Xbox Live among game services targeted by US and UK spy agencies
NSA and GCHQ collect gamers' chats and deploy real-life agents into World of Warcraft and Second Life
Your taxes may be paying that troll to annoy you. I'm not surprised that folks at the spy agencies tried to talk their bosses into paying them to spend their days gaming -- it'd be a good gig if you could get it. That their bosses agreed to such an extent did raise an eyebrow, while word that they're paying informants caused more than a little disgust.
There may be some consolation though... the US gov agencies apparently make it common practice to burn their informants as it suits them. It was recently in the news that informants in the US Air Force Academy were routinely not just disavowed but prosecuted &/or kicked out of the school when their usefulness ended. And the ATF is trying to prosecute informers that had a part to play in their infamous Fast & Furious program.