Swistakowy Klopot 2:
Swistakowy Klopot 2 is the puzzle game where you will need to rearrange the boxes to escape to the exit. Like in the earlier version of Kiopot 1, the game is pretty much the same except it has more levels. There is a password system so that you can start the level where you stop.
The heart of Swistakowy Klopot 2 is the levels. With these simple rules, the level designers came up with 50 wonderful, tricky levels. They force you to use the various items in new ways. Your thinking is constantly being pushed and stretched. Oh, when you get trapped on a level, hit the ESC key and use the arrow key to rotate between "Resume", "Restart", and "Menu". Actually, I could not figure this out on my own and emailed the authors knowing that there must be some way to restart a level. They quickly responded. It is good sign when people support their game, even a freeware game. I hope everyone reading this, plays SK2.
As with any game, SK2 is not perfect. The music is a little annoying, but it can be turned off with with the "M" key. You are supposed to play the levels in order, and there are passwords to remember or write down.The controls take a little getting used to. My last complaint, since they used the free version of the Games Factory, there is a splash screen when exiting.
Reference assessed HERE
Author Description :
Swistakowy Klopot 2 (Whistler's Trouble 2) is a logic game. Your goal is to aim Whistler (main hero) to the end of level. It isn't as simple as it seems to be. On your way Whistler will face many obstacles, like self-destructing land, fire, deep water. Only you can help him get through fifty levels located in 10 different worlds. Good luck!
Left / Right - Move.
Up - Climb.
Down - Use teleport / Go to next level.
Ctrl - Grab.
Shift + Left / Right - Rotate left / right.
Esc - Pause.
Enter - Confirm menu option.
M - Toggle music on/off.
Ctrl + S - Toggle sound on/off.