It is 5:56 PM and I have schecked my own broadband connection on 7 other websites, as well as checking my connection and download speeds. The problem is not on my end. It is currently downloading sagainstaller.exe at 1.67 KB per second and says it will take 140 Hours. HELP Giveaway of the day Team! THIS BLOWS!
SEVERE problem with SAGA download/Speed=HORRIFIC
(14 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
I'd stop the download and try tomorrow or even in a few days. I bet there are hundreds of community members downloading the client; there will be a lot of community members on dial up, so will be downloading for many hours. Generally, you can multiply the number of comments made in the comments section by 10 and that'll be the number of people downloading this game. most don't bother to comment. That's probably the reason you're getting such an appalling download speed.
Where are you downloading it from?
Are you using the giveaway link, or the one at SAGA? There are several places you can download the SAGA clent from. They may not be the latest versions, but that's not a problem because the game will be upgraded when you connect to the games servers.
Filefront have a download.;12393835;/fileinfo.html
and there are loads more : (older version at only 282Mb)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Whiterabbit said "I'd stop the download and try tomorrow or even in a few days."
WTF? You have to download it before it expires.
Am I wrong?Posted 15 years ago # -
@firemcd: I think that this (SAGA) is an exception to that typical rule. This offer (as WRabbit showed above) is being offered on several different sites and probably will go on for several days if not until SAGA decides to take it down. I am not putting down SAGA in anyway; honestly, I have/had (haven't been on in a bit) account and find that it is a rather neat game. Yet, there are a lot of games out there set up similar to SAGA and all offer the 'free to play' tag. I know that there are a number of member on the SAGA Forum that have even made a new challenge with the game by starting and playing with only the completely free account (adding nothing that isnt free to it).
Anyway, my point is that I am sure that WRabbit was eluding that the link will be on here for longer than just the day or weekend. Also, it will be offered on the other links that he noted.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Once you register via the link provided on the download page (and posted by me somewhere in the comments section, you are given the units that are on offer as well as a fully registered account. you don't actually need to have the client installed to have the account. You could evenh wait a year then download the client and it would be the fullly registered version, so long as you created that account before the giveaway is up in just over two hours time.
If you'd read my numerous posts in the comments section, I've tried to explain this several times. In fact, I've even stayed up all night so that I could answer queries from the community, so that they get this decent game. (not the best by any means, but for free, it's a bargain). I hope things are clearer now.
As ibwebb says, this is an exception to the rule, but only; and I'll reiterate, only if you create that account via the link provided on the download page. All you need to do is read the instructions to get this. :)
I hope things are clearer now. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
None of the above helped in any way.
I sent a detailed e-mail to support at SAGA and have recieved no reply after 2 days.
I knew it was too good to be true......Posted 15 years ago # -
I'm sorry if you had trouble firemcd, but, since hundreds of other people downloaded it successfully, it wasn't too good to be true for them. I'm sorry for the technical problem you had, but I'm doubtful that the SAGA folks cooked up a scam just to frustrate you.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi firemcd. It's only been two days since the SAGA offer ended and there will have probably been many others Emailing SAGA for help as well. So maybe you should wait a little longer and see. As for none of the above not working????? Surely one of the download links I provided worked. I checked them all and each one worked for me (though I stopped the download once I'd checked each one). I decided to create an account for my wife about half an hour before the giveaway was due to end and I managed to get a full download, installed the game created an account and then checked to see what my 150 soldiers were. I had no problems doing any of this.
Though to actually see the cards you need to create your city name, which can't be done until you've installed the game. Once that's done you'll be able to see the cards that you've been awarded.
I hope this helps. If not, I'm at a loss as to how else I can help.
Posted 15 years ago # -
firemcd hey if you can't get any luck there you can get the same offer minus the ice drake that you can get in game at level 20 here >>>>
hope to see you in game . This is music one of the guides for the game that started out by getting the giveawayoftheday offer back last year on their first promotion here.
Just spoke with slava the marketing director the gaotd link is still active this week click here to get it you will get the ice drake with this promotion:) Hope that helps
Posted 15 years ago # -
Wow, that's interesting Bluhoteyes, maybe we should post reminders in the giveaway comments section each day just to remind those who may have missed the deal at the weekend. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
SAGA responded to my e-mail and fixed the problem.
Thanks all....Posted 15 years ago # -
Great! Glad you could get the game. Was there anything in their solution that might help the rest of us in the future? Or was it completely specific between you and them? We've got a lot of folks here that still need to use dialup, so we get these speed questions occassionally.
Posted 15 years ago # -
It's true that you don't need to download the client to get the offer. I had an account from two SAGA offers ago and I managed to get a fully registered account after I signed on for the first time.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Just want to mention in this thread also if you do find you need help and assistance in the game I am there most every day and will be more then happy to help. My order name is bluhoteyes brothel and my brotherhood name is music. Hope to see you there:) Also if you didn't get the free offer here you can still get a free full account at just click on the link on the right side that says free account. It is still a promotion they are doing to gain a full free account:)
Posted 15 years ago #
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