A neat little mini-golf game.
More Browser Games
(151 posts) (32 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
Posted 14 years ago #
How about a nice relaxing puzzle game to start the day? Entanglement plays like an ancient oriental board game. Although a browser game you get it full screen, which is a plus for me. Your aim is simply to match the hexagonal tiles to create the longest line possible. As you can tell from the screen shot above, it doesn’t stay simple for long. It’s beautiful, addictive and free. Check it out.
You create your line by placing hexagonal tiles. Each tile has a number of routes carved into it, and you can to rotate the tiles to guide your line down new paths. Here’s where it gets really addictive. You get bonus points for doubling back and sending your route through tiles you’ve previously placed. Just when you think you’ve reached a dead end, you can place a crafty U-turn that sends your red line snaking back through ten or more tiles and then – Blammo! 100 points and an enormous sense of satisfaction.
Pretty soon I realised that it’s possible to plan ahead and position the unused routes on each tile to set up a secondary path that can hopefully be used to double back later on. There’s also a backup tile that you can swap in at will. This allows you to snatch a tile with a convenient U-turn to use later on.
Once you’ve earned yourself a respectable score, you can upload it to the global leader board, which means picking suitably Zen name for yourself.
You can find the puzzle HERE. There is a problem playing it in I.E., but there is apparently a way around that problem, but I didn’t bother to check a si use both IE and Firefox, so I just booted up Firefox to play the game. There is a downloadable version, but you do need to install Google Chrome to be able to play it.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Posted 14 years ago #
I realize not everyone likes Facebook, and i was one of them; however I started to play a couple of Facebook games (browser games) two months ago and haven't been able to stop playing them. They have 30 or so high quality browser games that include such titles as Farmville, Frontiersville, Cityville CityZen Vampire Wars, Zombie Slayer, Dinner Dash, Samurai Dynasty, School of Wizardry, Doomsday Defence Superhero City, Dragon Age Legends (based on the game Dragonage Origins a brilliant triple A RPG title)plus many more. From the list of games that you'll find under games on your Facebook home page there’s going to be at least a few of the game that'll suit you?
I play the following games at the moment:
Mafia though I'm probably going to drop this one soon as I've got a little tired of it. I'm at level two hundred and thirty something; having played it for 8 weeks. It's a text based adventure that really grabbed me for ages, but I over played it and am now well, I'm sure I don't need to elaborate, lol),
I also play Cityville and CityZen (I love city building games), plus I dip in to several other games such as Backyard Monsters a Tower Defence game every so often.
There are adult only based games, family games, games for the boyz and for the girlz, plus there are some for the little 'uns as well.
Someone sent me an invite to a game called Garden of Time, which I though for those who love hidden Object games it would be an excellent game to while away the hours. I think you'll find it's nearly as good as it's commercial counterparts. The only catch is that you'll need a Facebook account. (Yeah I know there's no chance goodgotd, lol).... :)
You can find the game HERE
Posted 13 years ago # -
Posted 13 years ago #
Posted 13 years ago #
WR turned me on to GLTron a while back.. thought I'd return the favor. I'm kinda surprised it's not already here TBH...
Disney set up a site for Tron the Legacy, and it includes Tron games. You can play the original Tron Arcade game or the original Discs of Tron games from back in the day.. or you can play newer versions of the light cycles and disc battle that look like they were taken right from the movie "Tron the Legacy". You can set up an account if you want or just play as a guest. They did a real good job.
Tron Classic Arcade
Classic Discs of TronTron Legacy Light Cycle
Tron Legacy Disc Battle
Tron Legacy Digital DJPosted 13 years ago # -
I will have another tron like game to post soon. Watch out for it in the coming weeks. It's a downloadable game as opposed to a browser game. :)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Check out this cross between Defend the Base and Plants and Zombies from the emminent Indie developer Preloaded
There are millions of browser-based castle defense games available on nearly every platform imaginable, but that doesn't make a good one any easier to come by. Preloaded's zOMT is most certainly a castle defense game, but there is enough spark in its presentation to make it a worthwhile little game to explore.
At it's core, zOMT is a strategy game where you, the God, is defending your believers against waves of baddies. Those foes will come at you along a linear 2D path in a variety of flavors, from ax-wielding maniacs to catapults. Yes, that sounds like every castle defense title in existence, but zOMT makes use of its screen real estate and platform in wholly new ways.For instance, you won't just be calling up different attackers to walk and hack at enemies, you'll also be setting up defenses by stretching clouds across the sky to bounce back enemy weapons or creating a forest to slow down enemies -- sure, they're defense game tropes, but they're utilized here in a way that feels more natural than it usually does. To get it right, you'll need to angle a cloud correctly, which adds a bit of an obstacle-puzzle game element to the mix. The whole thing looks the part of an iOS game and it wouldn't be surprising to see it pop up on the App Store soon.
zOMT - Adult Swim from Preloaded on Vimeo.
There are 15 levels you'll have to plow through to complete the game and it takes a bit longer than you'd likely assume to do so. The game doesn't take it easy on you at any point and the challenge starts ramping up considerably around the fourth or fifth level.
Visually, the game looks great -- something of a combination of Patapon and Out of This World that evokes a feeling of wall-paintings without actually looking like wall paintings. The screen setup also ensures you'll have to defend two sides of your totem pole, which adds another twist to the usual one-way path of most castle defense titles.
If you're a fan of tower or castle defense, you'll want to take a gander at zOMT, but don't be surprised if you end up killing an hour defending your totem pole.
Reference accessed HERE
You can play the game HERE
Posted 13 years ago # -
Here's a decent browser game given the accolade of one of this weeks best releases by PCWorld. It's called The End which sees you being killed by an enormous asteroid. But then develops into a surprisingly complex game about life and death. It’s an ambitious title made for Channel 4, and while it has its problems, it’s well worth experiencing.
The End is many things. It is, ostensibly, a platform game, in which you leap from place to place and collect stars, and eventually a key, which unlocks later levels. You’ve also a trick up your sleeve which allows you to turn shadows into solid platforms to help you on your way.
But it’s also a Facebook-integrated social game. At various points, you’re asked big questions. Questions about life. And your answers end up being plotted on a graph, shared and compared to those of the rest of The End‘s player base.
And it’s also a sort of puzzle-based board game at various points, whereby you battle what amount to boss creatures on a hexagonal grid. It’s a brave combination of many genres, pieced together in a way that’s presumably intentionally confusing. That’s quite a brave decision in a title commissioned by Channel 4.
There are some fairly significant problems, unfortunately, especially early on when tutorial tips prevent you from moving for seconds at a time, even after you’ve read them. And the platforming is competent but unimpressive. The game also isn’t too great at explaining itself sometimes: I like the ambiguity, but there are occasions on which this doesn’t seem to be part of the game design, and is instead a result of some dodgy planning. Still, it’s immaculately presented, atmospheric, and a hugely commendable idea. I just hope people push through its foibles to the point where they can experience it.
Reference accessed [b] Aug 2011
Posted 13 years ago # -
Here's another one called Le Lee's Quest:
Posted 13 years ago # -
'FLUR' (fleur ?) is an online arcade mini-game with entertaining and easy gameplay. The game loads quickly and you can find it here:
http://ninjakiwi.com/Games/Arcade/Play/Flur.htmlPosted 13 years ago # -
WR, do you play Frontierville, which has been renamed as Pioneer Trail? I play that game (at Level 90), as well as Empires&Allies. I have played Gardens of Time, but stopped.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi RosnSc, sorry, totally missed your post. I did start to play the game when I got into facebook games earlier this year, but found Cityville, CitiZen and Mafia II took up most of my time so didn't play Frontierville much. I found I was spending far too much time playing these games so stopped signig into my facebook account around April just to avoid them. they were just too addictive, lol.
The following browser game may appeal to those who like beat em up games. it's called MMMA Pro fighter. you can find it HERE
Also check out Millionaire City which you can find HERE and Zombie Lane HERE. I played Zombie Lane via facebook for a while. not a bad game if you persevere.
All three games are distributed by Digital Chocolate, who recently bought up Sandlot Games.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Need A Smile? Then Cut The Rope :)
Thanks to Gizmo's newsletter I found this cute game.
Be warned, it's very addictive.
It's made for IE9 but for me it's running also with Firefox 9. Read the comments of other users, it seems that there are bonus levels for IE - I didn't come so far yet.Screenshots: http://www.cuttherope.ie/dev/
Need even more fun? watch the video: http://www.zeptolab.com/ctr/
Posted 13 years ago # -
Here is a clone - for me it's not as cute as the original - but you can download it and play it offline.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks Graylox. There are some superb games here. This is yet another job I've been meaning to catch up on. Gargoyle (Lan) started a browser game synopsis as well. These games should go in here as well so that it's easier to find the games. :)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Just received details of an update via email for the following Browser based MMORPG called Dead Frontier, yet another zombie killing game.
Dead Frontier is the ultimate survival horror MMORPG. Log in and play with thousands of real players from around the globe as you struggle for survival in a zombie infested city.
1) ... Battle for survival against an army of infected zombies
2) ... Explore a huge post-apocalyptic MMORPG world
3) ... Wield over 100 real world weapons from melee to miniguns
4) ... Pit your skills against other survivors in brutal PvP
You can play the game HERE
Posted 13 years ago # -
You like to get achievements? Here are 100!
Play Achievement Unlocked on ArmorGames
Screenshot: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1218545p1.html
17.02.12Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks graylox
Posted 13 years ago # -
Here's an excellent browser based game that was voted the fourth best browser game last year by The Gadget Show, a UK baed program that reviews tech apps and games etc. You can play the game called Scary Girl, a side scrolling platformer with surisingly good graphics for a browser game HERE
Posted 13 years ago # -
The Snowfield:
In The Snowfield you are a lone soldier wandering the aftermath of a great battle. It is the dead of winter and you won't last long in the cold. But you are not alone.
Research Statement
The Snowfield represents an attempt to make a simulation-based narrative game according to a special method for developing such games, a method designed to avoid the need for complex A.I. or massive content generation. The idea was not to relying on codified narrative theories or formulas - like three-act structures, etc. - but rather assume "what makes a good story" cannot be systematized and instead must be arrived at organically via extensive user testing.The method involved designing and creating many different "building blocks" - characters, behaviors, and/or objects - that stories could be made out of. Through observation of how players played with them in early builds, increasingly fine-tuned decisions were made that would push towards a final product. In other words, The Snowfield is an experiment in seeing how inverting the traditional relationship between Design and QA can streamline a development process for creating highly improvisational, simulation-based narrative worlds on a tight schedule.
You can watch a video of game play HERE
You can play the game online HERE
Minimum Recommended Requirements:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Mac OSX 10.6 and above.
Intel Dual Core Processor (or equivalent)
2 GB of RAM
Discrete Graphics Card
Graphic Card Shader Model 3.0Posted 13 years ago # -
Bloody drama in the pigsty:
=== WARNING! ===
Super Pig is incredibly hard!
=== WARNING! ===Super Pig is an innovative challenging platformer where you have to kill yourself to reveal parts of the level with blood splatter. The level is initially invisible. The goal is to reach Super Pig's girl before you lose all your lives!
There are 30 levels arranged into 6 chapters. If some of the levels are too hard for you, you can skip any of them. But if you want to get to chapter X (the last one) you are required to beat all of the preceding levels!
Please take a look at the in-game help section for some more hints!
You have been warned!
Controls---- IN GAME ----
LEFT/RIGHT - Run sideways
Z or Y or W or UP or SPACE - Primary jump
X - Turbo jump (hold to jump continuously)
ESCAPE - Instant game over---- LEVEL SUMMARY SCREEN ----
SPACE - Next level
ESCAPE - Back to main menu---- GAME OVER SCREEN ----
SPACE - Retry
ESCAPE - Back to main menu---- ANY TIME ----
Hover mouse over the top-right corner for options!
http://armorgames.com/play/12959/super-pigThat will be a lot of bacon tomorrow ;)
14.03.12Posted 13 years ago # -
Posted 12 years ago #
"Hi RosnSc, sorry, totally missed your post."
Hi WR - looks like I did the same with you; totally missed your post...lol. I hear you about the Facebook games. They *can* become quite addictive, and thusly time consuming. I do play several of them, but split my time up so that I'm not sitting here, for hours on end, playing...(chuckle). I also only play 2 of them everyday. I don't use Facebook just for games, though, but also to keep up with far-away family members (long-lost family that I found on Facebook, btw <G>).
Posted 12 years ago # -
Here's a music based browser game called Epic Sax
Posted 12 years ago # -
The game giveaway for April 21st: Mad Shapes
Also Mad Shapes 2
The site where I found these also has numerous other games: Physics Games
Posted 12 years ago #
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