Shadowflare Episode One:
ShadowFlare is an outstanding role-playing/action game for a single player or network play (up to 4 players).
The scenario for this game takes places in the middle ages where witchcraft was common and the landscape was dotted with castles. In single player mode, when you start the game your mission will be to "Defeat the Red Goblin." There are of course other smaller, shorter goals to be acheived before this final goal can be accomplished. You start out the game as a male or female mercenary, but as the game progresses you might be able to change your occupation to that of a warrior, wizard/witch or even a hunter. Throughout the game there are hundreds of items to find and collect, some of which can restore your health and some which can kill the enemy. There is lots of gold to be found and items can even be bought, sold and traded. There are game characters to 'talk' with which will give you some of you more immediate goals. You have a dog called a companion, which follows you around defending you and can also do special tasks. To traverse the great distances which you have traveled on foot, there is a transporter available.Here are just some of the things which you can do with your character:
Walk, Run, Talk, Attack
Use Magic, Switch Spells, Increased Power Mode, Triple Attack,
Change Equipment, Change Companion's Attack Mode, Companion Dash, Companion Jump,
Check Companion's Status, Land Mines, Transporting, Use a Gate,
Switch Run and Walk, Pick Up Items, Throw Away Items, Use Items,
Put Items in Warehouse, Let Companion Pick up Items, Equip with Items, Repair Equipment,
Identify Items, Push a Button/Pull a Switch, Use a Brain Globe, Open/Close Doors,
Change Career, Open Status Screen, Open Items Screen, Open Special Items Screen,
Open Magic Screen, Open Warehouse Screen, Open Mission List, Open Map,
Open Help Screen, Get a Screen Shot.Even though there is a tremendous amount of moves, activites and options available in this 88.5 MB download, it is an easy game to get started with, even without reading the well documented manual. The game is very intuitive in the way that it's played, but for full enjoyment of the game, it is stronly urged that you read the manual. Most 'moves' in the game can be performed using the mouse, but keyboard controls are also available...
H = Open Help window
F1 - F8 = Select a magic to be used with the right-click button
F9 = Select an attack for right-click
1 - 8 = Use items in Belt Pocket
B = Land mines
P = Turn on increased-power mode
Ctrl = Hold it while walking, and the player can run
Shift = Press it while walking or running, and the player stops in place
SHIFT + left-click = attack in place
CapsLock = Swap equipment
TAB + Left-click = Let companion get items or let companion jump attack enemies
Space = Toggle companion's attack mode to Active/Inactive
Enter = Enter normal chat message
Shift + Enter = Enter common chat message
S = Open Status window
I = Open Items window
X = Open Special Items window (Episode 3 and later)
M = Open Magic window
Q = Open Mission List window
N = Open the Navigation window/Map. (Episode 2 and later)
R = Switch Walk/Run
Print Screen = Get screen shots
Scroll Lock = Show producers
Pause = Save screen shot for Load screen image
ESC = Open the Settings Menu, or close individual windowsShadow Flare has excellent graphics, animations and sound/music. It is sure to keep you entertained for days and days before you complete the game with always something new to see. If you are on a dialup internet connection, don't let the large download size deter you from playing this wonderful game, just start the download before you go to bed and by the time you get up the download will probably be complete.
Reference originally written by Mark S: accessed 3rd Oct 08
Download Link: (via the developers site)
You’ll find detailed installation instructions on the above page together with the link to the game download. It’s actually the first in a series of three games, the other two of which cost nearly $30; however, neither of them are required to play this full game.