I've seen ads for the movie, "Quarantine," and I love horror movies like this, so I plan to see it. I noticed that they have a website mentioned on their ad, so I went to it and found a link to a free online game, which is a FPS. I thought I'd post here with the link. You're quarantined in a building, and people are....very, very sick, so you have to defend yourself. ;)
FPS free game for movie, "Quarantine"
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 16 years ago #
pretty fun for a browser game. irritating to have to start all the over each time.
nice find thoughI want to see it to. I just saw the preview for the first time today, along with another saw(oohhh). Did you notice the sweepstakes?Grand Prize is a nice computer.
http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/quarantine/weeklygiveaway/enternow.phpPosted 16 years ago #
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