I can’t believe I forgot to post these two games. I posted some images to whet your appetites back in April, then again I accidentally deleted the whole of my Steam collection (of around 1400 games), so over that period was reinstalling the games. It took me abut a month to fill a 2TB drive with less than two thirds of those games, but by the time I’d done that all thoughts of posting these two games had been forgotten.
Both games are space orientated games called Space Corps: Armageddon 3 and Die Slave. I'll post Space Corps in the morning, it's almost 1am and i can't think straight.
Die Slave:
Die Slave is definitely one of the coolest Japanese shooters around. It not only offers the usual amazing explosion and weapons graphics and sounds but manages to improve on current, similar, games by introducing extremely addictive game play and enough variety to keep gamers going for a long time.
You have 3 ships to choose from and 5 weapons. These options are sufficiently different to justify their existence and do change game play enough to suit even the most demanding gamer.

The game completes its slick presentation by a very helpful and simple interface and by using suitable music. There are many shooters out there but Die Slave is definitely a notch above the rest. If you like a hard game then this is an excellent choice.
Here are a few reviews of the game from Acid Play:
NajdorfThis game has some of the best graphics I have ever seen in a shooter, has lots of weapons, super powers, is fast and furious.
Only downside is that it's utterly impossible to finish it at "normal" level, i.e. with 8 lives. But it's still a lot of fun to play it at "easy", where you have 999 lives. Just to tell you I had to use about 80 lives to finish it.Anyway, a must try, this is one of the coolest shooters you'll find.
This is just a great game. It runs smoothly and looks flawless. Sure, it gets hard sometimes (sickeningly hard for you who can stand not winning) but you get over it. I recommend this game to anyone with a brain and a passion for space shooters.(inappropriate name removed)
The movement in this game is smooth and the graphics are spectacular! Definitely worth the download, though, a bit hard at times. Not for the weak of heart or easily frustrated.

You can download Die Slave http://games.softpedia.com/progDownload/Die-Slave-Download-18447.html. You can also download it from Acid Play, but I’ve refrained from linking to it because it now gets a red warning as being an unsafe site. Personally I’ve downloaded a lot of files from Acid Play and as far as I know have not suffered despite the various comments about its dangers.