Yo Frankie! (120Mb )
Yo Frankie! is a cross-platform 3D platformer and the first 'open game'of this type. The game was developed using the open source Blender software by a full time development team at the Blender Institute.
I’ve still not figured out how to get this game working, but according to the instructions everything I’ve linked to below is enough to get the game to work. If anyone has the time to figure it out I’d be most grateful. The game looks really nice. The problem (for me) is figuring out how to run the game through blender once blender is running. You will need to manually install Blender if you have the 64 bit version, (the 32 bit version comes with an installer), then create a shortcut to wherever you keep your shortcuts. The read me says that you can start the game by executing one of two different files (see below for details), but I’ve not managed to discover how you do that yet. (I need a break). I wouldn’t normally post any game until I know that it’s running perfectly well (for example I mentioned yesterday that I’d be posting enemy Nations, but hit a snag, which hasn’t been solved yet), but I think this one is worthy of an exception. I’m sure someone will figure out how to get the game to run. Basically Blender is like an emulator (and much more) that allows the game to run, but we need to figure out how to run the game via blender. (Not sure whether you need to place the game folder inside blenders folder or to leave it separate?
To play Yo Frankie you will need to download and install the latest version (or any version from v2.49a) of Blender (free) from HERE . Once Blender is installed you can play the game by loading "levels/start_menu.blend" in blender, Game Menu, Start Game. Or execute... "blenderplayer yo_frankie_stub.blend"
There are versions of blender for 32bit and 64 bit Windows. If you’re running a 64 bit O.S. you will additionally require Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistribution package (x64); (available HERE). Apparently the 64 bit version is still under construction so doesn’t support all the features available in the 32 bit version such as quick time, Open AL and FFMPEG, also the64 bit version of blender doesn’t come with an installer.
You can download Yo Frankie! HERE