The following game was first mentioned by Campy HERE following a post by Terri for the game Soup Du Jour. I found it in my ‘to post’ folder though I thought it had already been posted some time ago, Apart from the reference from Campy I couldn’t find it in the forums or games synopsis, so have assumed we didn't post it earlier.. The developer has released the source code to the community so you should be able to find mods for the game. Check out Indiegames for details.
The game installs to the program folder by default. there's no shortcut installed so make a note of the installatio path so that you can create a shortcut. The executable is named 'Strange'.

Strange Adventures in Infinite Space (7.87MB)
In the 22nd century, colony ships were programmed to search for earthlike planets along trajectories calculated to visit stars with the best likelihood of habitable worlds. One such ship with its crew and passengers in cryostasis traveled over 2300 light years before a suitable planet was found.Hope is a temperate world located in the Glory system on the edge of a vast nebula often referred to as the Purple Void. The nebula is unique in that it contains many unusual star types and other peculiar phenomena.

Over 100 years have passed since the colonists first arrived. It is a new beginning of deep space exploration. Technology has improved and mankind is no longer dependent on slow cryoships and robot probes. This is the setting of Strange Adventures In Infinite Space.Sail the high sea of stars in your own deep space exploration vessel. Discover exotic star systems; seek out new technologies, artifacts and lifeforms; boldly blow up stuff where no one has blown up stuff before!
SAIS is different every time it is played. Stars, planets, black holes, nebula mass, alien patrols, items, lifeforms and other encounters are randomized for each new Strange Adventure.
Refeference accessed HERE March 2011

The following information was taken from the read me that’s located within the installed game. I recommend that you read all of the document before starting the game.
The main menu consists of five buttons: Start Game, Combat Simulator, Settings, High Scores and Quit. Their effects are quite self-explanatory.Combat Simulator lets you stage a battle against simulated AI opponents. Feel free to practice until you feel comfortable with the interface and controls. More on the Simulator later.
Clicking Settings allows you to change the sound volume and turn some details and other options on an off.
The High Scores button, unsurprisingly, toggles the high score list.When you start the game, you're presented a screen where you can change several game settings to customize your adventure.
By default, the names of the captain (yourself) and the ship are randomized each time you play the game. You can click on either name to change it. On the right side of the name there is a small padlock icon that you can lock or unlock. When locked, the name will be saved so you can use it in subsequent games.

Weapon and Difficulty Settings:Underneath the names are weapon settings. You can choose from three different sets of guns, to suit different styles of play.
You can set the difficulty level either by changing the amount of nebula and hostile aliens, or using the slider at the bottom. Higher difficulty level will boost your score, if you can deal with the extra enemies and harder navigation.
The following are clan badges, Garthan, Muktian, Tanru, Terran, Urluquai and Zorg respectively

• Playing time: 5-20 minutes for each game
• Singleplayer
• Difficulty: variable
• infinite Re-playability – each time you play is different
• 21 different ship types
• 69 different weapons, drives, shields, gadgets and artifacts
• 18 alien life forms
• 17 different planet and star types
• 7 unique alien races

Minimum system requirements:
Pentium II 350MHz (600MHz or better recommended)
32M RAM (64M or more recommended)
Windows 95/98 or ME
DirectX 6
DirectX compatible video card capable of 640x480 resolution
DirectX compatible sound card
16M of free hard drive space
You can download Strange Adventures in Infinite Space HERE and a patch to bring it up to the latest version (v1.5) HERE You'll find a full list of changes made to the game in the 'manual' document.