Not long ago, there were comments in the free game comments about Ricochet Infinity and Hyperballoid. It was a bit off-topic so I didn't say anything.
This past weekend, I made a comment that I was distracted from more testing of Sunday's free game (Lost Head) because of playing with the extra levels for Ricochet Infinity.
I'm responding to Stephen's comments. His PM box is usually full (I didn't try it) but I thought I would give others a chance to weigh in.
Although Reflexive is now owned by, it is still going strong. I don't think the original developers every anticipated it continuing this long. If they had, they would probably have rankings higher than "Ultimate Legendary Supreme Master of Infinity" that is achievable with 100,000 rings.
Stephen said that he thought some levels have been removed. I don't think so. They are still adding level sets! When I purchased the game from last year, the number of extra level sets was something just under 4000. Right now it stands as 4172 level sets. It further lists the number of levels at 65,415. Note that some levels are for Infinity and Some are for Lost Worlds Recharged. Both kinds will load in Infinity.
I can attest that there are indeed 4172 extra level sets. It has taken me several months (not working continually -- wear out my hands) but I have download all of them! That includes one that is only available from the Ricochet game forum.
I currently have 62,300 rings (I still need 500 rings for the next ranking) and I am currently playing my 731st extra level set of the 4172.
You can also download the extra levels from the New Levels Catalog. It has 418 pages and 10/page would make the 4172 levels!
There is a discrepancy between the number of levels involved. they claim 65,415 but my records (hand copied one by one by one...) only account for 65,406. A difference of 9. There is one set that claims 10 but actually shows 11. That may make my difference at 10.
There have been occasional server issues where the catalog will not download from within the game. It happened a few months back. I could download from the catalog I had but I could not update the catalog!
With 5 levels of difficulty, a "recall" aiming feature, and over 65,000 levels currently available. I personally think this game far surpasses all other similar games.
That's why I went "public". Let others explain why they think others are the best. That's why there are so many games available. It gives everybody something!