I was going to post several marble games last week, but didn’t, partly because of the one that was posted by devildog called Blockball Evolution. Seeing as we’ve got a marble rolling game today I thought I’d add to the pot and post links to the ones I was going to post. You can get quite a few from Caiman, some of which are really good. I won’t post links to individual games, just the pages that you can get them from. The games include The little Eggy that Could, I’ve got some balls, Gyroball, Sky Roads, Marble Arena (one of the first games I posted in this project), Skyblazer, Blazing Trails, Sky Cars, Fun Ski (Geyser System), Orbit hopper, Big & Small vs The Grand Machines, Marble Run, Race Walking 3D, Ilogic roads and Marblex, which you can get HERE
Rollminator, Rolling Fury, Skyroads Xmas, Marble Insanity, Voidrunner, Marble & Madness, Bomb Roller, Osw-Ballz 2, Blast Geyser System, Osw-Ballz, and Babal 3D which you can get HERE
Again, I hope you don’t mind me adding theses extra’s to your thread Wizzard. I’ve been wanting to post them for ages, but whenever it’s been my turn something else has cropped up, or I’ve had a reason not to post them. I had several of the games above in my ready to post folder for quite some time so am glad to have cleared the folder somewhat.
Also I thought it would be appropriate to link to the marble rolling/skyroads clone that devildog posted a couple of weeks ago called Blockball Evolution, which I think is one of the best free marble rolling games around at the moment and you can find the thread HERE
If you really like skyroads/marble rolling games I highly recommend the following commercial games. They are worth getting if you like this genre:
Marble Blast Gold, a brilliant marble rolling game that was released through Garage games several years ago. The game is timeless so doesn’t look dated as some older arcade games do. I bought this one for my son about four years ago and he played it regularly for a couple of years and still jumps in occasionally. You can get an editor to create your own levels and there are loads of custom made levels available to add to the ones you get with the game. To progress from one level to the next you have to complete the previous level, however by clicking on the bottom right of the screen you can unlock each level and proceed to the next. There are lots of extra files you can download that change the backgrounds or the ball skin. You’ll find details of all the custom content via Garage Games forums.
Get Marble Blast gold HERE
Another excellent skyroads/marble rolling game that you can buy is called Slick Ball. It’s harder than Marble Blast Gold and doesn’t have the custom content, but it’s still worth buying in my opinion if you love this genre. It’s not as colorful as Marble Blast Gold, looking rather somber and dark. You can get demo’s of both games if you wish:
Get Slick Ball HERE
A more recent sky roads/marble rolling game called Switchball is my favorite of the moment. It’s go everything the others have plus the graphics are crisp & gorgeous. You can get it from fileplanets Direct to Drive, or from the developer, though I’d recommend getting it from fileplanet as the developers download and registration process is quite complicated (not that fileplanets DtoD isn’t):
Get Switchball from fileplanet HERE
Get Switchball from Gamershell HERE
Get Switchball from the Developer HERE
There's a few more commercial games called Roads of Fantasy and two Hamsterball games, none retail for more than $10 and are available via the links below; though I think many of the free games linked to above are better than these games.
Get Roads of Fantasy HERE
Get Hamsterball HERE
Get Hamsterball Gold HERE
Finally, for those who have Half Life 2, you can get a fantastic mod called Dreamball that gives you a skyroads/marble rolling game not dissimilar to Switchball. You can get it from fileplanet:
Get Dreamball for Halflife 2 HERE