Check out the following for more cheap older games. They have a good mix of genres some cheaper than GOG, others slightly more expensive. Well worth keeping in your bookmarks for those times you year for an old game. :)
DotEmu - Another site for Old Games
(11 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Thanks WR. This doesn't seem to be up to the GOG standard yet, but is interesting. They don't have as many games and don't seem to have the premium content that is available with GOG. I think they had about 160 games and I think there are some that aren't on GOG. Also, as you said there are some pricing differences so perhaps they have some good deals. The site went down for maintenance shortly after I started looking, but I will go back and check again later in more detail. If nothing else they will be worth watching to see how they develop from here.
Posted 13 years ago # -
They look similar to when I first discovered GOG, so you are right; they will probably develop their site and grow bigger.
Posted 13 years ago # -
They are currently giving away 5 games. One a day for 5 days today is day 3. I just downloaded Robinson's Requiem. Day 4 is Dragon Breed. Day 5 is WarZone 2100. Sign up for the site and click on News. The free games are the first entry. This is to celebrate their being one year old. They also have several games free in the regular game list.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Looks like they are going to be doing something similar to GOG w.r.t. giving away some games free all the time.
I have the following listed in their catalogue as free:
Beneath a Steel Sky (also free over on GOG)
Flight of the African Queen
Warzone 2100 (just for today 5th June)Looks like Warzone is just for today. I missed the first four days; wasn't really looking. you can purchase most of the ones they gave away for Euro 1.99 which is dirt cheap. The crusoe game looks pretty good as does the Goblin one. I may just get them as they are so chap. :) didn't realize this site had been around for a year. Only stumbled upon it the other day when I was searching for free games to post for the free games project.
Posted 13 years ago # -
GOG also has for free the game Tyrian 2000 which was update 3 of Tyrian. It fixed bugs, added a level and added ships. Not sure which version DotEmu has. Also free at GOG are Dragonsphere, Lure of the Temptress, and Teenagent.
Posted 13 years ago # -
I'll have to include those games in the free games project soon. Posted the others from GOG quite some time ago apart from Dragonsphere which was only given away a few weeks ago.
Posted 13 years ago # -
DotEmu have now got their first Collection (Collection Vol 1)for sale HERE. The total cost of the pack is only 14.99€ and includes 40 games
In this pack, you will find the wild type Krypton Egg, the mythical Nicky Boom and its sequel Nicky Boom 2 and plunge back to humour and reflexion with the three episodes from Gobliiins trilogy.
Take a break with the arcade games of Irem Arcade Hits including among others: R-Type Leo, Cosmic Cop, Dragon Breed, Hammerin’ Harry, Gunforce 1 & 2...
And finish with the famous Simarils Collection and its classic games, such as: Ishar 1, 2 & 3, Deus, Robinson’s Requiem, Storm Master or Transartica!Posted 13 years ago # -
DotEmu have now got their first Collection for sale HERE. The total cost of the pack is only 14.99€ and includes 40 games :
In this pack, you will find the wild type Krypton Egg, the mythical Nicky Boom and its sequel Nicky Boom 2 and plunge back to humour and reflexion with the three episodes from Gobliiins trilogy.
(Nicky Boon)
(Nicky Boon 2)
(Gobliins 1,2, & 3)
(Gobliins 1,2, & 3)
(Drogon breed)
(Krypton Egg)Take a break with the arcade games of Irem Arcade Hits which includes 18 game - Kung-Fu Master, Vigilante, Ninja Spirit, R-Type Leo, Air Duel, Battle Chopper, Cosmic Cop, Dragon Breed, Gunforce, Gunforce 2, Hammerin’ Harry, Image Fight, Legend of Hero Tonma, Mystic Riders, Undercover Cops, In the Hunt, Superior Soldiers, Blade Master - providing you with an explosive mix of adventures, fights, bosses to destroy and mysteries to resolve, armed with submachine guns, bombs, hammers or a simple chopper.
(Hammering Harry)And finish with the famous Simarils Collection and its classic games, Boston Bomb Club, Bunny Bricks, Wind Surf Willy -, adventures - Colorado, Maya, Metal Mutant, StarBlade, Targhan -, strategies - Deus, Robinson’s Requiem, Storm Master, Transartica -, and role-playing games - Crystals of Arborea, Ishar I, II and III. You can purchase the Simarils collection separately as well for 9.99€ HERE
Robinsons Requiem)
(Transartica)Posted 13 years ago # -
I'll close this thread, because there is another and longer one for DotEmu.
Please continue there:
DotEmu - Old Games - No DRM - some Free Games
Posted 13 years ago #
Topic Closed
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