I'd not really bothered to use Desura until recently even though we've been given quite a lot of Desura keys for many of the Indie games that I've already got via Steam, so it seems absurd to install them via another client, that is until I happened to purchase one via Kickstarter that installed via Desura. That was a few weeks ago. I was very surprised to fine they had quite a collection of freeware games , some of which have already been posted here in these forums, but quite a few have yet to be included in the free games project. I will be posting details and images of all of those games (apart from the ones that have already been posted most recently by txgoogoo)
I though I'd start with Savage: The Battle for Newerth, but I also though I'd list all of the other games that are available via Desura. You will need to create a free account if you haven't already. I'm sure some of you who have contributed towards the Humble Bundles, Indie Gala, Indie Royale's bundles as well as others may have already installed the client, so it'll be much quicker to start downloading the games. Basically all you need to do is click on the Games tab along the top tool bar then scroll down through the list of games. There are 16 pages of games most of which will have one or more free games to download. I must say that most of them are absolutely fantastic games and well worth adding to your games library. I thought I'd post a list of all the free ones then post more details about each one with screen shots and video of each game over the next several weeks. Just over 20 or so of the games below have been previously posted, though some without images, so I may repost those.
There's a total of 70 free games available from the site. I've asterixed those I'm sure we've posted details of in the forums previously.
Smokin Guns *
Revenge of the Cats: Ethernet
Savage: The Battle for Newerth *
Evolution rts
Tank War
UFO: Alien Invasion
Red Eclipse *
Triple A
The Kite
I Shall Remain
OGS Mahjong
Monster I
Epic Inventor
Speed Dreams
Noxious *
NeverPutt *
Bullet Train
Warzone 2100 *
Renegade X *
World of Padman
Cube 2: Sauerbraten *
Urban Terror
Dwarf Fortress *
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory *
Marble Arena 2 (We posted the original)
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adveraries
Teenagent (free on GOG as well) *
Neverball *
Open Tyrian
Vega Strike (just posted this last week) *
Warlock's Gauntlet
Zombie Grinder
Savage 2: A tortured Soul *
Open Arena *
Battle for Wesnoth *
Lure of the Temptress (another one free from GOG as well) *
Dragon History
Beneath a Steel Sky (another one free from GOG as well) *
Open TTD *
Abuse *
Flight of the Amazon Queen *
DrĂ¡scula' : The Vampire Strikes Back
Wrestling MPire
1916 - Der Unbekannte Krieg *
Tremulous *
Warsow *
Zero Ballistics
M.A.R.S. A Ridiculous Shooter
Open Clonk
Mental Venture
The Mirror Lied
Invaders: Corruption
10 min space strategy
Dead Meets Lead
Broken Dimensions
Celestial Impact
Here's the first of many games I'll be posting over the next several weeks. All of the games are easily found from Desuras game list.
Savage: The Battle for Newerth is an excellent game that's been freeware for some time. The game play includes tactical strategy element and FPS game play. It is a multiplayer game, but well worth playing. There are loads of mods for this game s you'll find a wide range of map types. You can find a tutorial on how to make maps for the game via Desura HERE.

Savage: The Battle for Newerth:
Choose to be a commander and you will play an in-depth RTS managing the stronghold, or choose to be a warrior and you will play an intense game of first person combat. With the creation of a new game play genre, RTSS (Real Time Strategy Shooter), Savage expertly redefines the first-person shooter and real-time strategy genres by combining elements of both into one cohesive experience. As the commander in RTS mode, you will tackle resource management, develop a robust tech tree, plan your assault and lead real human players into battle. As a warrior in action mode, you will master many unique weapons, powerful units, and siege vehicles to fight a fast paced battle. Set in a unique fantasy world eons from now where Humans and Beasts battle violently foru their very existence. Savage transports PC gamers to the next level in multi-player gaming.

Here's a review by Brighty:
I've been playing this game for about 18 months now and it's awesome. Each team has one commander, who plays the game like an RTS and coordinates team strategy. The rest of the team play on the field: mining, building, scouting and fighting (the combat is a combination of shooter and melee). I love the distinct teams (human and beast), the melee combat is the best I have experienced in an online game & the RTS commanding aspect is unique.

Video & Images:
You can find video of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE and there's over 90 images shown as a slideshow HERE
You can get this game via Desura totally for free HERE, though you will require the Desura client to install the game. I'm not sure, but I do think there is a standalone download available. reverseOrder mentioned this in passing when posting about the sequel to this game about four years ago.