you're welcome. check your email?
I find that Metapad doesn't significantly up the footprint, load time, etc. over notepad [check the FAQ for comments on antivirus slowdown bypass and batch file content on installing as Notepad, plus a .reg to associate with text files easily] but it has the kind of extras that I keep wishing Notepad had. recent file list, a decent find/replace utility (that stays open when changing files), 2 selectable fonts, and more. and it handles a lot bigger files. can't recall just how it's enabled in Firefox (do you think 4.0 stinks too?) but I use "copy link location" a lot for URL's, and there's a plugin that adds 'copy link text' as well. Often handy.
oh- one other utility I find too handy not to have installed is Moon Software's Shell Tools for the Filenote function (note- after installing, you have to enable Filenote- and for some reason it won't appear in the context menu unless you enable Copy File Name [which also copies the path] as well. I have a support note in on that.) which I literally use multiple times a day.
any time I download a freeware utility/driver/picture/GAOTD/M$ update- I use it to place the associated text in a text file next to the item with the same filename but a .txt extension, including URL's. Right-click on file.???, choose filenote, and it creates and opens a text file named file.txt, ready to paste copied description, source, notes, caption, comments...
no more 'what is this file?' or 'where did I get this file?', or 'what were the comments on that giveaway?' as it's right there. I generally put in anything and everything I can find associated- homepage, download link, you name it.
Sure makes life easier.