WarMachine Overload - horizontal shmup 7Mb

This is a very delightful and challenging horizontal scrolling ‘bullet-hell’ Doujin space shooter from Japan, with beautiful graphics and music/sound effects. The game plays in English and has 6 stages, with a boss fight at the end of each level. Controls are 'Arrow' keys to Move, 'Z' key to Shoot, 'X' key = Beam, 'C' key = select fighter formation. Left ’Shift’ puts the game in slow motion mode. You may well need this at times as it’s hard to beat even in easy mode! Collect blue power-ups to charge the beam, which is a much needed more powerful weapon, though with limited availability for use. You’ll need to run as administrator in Vista or if it’s installed to Program Files in Win 7. It has a game replay feature built in. It’s a capable and very enjoyable horizontal 2D shooter with great graphics and backgrounds!
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-ONzCSRRpo
Download HERE or from Vector.jp (Japanese site) HERE (download link below file size)