Today I have a couple of puzzle games for everyone. These puzzlers are centered around light and prisms. Prisms of Light 1 and 2 are both excellent games. The player must use prisms to guide light into crystals. Controls are a little awkward, but you'll get used to them. The player must select prisms by hitting their corresponding number on the keyboard. You then move them around using the arrows. When you've placed the prism to your liking, simply hit the shift button to de-select it. When you've placed all prisms, hit enter to activate the beam of light. If you find that you haven't gotten the prisms set up right, simply hit the spacebar to stop the beam. These games come highly recommended for any puzzle fan. The download link is for both Prisms 1 and 2 but it takes a little looking to find the download for 1. Directly underneath the download link for 2, you'll see a line saying "Take a trip down nostalgia lane with Prisms of Light 1!" Simply click this link and it will download the original Prisms game.