As there appears to be no game giveaway again, I’ve taken one of the better games that I have waiting to be posted. It’s called Penumbra. I apologize to those on dial up as it is quite a large download. Thankfully you’re not constrained by the giveaway projects 24 hour download and install limitation, so it should be possible to download it overnight (that's if you don't mind leaving your computer on unattended for so long). There are some video’s of the game for you to decide whether the game is for you or not. It’s a first person horror mystery. I've added some images, at least one of which I think may be from Penumbra Overture. If anyone thinks that some of the images are innappropriate fort his site I'll happily remove them.

The first video is over 7 minutes in length. It starts off very slowly, going thought the introduction to the game, so please bear with it.
Penumbra (156Mb)
Penumbra is a free, first-person horror adventure game that uses the latest graphics technologies and physics to create an immersive game world. The protagonist finds himself in an underground base searching for his lost father. It's dark, scary, and dangerous.
Version 1.1 adds multilanguage support, extended support for older video cards, extended configuration options for video cards, a new installer, and minor additions and fixes.
The best games keep you on the edge of your seat, and this first-person shooter does the job nicely. With a 3D engine built from the ground up by the game's developers, you'll feel the tension as you skulk down dark hallways in search of your father with your flashlight drawn, wondering what will jump out at you next. Penumbra's excellent physics make items react and move in a realistic way. We also like the great sound effects and eerie music, which add to the overall creepy factor as we search the vast maze of underground tunnels and hallways. On our initial run the game crashed once, but we were able to get up and running after that. First-person-shooter addicts and anyone who enjoys a scare factor in their games will definitely like Penumbra.
Download Link:

You can download the free prequel to the series HERE
For those interested in further adventures from this interactive first person horror title; the original free game spawned a series of three commercial titles called:
Penubra Overture, Penumbra: Black Plague and Penumbra: Requiem which can be purchased cheaply from the developers site. They do have half price sales on over the holiday periods. There's one on at the moment and you can get all three of the commercial versions for only $10, plus their latest game Amnesia: The Dark Descent is now available. all their games play well with the Novint Falcon a devive that takes the place of your mouse and gives force feedback to all your actions. when you open a drawer in one of the Penumbra games or open a door it feels like your really doing it. :)
The developers site can be found HERE