Due to the recent popularity of Steam amongst the forum members, I thought it might be fun if we had some kind of tournament or something on Steam. We could add each other as friends or what-not. What do you think?
GOTD Steam Multi-Player Team - HL2 - In Honor of G@rgoyle, we play Feb 21st
(157 posts) (20 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
sounds like fun. Lets see how many are interested. Though my reaction times are a lot slower than they used to be so tend to die a lot when playing online games. I recently re visited one of my older Vietnam games (Men of Valor)and despite being very familiar with the maps and having played FPS games since they became popular in the late 90's, my first few maps saw me getting seriously Pawned. One guy just kept killing me even though I tend to play the stealth game. Even when I emptied a whole magazine of bullets into him. (Maybe he had a hack, as the game doesn't have punkbuster). Still, I'm definitely up for it if enought members show interest.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I'm not that great at the HL2 deathmatch, but I'm not so bad at UT3 =p Perhaps we could even start a group on steam...giveawayoftheday or something. That'd be pretty cool.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I went ahead and created a group for GOTD, so anyone who is interested can join and we can go from there.
Posted 15 years ago # -
UT3 is probably more up my street.
Followed your link and tried to login but had some problems. I'm too tired to sort it out tonight so will try joining the group tomorrow. It's been a long day following my journey to Birmingham.
I'll be posting Wednesdays games later on Wednesday. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
It may be easier to search for it on the actual steam client. I've found that steam still has a few bugs here and there. I tried sending an invite to pixie, didnt work so I tried it a different way and it worked. I've posted a fragfest for HL2 on May 9 so it'd be the groups first outing together. Hopefully I'll have some members for it.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Joined, although I don't have HL2 DM (Sunday March 10 8:00am local), and my desktop has been rebuilt, still hasn't got steam installed (has temp. 40gb hd, so I'm not going to bother). My laptop won't support most of my steam games. :(
EDIT: Found HL2 DM, in other steam thread (nVidia card)Chronopie
p.s If I can get my desktop fixed and UT3 synced with steam (retail copy of UT3), I'll take you on Wrabbit.
NEW: Plants vs. Zombies looks... Interesting.Posted 15 years ago # -
woohoo my first member! A UT3 match will definitely be added later. UT3 can be added easily to steam chronopie. Just go to games and click activate a product on steam. Since steam sells UT3, it will activate without a problem.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Not so sure about that, didn't work for my UT2004 (retail), (yes it is on steam), trying a few more games, but UT3 needs my desktop up and running. CS source or HL2 DM is all I've got on steam for multi-player.
EDIT: haven't tried UT3 yet, but none of my other games w/keys (sold on steam) sync with steam, UT GOTY (classic) doesn't have key.
Posted 15 years ago # -
hmm that's odd, it's worked with all my games so far...prey, might and magic, hl2, hl anthology, lost planet, mlb front office manager, and painkiller. I havn't tried UT3 yet, but I'm inclined to believe that it should.
Posted 15 years ago # -
For FPS Games - like UT3 you might have some issues trying to organise a game with users on different continents - trying to connect to slower servers usually results in pretty terrible gameplay. (Being in Australia - we are limited to using Aus/NZ servers - as ping & latency with most foreign servers is not good).
Posted 15 years ago # -
Well I've left the option open for members to create games as well so I was hoping members from australia or england or wherever could host some games as well. Just hoping to get enough members for it to matter really.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Just to let you know that, for better or for worse, I've added myself to the Steam group BUT...
...my experience of online gaming is limited to just 2 games: I've played Trackmania a lot but that doesn't use any real gaming interaction between players, and I did once give Team Fortress a try on Steam only to find that I was so useless at it that I haven't bothered again since.
I have Steam because I bought The Orange Box when it first came out here in England but havent played HL2 for months, so that would make me easy prey for anyone else in the game.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Don't panic, I've never played HL2, and only played the original HL twice. CS, on the other hand, I've played maybe 20 hours... EVER.
UT (GOTY, 200X, 3), A lot of hours.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Aw, I bet you're all undermining your skills so you can knock the pants off one another. *&:-D You're probably pretty well matched! I, on the other hand, am still trying to get Gordon to crouch-jump into that darned tube in the tutorial. I cannot line him up straight with the keys for the life of me. Or the half-life of me. :b
Posted 15 years ago # -
Okay, I'm in. I haven't played Half Life since 2006 and I've never played Death Match.
I'll have to find some servers to practise on to try and bring these creaky fingers back to life. At least with Wabbit and I being over the hill, you guys should have some laughs. On the other hand I'm not going down without a fight. Prepare to die people!!! :)Posted 15 years ago # -
it sounds like this could be fun. So far I'm up for Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Unreal tournament 3 (my preferred) plus if anyone is planng to buy Killing Floor, it looks like it could be a fun horror shooter. It's supposed to be a coop game. Let me know if anyone else is interested in playing coop an I'll buy it also. Otherwise not sure. There is a SP campaign as well.
This friday sees a free day of 'Left for Dead'. You can download it via Steam in readiness for the free day which starts from 12.01am Friday till midnight Friday.
Maybe we should create a thread specially for Steam events????
I'll join the GOTD team tomorrow, I meant to sort it today, but after yesterday's travelling and today's hydrotheray, I'm totally shattered.
Posted 15 years ago # -
If/when I get UT3 running on steam, I'll happily take you on.
L4D friday when? EST?, GMT?
Thread sounds like a good idea.
Posted 15 years ago # -
yeah i was thinking if this ends up being a success, a thread would definitely be in order. I'd like to take the time out and thank the first several members for showing interest. Hopefully we'll have a good turnout for the first game. Also, as new members join, I'll be needing some volunteers to volunteer as "admins/moderators." The basic duties would be to set up servers and host games for members. If anyone is interested, they can message me here or on steam and I will gladly appoint you your new title.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I'm still having problems joining the group? Everytime I click on the join button the browser closes. I've just replaced my modem, so wonder if it's been configured correctly. I'll be there ASAP. :) (hopefully)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Try through steam, see if that works.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Pity we didn't get together for some left 4 dead. I played out the single player part of the game and found I wanted more so ended up going onto a coop server and had a really good time of it. So much so (and contrary to what I said in a previous thread) I'm definitely going to buy the game of the year version, which is out in two weeks time. There's less than an hour left of the free day now, so it's hardly worth even going in for a session as it takes over an hour to do a game.
I do think it's a bit of a con trying to get steam members to purchase the standard edition (even with the 40% reduction as a sweetner) when the game of the year version which is supposed to have a new mode added plus loads more coop and single player missions (well not strictly missions, more like sets - I read that there will be more urban and some rural sets added to the updated edition.
Anyway, I'm ready for some online play. I'll definitely jump into the half life 2 death match next week. If we can get an unreal tournament going I have both versions (a DVD copy and a steam copy) maybe if we can't get it to work via steam I could set up a server on my fastest machine and run a pre arranged game for all of us. I'll need to download the latest patch though to bring it up to the Steam 'Black' version.
Hi Wizzard,
I hope you don't mind me editing the title of the thread. I though it would attract more members. :) I've also placed it on the game discussions front page as a sticky.
Posted 15 years ago # -
To make scheduling HL2:DM games easier, here are hardwarepromo links for ATI and nVidia users:
ATI: Subscription ID 305
nVidia: Subscription ID 609Both promos include Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. Note that even though the nVidia offer seems to have more, Portal: First Slice and Peggle Extreme are already public. The only difference you'll notice is that Portal: First Slice is permanently applied to your account (so it's always in your game list).
Posted 15 years ago # -
I haven't used the Steam hub sufficiently to know why this might be happening but when I have Portal: First Slice displayed on the store page and click on the Install Demo button, nothing happens; it just stays on the store page without it being added to My Games (not even a failed attempt to download/install).
It did add HL2: Deathmatch and successfully installed it (I already have HL2:Lost Coast and Peggle Extreme so it didn't bother with them), and since I also have Portal and Portal: Prelude, I can't think why it wouldn't do it.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Great idea GMMan I hadn't even thought of those two offers. I don't mind at all rabbit, I was actually planning on changing the title too. I would think valve would definitely allow users to "upgrade" to the newer L4D when it is released. I don't see how they couldn't.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I have played a couple of on line games, not very well I must say. I followed your link and wasn't able to sign up. Do you have to down load the steam platform prior to being able to signing on? I've never been to the site before.
I think it's a great idea to have us all meet up there.
Whiterabbite thanks for all you do. I've only posted a couple of times but have been a loyal follower for over a year. I curtsey to you.
RuthPosted 15 years ago # -
@everyonesmom2: Yeah, you do have to download Steam and make an account. I personally don't like steam that much because of how much RAM it takes, but the force you to use it if you want the extras such as Friends.
@SpodoCommodo: If you purchased the full version of Portal, the demo link will not work. Anyways, Portal: First Slice is just about the first half of the game, so you're not missing out on anything by not installing it, unlike Half-Life: Uplink (official demo for Half-Life).
Just a note for anyone who doesn't like clicking so much: To directly access the hardwarepromos, just type steam://hardwarepromo/{promo number} into your browser's address bar. So if I want the nVidia hardwarepromo, I would type steam://hardwarepromo/609 .
Posted 15 years ago # -
I discovered late last night (after continuing play the singleplayer mission) that the free day had been extended even further than the original extension. On reading the news it also said that the game does include the extra content the Game of the year edition will contain, so I bought it. :) Great online game actually. I haven't had as much fun playing online since playing Battlefield Vietnam cooperatively with several friends around the time BF2 came out.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Thanks GMMan for the explanation; shame that it couldn't display a simple message to say just that.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Just bumping this thread with a reminder that
ATi and nVidia users can still get Half-Life 2 Deathmatch FOR FREE.
It's a big download so make sure you get it in time for the GOTD team Deathmatch on Steam tomorrow (March 9). Did I mention that it's FREE?, so there's no excuse not to join.
Be there or be... nah that's too cheesy... just don't miss out!Posted 15 years ago #
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