Vega Strike: (613MB)
I promised to post details of this over a year ago but totally forgot about it until getting an email notifying me of an upgrade. This is a superb open source space simulator that has loads of mods such as a Star Trek mod. If you love games like freespace 1 & 2 (cheap from GOG) or several others of this ilk including the online only game Eve and the singleplayer X3 series then you'll love this.

Here's what the developers say about the game:
Vega Strike is an OpenSource 3d Space Simulator. Work is proceeding on both the Vega Strike game engine and a Vega Strike Universe game data set. Both engine and data are in a playable state, but still under development. Each release serves as a beta for both engine and data.
The Vega Strike engine serves as the foundation for the Privateer Gemini Gold, Privateer Remake, Vega Trek, and Pi Armada projects, whose websites can be reached via the sidebar to the right.

The project goal is, at version 1.0, is to be a generic space simulator. Currently developed features include:
◦Plenty of shoot 'em up action
◦Preliminary multiplayer Deathmatch (testing server only)
The Game:
Vega Strike: Upon the Coldest Sea
As you play, you will see that several species and numerous political entities are present in the game, and they do not all co-exist peacefully. With the invasion of the Union of Dispossessed Colonists,a lesser political entity, the brink of war has been reached between the human dominated Confederation of Inhabited Worlds and the Aeran Ascendancy even as the border between the Rlaan Assembly and the Aera still smolders under a long, tense cease-fire that has failed to become a peace.

•Some player character backstory can be found here: Deucalion's Monologue: (A Dead Man's Ship)
•The Vega Strike Wiki Database contains many entries on the ships, species, and factions found in the VS universe, and is a good starting point for those interested in exploring backstory. The Wiki Database is, however, still a work in progress. Many entries are minimal or in need of significant editing. However, it's still the best (non-developer/non-spoiler-filled) source of information on the VS universe and entities therein.
Mods some of which have been posted previously include Privateer Gemini Gold, Vega Trek, Pi Armada and Privateer Parellel Universe. These mods are well worth downloading and adding to the overall game experience.
You can find several You Tube videos below:
Vega Strike - OgrePlanet 20km flyby
Z-Ray School - Vega Strike 0.5.0 Tutorial
vegastrike atmospheric scattering test 1
vegastrike atmospheric scattering test 2
You can find the Vega Strike wiki HERE
You can download Vega Strike HERE