The following post was originally part of another post that I'd posted in answer to someone’s query; but then I though it would be a good idea to post it in a different thread otherwise it would have been buried in a post that wasn’t really applicable.
The following are only my opinions based on the games I've played in this genre. I mention that there are over 150 Match Three' games available over at Big Fish Games alone, and I've played over a third of those. You’ll find many more at Reflexive games (see links to a few games at the end of this post). So my list of recommendations is not as informative as I’d have liked it to be.
I’ve not included links to any freeware versions of Match Three games yet. There’s a particularly good freeware game called Gem ‘something or other, maybe mine (I’ve forgotten the full title) – it was a 3D puzzle where you had to move colored blocks - somewhat on the lines of Cubis Gold - that has been posted somewhere within the games discussion thread. It was posted in one of Freeware Fans early posts from his free game a day threads from around February/March, (which ended on about day 8 due to other commitments; then he got banned from the giveaway forums, so the threads were never completed)., but for the life of me I can’t remember it – I post details sometime later when I have the time.
It would be nice to get feed back from other community members about other match three games they have played; (by comparing them with other match threes). It's a good bet you’ll find the game via the link I've posted below (w.r.t. the 150 match three games) A great alternative to last weekends game giveaway is a new one called 4 Elements. It's got a different game mechanic to Around the world in 80 Days; it reminds me of a match three game called Jewels of Cleopatra. Big Fish Games are offering it for $6.99 if you join their game pass scheme.
4 Elements:
Jewels of Cleopatra:
Also you'll find some free ‘Match Three’ alternatives from Gametop. The ones starred are in my opinion the better games and worth having despite the ‘problem’ mentioned below; - though I’ve become really fussy about which match three game I’ll play because there are so many available now:
Pharaohs Puzzle: *****
Eldorado Puzzle: *****
Amazon Quest:
Gift Puzzle:
Fairy Puzzle: ***** (previous giveaway from Elefun)
Adventure Match:
Matching Gems: *****
As always I should remind you that games from these two sites do open up your browser when you close the game down, though it isn’t redirected. You just have to click on the x to close it down. I’ve checked all the games from both sites with F-Secure and PCGuard and found no viri or malware attached to any of the files. Gametop have recently introduced more advertising which kicks in whenever you click on a game (while on the website); though you can bypass the advert. It just means a few more mouse clicks and an extra 10 or so seconds wasted before you can download your totally free commercially available game.
b.t.w. Did you know Big fish Games stock over 150 match three games:
From my own experience of playing match three games I’d recommend the following games that you can download demos for from the link above:
7 Wonders II
Age of Emerald
Age of Japan
Age of Japan 2
Ancient Quest of Saqqarah
Around the World in 80 Days *
Ashley Jones and the Heart of Egypt
Atlantis Quest
Big Kahuna Reef *
Big Kahuna Reef Chain Reaction *
Cash Cow
Cradle of Persia
Cradle of Rome
Cubis Gold 2
El Dorado Quest
Flower Story: Fairy Quest
Heroes of Hellas
Hidden Wonders of the Depth
Jewels of Cleopatra
Jewel Match 2
Jewel Quest II
Puzzle Hero
Puzzle Quest
Runes of Avalon
Story of Fairy Place
The Rise of Atlantis *
The Treasures of Montezuma
Treasure of Persia
Zen Gems
* The starred games have a screensaver included
Of course that’s just my opinion. I’ve tried about 35% of the match three games mentioned in the list above. There are others such as Circulate from Pie Eyed Games and Geom from Reflexive that are pretty cool games as well: