I don't know about anyone else, but it seems like this forum is flooded with all these different bundle posts. Can't we just have one bundle topic that you could keep posting to??? Seems like relevant posts are getting lost in the ocean of bundles. Also, as much as I enjoy games, has anyone else noticed how 90% of the posts here are about gaming? This forum used to be a place to go for talks on all software and general internet talk. Technical problems were brought to the members looking for resolve and advice. These days, that advice is going ignored because no one is here to help. There used to be 10-15 topics a day on this site, and now you're lucky to have 5. Just saddens me to see this site as a ghost of its former self.
Why so many bundles???
(5 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
A walk along memory lane...
Welcome back Wizz.
Posted 11 years ago # -
It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere... we need to Bundle Up!
Posted 11 years ago # -
Hi Alex, I agree with you w.r.t keeping stuff together. I tried to consolidate my game posts about 2 years ago, after finding I was spending hours every day preparing posts for each bundle or sale (searching the net, researching, writing up and doing the screen captures, uploading to image sites, play testing etc) then I tried to consolidate it all into a couple of posts (as well as reducing the play testing and research), but as more people jumped on the bundle band wagon, and sales were appearing every week on Steam, and other games sites such as Desura, Gamersgate etc, it got too much for me, (I was spending far too much time here than with my family. Things had to change). There’s seems to be at least several bundles available all the time now, with the big three (Humble/Gala and Royale having either weekly, daily and permanent shop sites, and Bundle Stars having several bundles available for months at a time (they have 11 excellent bundles dirt cheap going at this time i.e. (Brutal, Outer Limits, FPS Warriors, Cities in Motion, RPG Champions, Urban guerilla, Planes,Trains & Automobiles, High Octane, Wars of the Ages and Blaze of Glory Bundles). Basically there’s amazing bargains to be had virtually every day these days.
I've recently set up a secondary Steam profile adding most of the games I've got from recent indie bundles and have already added over 300 games, with another couple of hunded to add from bundles I've not processed yet at minimal cost, plus a few sqale itemsd that were deals not to be missed 80% and more off); and that's after giving away over 300 Steam keys a few months ago (I set the secondary Steam profile up so that my sons friends could play online with him when they come to visit, he often has 2 or three friends around, so with my two profiles, his and his sisters they can have a decent LAN party as I've purchased copies of his favorite games for each profile when they have been on sale, or in the case of my secondary profile when for example Left 4 Dead 2 was given away free over the Christmas period)
Thankfully Goo Goo jumped in and took over most of the bundle posts and has been extremely helpful with the free games project since he joined the site about 2 years ago.
I agree that it may be a better policy to keep them under one thread as this would make it easier to find the deals. Graylox did that with THIS bundle, but it's rarely used for some reason.
I'm still plodding away with the free games thread, but with a lot going on in my life over the last year, and a couple of protracted illnesses I’ve let it slide significantly. (both me and David went from playing online together virtually every day back in 2011 to not playing at all from the summer of 2012 onwards.
I'm still trying to bring the Synopsis up to date, but it’s been a losing battle with everything else I’ve been doing. I’ve got a stockpile of free games I’ve tested to post, and have several pages of games from the games forums coded to add to the synopsis, but they've been backed up on disc which are still packed and stored in the attic somewhere and at the moment my database is out of order (can't find the activation code to access the datbase). Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to write up and take screen captures of the games I've accumulated like I usually do, so they remain stored on one of my other external drives waiting for the day I’ll have time to do them justice. :)
Unfortunately most of the people who used to post regularly have moved on to pastures new, or have become too busy to post here, and a few have sadly passed away (scuba guy and pavid). The only regulars left are those that post game details, which is why we are flooded with gaming posts.
I agree that it was a much more interesting place to be a few years ago. The community was very friendly and we had a lot of community members always posting and bantering amongst themselves, in fact I made some good friends via this site thanks to you Alex (via setting up the gamegiveaway group on Steam). Trouble is we all tend to move on for various reasons (finding other interesting sites more specific to their interests, changes of circumstances such as having children, getting a new job, moving house etc). Sadly the applications side of the forums seems defunct of any regulars at the moment and those that answered the technical stuff haven’t been around in a while apart from Mikiem, who still posts fairly regularly and HOSS does his monthly post.
I'm sure as time passes we will see other community members joining the forums as the giveaway project is still going strong despite competition from at least three other similar sites (BitsDuJour, Glarysoft and the Daily Software Giveaway). I still think the Giveawayoftheday is the best apart from maybe BitsDujour (at least with respect to applications) because you can reinstall many of the BitsDuJour programs legally, but they don’t give apps away every day and they don’t cover games. In fact I don’t think any site covers games (not counting sites like MyPlayCity/Gametop/ Jenkat Games and FreeGamePick)
Most sites have their ups and downs, I’m sure the Giveaway forums will return sometime in the future.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Not posted anything recently but still been looking in...for last couple of years I have basically been having to help out 24/7 with my late Father, virtually no time for gaming or anything but basic daily tasks on computer...Still taking an interest, now have a bit more time to myself so am hoping to keep up with what's going on and adding any of my limited knowledge(if req.)...
p.s. seriously thinking of getting the bundle with the ARMA titles...
Posted 11 years ago #
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