Here is another great game from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They also submitted it to the igf for 2008.
Sick of being taken for granted, Physics equations formally holding the universe together are rebeling and have erased all of the color! Take control of Einstein and solutionate them for the sake of the known universe.
Ein is a Mario-style platforming game but instead of playing as Mario, you get to play as Einstein! You get to defeat evil physics equations by jumping on top of them. No wait, you actually solve physics equations by jumping on top of them so I guess it's really not that fun. But you do have super powers such as time slow and camoflague that makes you invincible but can't move. There are four well designed levels with multiple paths and lots of secret areas. The first level is completely black and white and completing levels restores some color back into the world.
Controls for Keyboard:
move) Press left or right on the Keyboard
Run) Hold A
Jump) Press S
Slow) Hold Shift
Camo) Camoflauge by Pressing down and A
Press up to uncamoflauge.
Exit) press Esc on the Keyboard
Official Website:
I still cannot download anything over 10MB from the official website. It works if you use a download manager. If you have a very fast connection it might also work.
Download (17MB):