Space Corps 3: Armageddon: (3.3MB)

The gameplay looks like an Asteroids game, but instead of asteroids the space is filled by space ships. It is a war between 2 groups of space ships, and you control one ship of your group.
Space Corps is an overhead space ship combat game. In this edition you are part of a massive space battle and must help your team achieve victory. The game is played in a manner akin to a death match with respawns whenever you die
Every time you are killed your next ship will be slightly weaker, in contrast if you score the killing blow or do 1/3rd or more damage to an enemy ship that is destroyed your ship will be slightly more powerful. Collect the large star power up for an instant ship upgrade.

The small stars will repair your hull armour back to full. When shooting at enemy ships be sure to try and get around behind them as the rear armour facing is the weakest, all ships have very good frontal armour.
The "M" power up will add on 10 missiles in to your racks. The weakest ships fire rockets, but more powerful ships can fire homing missiles and deadly torpedoes.
The weakest laser is coloured red, green lasers do more damage and blue lasers are only fitted to the most powerful ships. The xeon laser is very slow firing but can potentially do a great deal of damage. Mass drivers fire very quickly but are inaccurate, although they do not penetrate armour well their combined effect can be devastating if multiple rounds hit
Reference accessed">HERE March 2011

Cursor keys + space + left Ctrl
There appears to be two versions of Space corps, you can download version 1 HERE and HERE or version 2 HERE
Images and review courtesy of Demo News