Alrighty friends the time has come! We've dealt with this standard forum design long enoungh! Now I know we can't change the design for the world to see but we can see it how we want to in our browsers. I've taken it upon myself to develop this user style that I feel makes the forums a little easier to use. I've taken a simplistic approach by removing some of the clutter and increasing font size here and there. You can install it with Stylish or as a user script. I've tested it on Chrome with Stylish and it works perfectly. I tried it on firefox and it's really messed up. So, I will work on getting it cross-browser compatible but I am very busy and it may not get done for awhile. If any of you are willing to take my design and tweak and fix it yourself and send me the code back so I can update it I'll give you credit on the page for helping me. Also, perhaps this will spark some of you into creating your own user styles for our beloved forums to share. These are our forums people, let's make them special!
And without further's the link:
Note from Idunnobutiwastold:
Followed the link to and the site says that there are individual styles for Chrome and Firefox.
Firefox users may want to experiment with the Stylish add-on written for their browser. The add-on can be downloaded from: