Several games recently have not created shortcuts on the desk or in the Start menu/programs so I thought I'd post a short tutorial on how to go about it for those who may not know how to:
You need to locate the game you wish to create shortcuts for. Once found(which by default is usually installed to the boot drives programs folder – i.e. C:/Program Files/…..) open up the games folder and locate the executable and right clicking on the executable files icon, (this is usually easily found as it will have a picture or symbol associated with the game) Make sure you click on the exe file and not the icon image or uninstall program.
Once you've right clicked on the correct icon, scroll down to send to then click on Desktop (shortcut).
If there is no start menu shortcut either; you can create one it's a good idea to include the uninstall file as well, create another shortcut of the uninstaller, which you can do by selecting Create Shortcut rather than using the send to command, which will keep it in the games folder rather than put it on the desk top.
Go to My Computer, click on the C: drive icon and then Documents and Settings. Click on whichever accounts you want a shortcut to appear in the start menu (There will be at least two called Administrator and All Users); then select Start Menu, then Programs. If you just want a shortcut to the game you wont need to place a folder, just copy the shortcut of the game and paste it in the programs folder. If you want shortcuts for both the game and the uninstaller, create a folder named whatever the games name is inside the Start Menu Programs folder then paste the two copies of the shortcuts into that folder.
Once you've done that go check your start menu/programs - you should see the appropriate folder with the two shortcuts within, or the single shortcut to the game.
If you have a full start menu, you can tidy it up from the start menu programs folder as well, for example, placing all the games into an Arcade Games folder and even subdividing them into genres. The same can also be done for all the applications you may have accrued from the giveaway project.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you require more help