Mono (5.36Mb)
Don’t let the title of this game fool you, nor the start of the game. It starts off rather dull, but bit by bit it builds to a very colourful game. It was created in 2005 by Binary Zoo, a follow up to their excellent shooter duo.
Mono is one of those rare games that comes along every now and again which makes you wonder... just what is it that constitutes a game?The object, as far as there is one in this game, is to turn the screen from black to white, or vice versa. You do this by controlling a round white circle which is capable of shooting beautifully arranged displays of firepower at faceless coloured circles which float around the playing field.
Shooting the circles leaves a colour behind, red leaves a red stain, blue leaves a blue stain and yellow leaves a yellow stain, if you shoot three different coloured circles on the same place (or close to) then it all mixes to fade the original colour of the background. The higher score you get is determined by how much of the field has been covered and switched to the alternate of the starting colour.
With this task you are given, which sounds simple enough – to change the background colour – you will face numerous perils in your way. As you change the colours, you will notice that if a certain position is a certain colour, a circle will be affected by that. Green will make the circles speed up. Blue will make the circles come towards you and Red will make the circles shoot a bullet at you. Needless to say that as more of the ‘canvas’ is ‘painted’ the game becomes very frantic as circles and bullets fly with near aimless glee across, up, down and all around your screen turning it into a kaleidoscope of mayhem.Mono is a game which is difficult to describe in words, so if any of this has made sense, you should be well and truly downloading by now to see a game which, in all honesty, is a game that shows what games would be like if the world was a truly original place. Enjoy.
Reference accessed HERE June 2011
You can download Mono HERE. The download link is to the top right of the page. Just click on the hyperlink that says below where it says File Downloads. Do not click on any green buttons. :)