experiences. Plus, with 8-player multiplayer, a physics-enhanced battle system, and varied combat tactics, NanoTerra could be the biggest hit of next year!.
Right Click - Issue orders depending on area or target.
A - Attacks an enemy unit
D - Activates a defensive orb, making the Queen invulnerable. Slowly kills the Queen's Nanites while in use.
F - Transports the Queen to a position in the world. Takes time to charge before the Queen is transported. Kills some of the Queen's Nanites when used.
G - Gathers a resources. Each resource requires a certain number of available Nanites to be gathered.
M - Moves to the given location.
R - Returns resources to the Base.
S - Stops the Queen's current action.
U - Deals massive damage against an Enemy unit costs Nanites to use.
Esc - Exits the game and returns to Windows
Download (18.4 MB):
Note: The shortcut in the start menu don't work. Run CORE.exe where you installed the game instead.