The idea of adding a usefulness button to each poster was great! Unfortunately I can't find an easy way to order all posts according to it and, although the time at which the comment was posted is more useful in general democratic information on usefulness can also help speed the process of selecting which GAOTD are best for us. Sometimes going through 50 articles can take a long time :). Just a dumb suggestion.
Comment Filters
(3 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
You are of course working on the assumption that people actually mark "useful" topics with some consistency - and everyone shares the same definition of "useful".
I have a theory that once a comment get's below about -5 it will take all the strength of the Gods to turn it around and bring it back into the realm of "useful".
The same goes for inane comments that are sitting in the positive - people like their votes to count for something, which means - if a comment is + or - with a significant number (like more than 4 or 5) then keep "voting" in the direction it is headed.
Personally I think the "useful votes" are about as easy to predict as a dozen drunken slugs racing to escape from a bowl of salt. Maybe it lets people feel they are giving a virtual congratulatory pat on the back, or a "what were you thinking" kick in the pants.
Posted 17 years ago # -
After several months of scanning most of the first 30 to 50 comments, I generally tend to agree with the comment usefulness ratings. Every time I go to GAOTD I wish for the same thing as pauloparra: a way to sort comments based on usefulness rating.
I don't care if usefulness ratings are not 100% fair/accurate and sometimes influenced by group-think. This is less of an issue for me than the much more frequent annoyance of having to wade through so many inane or inappropriate comments such as "I was first one to post...", "I haven't tried this yet, but...", etc.
I have seen other suggestions for all kinds of sorting options that would take forever to implement them all, but I would really like just one simple option: sort descending based on usefulness rating--either as the page default or user clickable option.
Pretty Please!
Posted 16 years ago #
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