These are two small avoid the walls type games made by the same guy. Descriptions are from the website.
Nal's Jet Pod
Entry into Alexitrón's Make Your Own Jet Pod competition. Fly your way through ten levels of increasing difficulty. Includes two unlockable minigames. If you pass all ten levels and both minigames you get a nice little banner which you can post on stuff. ^_^
Special Passwords (from here, it also has level codes):
password - Receive a secret message... :)
emotipod - Jet pod turns into a smiley face
starpod - Jet pod turns into a star
fwebbib - A load-of-random-dots jet pod
aux - Elemence jet pod
watchingyou - Jet pod with staring eyes
itbroke - Broken jet pod
filled - Jet pod is completely coloured
backtonormal - Default jet pod
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Rockit (completed in January 2008) is a fast paced game in which you direct a speedy rocket to its flashing destination using your mouse. In some levels, the rocket is equipped with guns which can be fired to clear barricades.
The game features 13 levels split into three scenarios. Each has a text story to begin and end. They're skippable if you CBF with the BS, or readable if you like a poorly written story about a mentally disabled boy getting hold of explosives.
Fly a rocket
Shoot lasers
Avoid walls...
Download (5.45 MB) or play online:
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