Aero Flux (23.6MB):

Aero Flux is now in beta (last updated Sept 2011 as far as I know) of what is looking to be quite a good vertical shooter. It’s your standard kind of shooter which at times it quite the bullet hell so there is something for everyone there is even dual player which lets two of you battle it out together which also adds to the appeal of this game as well as being able to power up your weapon too.

The graphics are what makes this stand out. They're all hand drawn with great detail and the two bosses really look good this must of took hours for this guy to have done and then the whole thing plays along nice and smooth even when the screen gets busy. For controls on this hit F1 to see what they are and F4 toggles between full screen and window mode. If you download one game this week make sure it’s this one.
Apparently the developer (Pieterator) of this game is hoping to complete the beta by the end of this year.
Reference accessed HERE (edited)

You can see video of gameplay HERE, HERE and HERE
Player 1:
P1 Start Button - 1
Move Left - Left Arrow
Move Up - Up Arrow
Move Right - Right Arrow
Move Down - Down Arrow
Shoot / Accept - Numpad 0
Bomb / Cancel - Numpad . (Fullstop)
Player 2:
P2 Start Button - 2
Move Left - A Key
Move Up - W Key
Move Right - D Key
Move Down - S Key
Shoot / Accept - N Key
Bomb / Cancel - M Key
F4 = Full Screen mode
Screenshot - O Key
Pause - P Key
Escape - Esc Key
You can change the keys during gameplay or in the options menu.

1).... Tapping the fire button makes you move at normal speed, holding
it down makes you move at halve speed.
2).... Destroying enemies fills up your experience bar (Yellow), which increases
your firepower.
3).... Destroying enemies increases your multiplier, which increases the rate
at which you score points.
4).... Dodging or Grazing enemy bullets fills up your bomb bar (Pink), which
when full, adds one bomb to your bomb stock.
5).... If you get hit by an enemy bullet, and have bombs in stock, the bomb
save will activate. This will clear the whole stage of enemy
bullets for about two seconds, but will not damage the enemies.
6).... There are 8 bonus enemies per stage (Big orange orbs) that double their
score each time one is killed ie. 500, 1000, 2000 -> 64000. They
account for a quarter of your score, so don't miss them.

You can download the original Alpha v1.0 Aero Flux HERE or the latest Beta build HERE (Beta v1.5)