I am a bit dissapointed.
A side of a good intentions stuff have here,we have to admit final result is not good as intentions are.
"Coneverteroftheday" is what is "giveawayoftheday turned to.Only converters,rippers,image sorters and some wallpaper/screensaver from time to time.
It is almost a spam site now.Bunch of overpriced converters and their so called "pro" versions which all got free alternatives just as good as them.
I think I'll stick with "Giveawayoftheday" for a short time just to see if anything change,and if not,I think it's time to unsubscribe.
Time to unsubscribe?
(16 posts) (12 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
You forgot to mention: programmes for back up, for defrag, partitioning, data rescue, drive copy, disk wiper, alignment tools, virtualisation, translation, PIMs, diaries,
accounting tools, music notation, tools for maintenance, for screenshots, for desktops, for startmenus, clocks, photo editing, tweaking tools, password programmes, security programmes, anti-malware, anti-virus, firewall, process (program) management and optimisation utilities, recovery tools, editors, PDF-tools, start-up manager, swf decompiler, logo-maker, tools for webdesign, comparing, typing assistant, flash animation, menu-builder, watermark software, USB device manager, 3D text, cover maker, audio recorder, video recorder, radio+tv tracker, animated screen-saver+wallpaper maker, audio speed changer, story binder, burn software, charts+diagrams, file renamer, TCP/IP troubleshooting tools, hard disk analyser application, system analyser, libraries, magnifier, flip book maker...
Not enough for you? You are welcome to make contacts to developers who will take part in the GOTD project.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Whats bey mean? Sounds like when hounds trap an animal?
Posted 14 years ago # -
better? (blushing)
Seems, we need a spell-checker.Posted 14 years ago # -
Graylox, I use the one on my Google toolbar...religiously...lol. BTW, I wondered what 'bey' meant, too...(chuckle).
Posted 14 years ago # -
I must have missed something.. bey? As for what that is couldn't resist:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBey is a Turkish title for chieftain, traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups. In historical accounts, many Turkish, other Turkic and Persian leaders are titled Bey, Beg, Bek, Bay, Baig or Beigh. They are all the same word with the simple meaning of "lord". The regions or provinces where beys ruled or which they administered were called beylik, roughly meaning "emirate" or "principality" in the first case, "province" or "governorate" in the second (the equivalent of duchy in Europe). Today, the word is used as a social title for men (like the English word "mister").
Posted 14 years ago # -
lol Lord graylox....beylox XD
Posted 14 years ago # -
drazenn99, if you can tell me where you'll find free software such as you get via the giveawayftheday, that's been tested for malware and we don't have popups continually vying for attention. You also forgot to mention programs for music notation, staff loggers, games (although that was moved to a separate site back in Dec 2006) and the odd screensaver maker to mention just a few more of the wide range of programs we get here on the giveawayoftheday.
You've got to remember all of this stuff is free and you have no obligation to try any of it out. I’ve forgotten the number of community members like yourself that have posted, complaining of the software that's GIVEN away on this site. I've been around the net for as long as it's been around and have never ‘ever’ found a site such as this that gives away a wide variety of software in a safe environment, with a bunch of volunteer techies to give advice, and often updates to those software’s, every day for the past four years. We may get a lot of converters but there's also a lot more types of software that we get.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I thought that "bey" was "bye" said with the same enthusiasm as "meh". :)
Of course it doesn't matter what is offered - for some people it is of absolutely no interest. To others, it is just what they were hoping for. The following day - the reverse may be true.
You can never please everybody, every day. But in terms of variety I think GOTD does an excellent job.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I've been watching just FOR a conversion. I got a video (perfectly legal - I paid for it, even) that has an odd audio feature that IrfanView won't even play! I would like to convert it to burn to a DVD so I've been watching for a conversion program to do what I want. I've not paid attention to them before but now that I have a need, I am.
That's life - your needs change and what you want can change even faster!
Posted 14 years ago # -
You want a converter? How dare you!
You realize the day you get what you want, lots of people are going to be very annoyed at the inappropriate selection of GOTD. ;)
Posted 14 years ago # -
You hit the nail on the head with that one Bubby! Actually you not only hit the nail on the head, you drove it straight through the wall...lol ;)
Posted 14 years ago # -
You can't argue with free. I rarely download anything on giveawayoftheday because I haven't got much use for some of the programs on here, but some people do.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I like to thank GOTD & daemon tools, driver magician, date recovery, Paragon, PDF Tools, Clone Tools, Glary utilies and the like, Retunrnil Virtual System Pro, Windershare Time Freeze are just some of the ones, I found very good.
some like free some like to pay me all for free.Posted 14 years ago # -
Please xcuse the rant above. I've been having some bad days. :(
Posted 14 years ago #
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