Found this 2D side scrolling game through PC World. Spitting is way cool!
Here's the entire review.
"You control a little pixie sort of character, and you emit a constant stream of vacuum breath, which you use to suck up candy of various sorts which falls from the sky and floats around you. The candy gives you points, and you must eat all the candy to clear the level. (Vacuum Magic is not approved by the American Dental Association.) Of course, there are enemies. Evil bees--and other creatures--swarm in to try to kill you. You can kill them by sucking one in and very quickly spitting it out, or by hitting them from above. There are also targets to spit food at, "super food" pills which give you a protective force field, timed "challenge" rounds, and boss fights."
The Download: Welcome to the Vacuum Magic website! - Vacuum Magic Includes screen shots and videos.
PS. I would like to apologize for last Friday's post. I was in such a hurry to post I didn't realize it was a sticky. BTW I am NOW home from camping but got tons of stuff to do. So I won't be posting a lot for now unless I find something this game.